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Scott's POV;

She is devastated. I have never seen her this down before. Regardless of how Y/n has been feeling, she has always managed to speak up, whether it would be to yell our heads off, complain about our annoying habits, or recently; to open up a little. But now. Now she is unable to get even a word out. Regardless of what happened, it ought to have been something horrible.

After her breakdown lessens, she exhaustingly falls asleep. I delicately lift her up and carries her inside.

"What happened?" Dean asks.

"Would you keep your voice down?" I whisper annoyed. "I found her laying by the cherry tree."

Dean looks at me worried while I walk past him and over to her bedroom. Softly, I lay her down on the bed, covering her crawled-up body with the duvet.

I sigh. "Our sweet Y/n, what happened to you out there?" I whisper softly. Concerned about the possible reasons.

"I'm going to.." A raspy and tired voice talks in distress. "I am going to murder him." She whispers in her sleep, tightening her fists.

Her knuckles are sore and red, scratched up and bruised from what I suppose is after hitting the tree she was leaned upon.

I walk over to the open window. So, this is where she got out. Taking in a fresh breath of air, I try to stay calm before closing it.

"Goodnight" I whisper, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. Making sure I shut the door silently.


"What the fuck do you mean you found her outside?" Dean gives me a harsh look.

"At first, I thought she must have tried to escape. But then I noticed her just sitting there with her back against the tree and her hands covering her face. It turns out that she was hysterically bawling her eyes out."

"Do you know why?" he asks.

"I have no idea. Only clue I got so far is her mumbling about killing a guy in her sleep."

His facial expression changes from worry to anger. "Do you know where the others are? I think I need to have a word with them."

Walking off we head over to the living room nearest their bedrooms.

"What did you do?" Dean asks the three guys sitting in the couch.

"What do you mean?" Conner asks confused.

"What. Did. You. Do?" He repeats himself, a shivering cold dominating his voice.

They all look at each other.

"I mean we just scared her a little while she was watching a movie, and then before she left, she fell and hit her head. But I checked it out and its just a tiny scratch, I even band-aided it." Felix answers sincerely.

"She seemed completely normal when she left, might have been a tide bit flustered, but nothing out of the ordinary." Conner follows along.

I look at Dean. "But if it wasn't because of them, who?" I question perplexed.

"I am wondering about that myself." He answers.

"What's going on anyways?" Liam asks.

"We found Y/n outside."

"Outside?" Nate asks confused as he enters the room.

"Yes, outside."

"Was she trying to escape?" Conner asks.

A sudden thud roams around the hallway, seconds later and the thud turns into crashes and screams. We rush over to the room Y/n is staying in, but the door is blocked. "Y/n!" Nate yells.

"Go away." She answers. Her voice torn and raspy.

"Open the door Y/n!" He continues.

"Go. AWAY." She yells, the sound of something shattering following right behind.

We all look at each other for a fast second as we lean against the door and eventually manages to force it open.

"NO." She screams at us. Pushing herself further away on the floor.

Her room is a huge mess. Her stuff scattered all over the place. The nightstands pushed- the lamp shattered on the floor. Her clothing ripped and thrown away. And herself. Crawled up into a ball. Alone in the corner with bloody knuckles hiding her face.

"Hey, Y/n" Dean speaks softly. Carefully approaching her. "What happened?"

She shakes her head while rocking back and forth.

"Its okay, you can tell me." He tries to assure her. Stepping close enough to wrap her in his arms. She yells and tries to punch him, her fists flying and feet kicking everywhere.

"I can't!"

"What is it you can't?"

"I can't do this anymore!" She continues: He is dead!

"Y/n. Who is dead?" Dean asks in a low, calm note.

Her hands covering her face tighten as her body shakes. A loud hulk followed by "My Father." Fills the room.

"Zackary?" Nate asks carefully but confused.

A sudden cold shiver through the room and her expression changes. She lowers her arms and wraps them around her legs instead. Head tilted down, with a cold stare frozen in place. She repeats herself; My father is dead. Assassinated. Killed.

The room becomes silent.

"I got a note. I won't tell from whom. But It's a trusted source." She goes on. "He was shot." Her gaze drifts from the floor over to Nate, and then pauses at my eyes. Cold creeps upon me. The glint in her eyes has withered. The warmth has frozen. Her gaze coldheartedly resembling an invisible flame.

"I am going to avenge him. Even if that means assassinating whoever tries to get in my way."

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