Chapter Twenty-Nine

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This chapter contains mature themes and strong language that may not be suitable for younger readers.

I was serving a customer tea when I felt my phone buzz. 

The customer thanked me and I went to check my phone. 

One new message: Zuko; Meet me in the back.

I smiled and walked to the back of the tea shop. The second I entered I felt a hand snake against my waist and then slam me into the wall behind us. 

Zuko grinned and brought his lips down to mine, an explosion of passion with every movement. I ran my hands through his hair, grippinig it tightly as Zuko deepened the kiss. I parted my mouth, inviting his tongue inside. 

After a while we pulled away, breathing heavily. 

"Well, good day to you too, Zuko."

He smiled, "It is a good day."

I laughed, "Come on, let's go serve some tea."

He snaked his hand around my waist again and brought his lips to my ear, "Wouldn't you rather stay here?"

His voice sent vibrations through my body. 


Self-control, (Y/N).

I smiled at turned around to face him, "Yeah, I would. But we're still going," I turned back around and started to leave.

"So unfair," he yelled, following me out. 

We met Iroh, who was serving a customer tea, when he saw us he looked confused, "Where have you guys been? And Zuko," he whispered, "Fix your hair."

Zuko looked embarassed and started to comb down his hair with his hands. I laughed, "I got this," I ran my fingers through his hair with expertise, taming it slightly. 

"Who's fault is it that it was messed up in the first place," he said through gritted teeth.

"Mine," I shrugged, "What's your point?"

He smiled, "Nothing I guess."

Iroh looked at us with a weird expression on his face, "What are you two kids whispering about?"

"Life and all of its mysteries," I replied. 

Iroh nodded, "Intriguing."

Zuko and I laughed and a businessman approached Iroh, "So you're the genius behind this incredible brew. The whole city is buzzing about you. I hope Pao pays you well," he said to Iroh.

I mean money doesn't really matter to us, you know since I'm rich.

Iroh smiled, "Good tea is its own reward."

You're only saying that because you know we don't need money.

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward. How would you like to have your own tea shop?"

Iroh looked stunned, "My own tea shop? This is a dream come true."

I felt Zuko tense up. Clearly, this is not good news for him. I reached for his hand and he softened on contact. His expression still remained slightly annoyed. 

Pao got whiff of the conversation between Iroh and the businessman and ran up to them, standing defensively between Iroh and the businessman, "What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?"

The businessman shrugged, "Sorry Pao, that's business for you, am I right?"

Iroh, Pao, and the businessman all went back and forth, trying to win Iroh over. 

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