Chapter Seventy

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Katara, Aang, and Toph were still in the kitchen. Suki, Sokka,  Zuko, and I went to sit down on the couch. We had three couches that surrounded the TV. Suki and Sokka sat down together on one of the side couches (which were small and fit 1-2 people), Ty Lee sat alone on one of the other small couches, and Zuko and I sat down next to Mai in the main couch. Zuko found himself sandwiched between the both of us. 

   Mai looked at Zuko, "Do you remember when we had a picnic and watched the sunset?"

   Zuko's face turned red, "Uh... yeah?"

I sank lower into my seat. Zuko's face turned red on four occasions: when he was angry, when he was uncomfortable, when he was embarrassed, or when he's talking to someone he like likes.

I prayed it wasn't the last one. 

He loves you, (Y/N). He said so himself. 

He also said he was never going to leave me but he did that. 

Okay, but he came back. 

My head hurts. 

I looked away from Mai and Zuko who were talking about god knows what. I heard Zuko laugh. He doesn't do that often. Why was he laughing?

My eyes met Suki's. She gave me a stern look and pointed to her phone. I took out my phone from my pocket and saw that Suki had texted me: 


I looked up at her and she jerked her head towards Zuko and Mai. 

I sighed. But I didn't do anything. I wasn't really the type to avoid confrontation. In fact, I thrive on confrontation. 

Suki glared at me. 

   "We had fun, right Zuko?" Mai asked. 

   "Well- uh," Zuko shifted in his seat. His hand snaked around my back. I jumped at his touch and he glanced at me. 

I looked away.

This wasn't like me at all. 

   Suki rolled her eyes, "Guys, let's play truth or dare!"

   "Truth or dare?" I scoffed, "We're not children."

   "Come on," Suki said, "It'll be fun."

   "Yeah!" Ty Lee chimed in, "Let's do it."

I think Ty Lee just wanted to diffuse the tension in the room.

Zuko looked at me for confirmation and I nodded. He sighed, "All right, come on."

   Sokka grinned, "I'll start. Zuko! Truth or dare?"

   "Uh... Truth."

   "Boring," Sokka whistled, "Hm... favorite moment from the war?"

   Zuko thought for a moment, "Ba Sing Se. The day (Y/N) went on a date with another guy."

That was the day we confessed to each other. What a weird way to word it. Mai took it the wrong way. She snickered, thinking I had faced defeat. 

   "Zuko," I nudged him, "It's your turn."

   "Right. Uh, Mai. Truth or dare?"

Why her?

   "Truth," Mai's eyes glinted.

   "Who's your least favorite person here?"


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