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"Awh don't be so gloomy, we are only getting to know you better." Nate chuckles as he sits down beside me in the car.

"Yeah, how lucky aren't I" I fake a smile, answering in a sarcastic tone.

"Careful now, feisty. Remember to whom you are talking." Dean looks at me with a fiery glint in his eyes. "Know your place." He says keeping a sharp eye contact.

"Looks like we have some visitors." Nate points out as we pull into the driveway. Two black cars are parked in front of the white rose bushes, outside the house.

"Indeed, it does." The mood switches and it immediately feels colder.

The car slows down and I see Nate nodding at Dean before he opens the door for us when the car stops. Taking my hand, Nate drags me out the vehicle and moves quickly towards the back of the house. I guess they do not want to show off their kidnapped victim just yet.

As we enter through the backdoor, I hear people talking in the distance.

I open my mouth, wanting to ask about what is happening, but Nate covers it with his hands and brings me to his room. "You stay in here. Do not get out until we get you or say you can. Understand?" He looks serious. "Understood." I nod and he leaves, locking the door behind him.

The room is dark. Using my hands, I trace the wall feeling for a light switch. But to no use. Is this guy secretly a vampire? Who does not have a light switch in their room? I continue looking for it but stop when my thoughts begin to wonder. Maybe I should not turn the light on? I know that I am kidnapped and could use this setting to make noise and hope for help, but if whoever is visiting can make those guys go from joking to serious that fast, I am not so sure I want them to know that I am here.

I can at least make myself comfortable. Kicking off my shoes I start walking slowly with my hands in front of me, feeling for any objects or furniture I might bump into. Spotting something that has the appearance of a bed in the shadows, I decide to head towards it. Keeping my hands in front of me, I suddenly step on something that is sending a sharp and abrupt pain through my right foot. I lift it up before trying to step on it again, but the pain worsens and my foot gives in, sending my butt straight down to the hard floor. Carefully I try to feel for the object that stabbed me, but it is no use.

Dragging my body backwards I reach the wall again. Using my left hand, I lean up against it, turning around while holding onto what feels like the doorhandle and tries to stand up. However, to my surprise the door opens, and I stumble down on the bathroom floor face first. "Why hello there" a familiar voice fills the room. "Don't you think it would be more comfortable for you if you were to lay down on a bed?" He chuckles.

"No, I just really enjoy laying face down on hard canvases." I answer sarcastically. A tall figure leans down and offers me a hand, before pulling it back. "What happened to your foot?" Placing one of his hands on my lower back and the other underneath my stomach he helps me sit up. I look over to the persons face and realize it is the guy from the kitchen earlier. Worried for the consequences that might come from me talking to anyone, I try scootching back to the bedroom, but he moves in front of the door and locks it. "Come sit down, let me have a look at it." He reaches into a cabinet and takes out a first aid kit, patting the floor just ahead of him. "Fine." I mumble before sitting down in front of him reaching my foot out.

"Mind telling me how you stepped on a rose?"

"A rose?" I answer confused.

"Yes, a rose. You got thorns stuck under your foot."

Why would he have a rose laying on the floor? And how did I not find it when I was looking for the object that stabbed me?

"I am not sure" I mumble.

He carefully removes my blood-stained sock while assuring me that it is not a serious injury, as the thorns didn't pierce my skin that deep.

While he removes the thorns preparing a roll of bandage a smirk forms on his face.

"And why are you in Nate's room?"

"You don't know?" I answer.

"Know what?"

"He locked me in there, since you have visitors that I'm not supposed meet"

His smirk widens. "Ah that's right. I better get your foot all fixed up and help you back into the dark cave then." He chuckles before he finishes wrapping the bandage around my foot.

"Thank you."

He nods at me before lifting me up and carrying me to Nate's bed. His strong arms holding tight around my waist, while making sure I do not bump into anything. "I know this isn't your bed and all, but you should try getting some rest." He puts me down, hovering over me. Keeping eye contact we stay still for a moment. Our body temperatures rises, and our breathing synchronizes just before he gets up.

"And try not to step on any more of those mystery thorns." He laughs as he walks back to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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