The Seekers of the Night

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My hands were sore and tightened behind my back. I could feel the cold iron, grip tight around my wrists. I was unable to see anything, as a fabric was tied around my eyes. My mouth was taped over and sweaty. It was quiet where I sat, but I could sense some voices not that far away.

I am used to ending up in situations where I do not have much control, but this time it was different. The last thing I remember is that I ran from three men dressed in black coats. I had just thrown one of my knives in the shoulder of the person to my left, when I was hit in the head from above and fainted. Now, I am sitting on a cold floor with my hands attached to an object behind me.

"She threw a knife in my shoulder! To hell with the agreement. I just want to snap her neck right here, right now". I can't hold my laughter in any longer and burst out laughing at his statement. It was so worth it losing one of my beautiful, mat black throwing knives, to witness a reaction like that. "Did you hear that? I think she's awake". "Try not to kill her. We both need her to be alive for a bit longer".

The door opens with a bang, and I can feel their presences. Some seconds later and the fabric tied around my eyes gets removed. I open them and in front of me stands two tall men in their twenties. The person to my right has dark hair, hazel eyes, and a lip piercing. He is wearing a dark red shirt with the arms folded up showing of his sleeve tattoos, and a pair of black cargo pants with some chains hanging from the pocket area. He is leaning on the wall staring me in the eyes; his gaze furious. The other one is squatting down in front of me, smirking.

"Finally, you're awake; we need you to answer some questions." He rips the tape off my mouth and gets up. He walks over to a chair in the corner and drags it with him. The chair slides gently across the floor before he sits down on it with the back of the chair facing me. This is so cliché, I say to myself. "My father always told me not to speak with strangers, so I'd rather not." I look him straight in the eyes and smile.

"Your dad seems like a smart guy, where is he now?"

"Good question, unfortunately I cannot answer that". We stare at each other.

"And why is that?"

Oh, I do not know, let me think. Maybe because you two just kidnapped me and based on the logo on the wall, you are a part of the Seekers of the Night, who is after my dad aka Zackary. Which means that if I tell you his location, you will track him down and kill him.

"I'm not sure, that's why."

He stands up and walks over to the person who is leaning on the wall. They start whispering to each other while they both look at me with a curious gaze. I do have to admit, they are both good looking. Real eye candy. However, I am not that into the 'Bad boy kidnaps you and tortures you to find out where your dad is located' story that seems to be going on.

While I am sitting here, daydreaming of a universe full of hot guys serving me pancakes, mr.Badboy, whom I earlier threw a knife in the shoulder of, walks up to me and kicks away the chair the other guy earlier placed in front of me. "I would recommend you start talking right now or I'll start slicing you up with your own knife."

"Make sure you use the one arm that's unharmed, we wouldn't want the wound to open up again" I grinned and gave him a wink.

"Your funny, Y/n". He grinned back at me, while leaning closer to my face. "To bad those jokes will disappear when all you can feel is the pain from this knife". He is playfully holding my knife, waving it in front of me.

To save myself from being tortured, I told them I could give them a hint if they chose to tell me their names. Mr.Badboy smiles at me, before he turns around to look at the other guy. Letting his guard down. I quickly buckle his legs, dragging him closer and placing my thighs around his neck. If he is not careful, I might close of his airways, and he will faint in few seconds.

"So, what do you think? You might wanna answer my question."

"My name is Dean. The guy you just buckled is my brother Nate."

I loosen my grip around Nate, leaning backwards as he stands up.

"I got to admit, I underestimated you. I didn't think you had the guts to go after Nate that fast." He smiles. "But now that I answered your question, I think you-"

"Should keep my part of the deal." I interrupt him. "Well, my dad is at a place where the weather is cold and the mountains are covered in snow." I will not tell them more, since I never went into details of how precise my hint was going to be.

Dean gives Nate a sign telling him that they need to talk outside. And I am back to sitting alone in a dark room. It is a good thing that I am not afraid of the dark. I cannot hear what they are talking about, but I assume it is about my father's location. After a couple of minutes of sitting alone, trying to hear what they are saying, they come back in with a huge grin across their faces. Nate comes up behind me, lifting me up from the floor with his left hand gripped around the cold chains tied around my wrists. "Come on now Y/N, I'm going to show you your new room." He smiles widely as he pushes me forward.

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