Chapter Seventeen

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Zuko and I were sitting in his room, meditating. Iroh insists that we meditate every day because a cool head is key. 

I'm pretty sure Zuko and the words cool head should not be used in the same sentence. 

Iroh opened the door.

Zuko sighed, "I only want to be bothered with news of the Avatar."

Iroh nodded, "Well, there is news Prince Zuko... but you're not going to like it."

Zuko stayed calm, "don't worry about it uncle, you taught be that a levelhead is a way to be a great leader. I can take it."

I coughed, "yeah, right."

Zuko ignored my comment. 

Iroh looked reluctant, "Well, we have no idea where the Avatar is."

"WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING?" Zuko looked enraged. 

I laughed and patted Zuko on the back, "level head my ass."

"Shut up, (Y/N)!"


Later, we were being served food. Fish. Yay. Honestly, I don't understand why I couldn't just like run to a WcDonalds or a Mendy's or even a Burger Queen, but like whatever. 

A servant placed two plates of smoked salmon in front of Zuko and I, "I heard that the Avatar's in Kyoshi Island City," he said.

Zuko stood up, "The Avatar's in Kyoshi Island City?"

"No idiot he just said that for no reason."

"Let's go, I'm not letting him escape this time."

Zuko stormed out of the room leaving Iroh and me. Iroh pointed at Zuko's plate of fish, "do you think he's going to eat that?"

"Hey, wanna split it?" I said, and Iroh nodded. 

I was about to cut into the fish when Zuko stormed back into the room and snatched the plate, "I was saving this for later," he stormed off again.

I sighed and shrugged, "it was worth a try."

Iroh looked disappointed. He sighed and started eating his own plate.

I laughed and did the same. 

Well, Aang. Looks like I'm going to see you again

If only he had a phone. I could call him. Unfortunately, I doubt whatever phone worked 100 years ago works now. 

Were there even phones 100 years ago? 

I never paid attention in history. Boring class. 


We reached the shores of Kyoshi Island City pretty quickly. Zuko and I, as well as three of the crew, exited the ship. Zuko turned to the members of the crew, "I want the Avatar alive."

The crew nodded and we commenced into the city. 

We walked into the streets, which were completely empty, which is odd because it's a city. I glanced up at a building, and I saw a little girl looking out from a window. 

They knew we were coming. 

"You can't hide forever, Avatar!" Zuko yelled. 

I sighed. I didn't want to fight Aang.

A female warrior charged at Zuko. Judging by her makeup and weaponized fans I knew she was a Kyoshi Warrior. We learned about them in school. 

An elite band of all-female (which I could respect) warriors, modeled after Avatar Kyoshi herself. 

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