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Scott's Pov
We enter the bathroom. My only focus right now is to help Y/n. I go straight for the first aid kit and rushes over to her when Nate gently places her down on a carpet in front of the bathtub.

Carefully I untie the knot she made with her sleeve and is met with a bloody pant leg. It has been ripped, probably from all the running she has done, but it is not enough to see the wound.
I take the scissors and gently cut the pant from bellow her knee, carefully removing the textile. And to my surprise her ankle has swollen up and is punctured by seven holes around the area. 

Nate looks at it disgusted and filled with fury. "What did that?" He asks, keeping his eyes locked on the bloody leg.

"Bear trap." I answer repelled.

If it hadn't been for my doctor's degree, we would have had to bring her to the hospital. Illegal hunters, their all a bunch of imbeciles.

"Will you go get her a clean shirt and some underwear?"

Nate steps out of the bathroom and comes back with a pair of her undies and one of his t-shirts. This will be baggy enough. To make sure we get her clean I take the scissors and cut the pants off her, I then remove her ripped sweater, keeping her underwear on. I turn on the shower and gently wash her body. Her beautiful skin is all ripped up from branches hitting her. I sigh.

When I have finally rinsed off all the dirt and bacteria, I dry her with a clean towel and take out my stitching kit, preparing to rinse and stitch up the wounds on her ankle. I start by cleaning my hands thoroughly and then putting on a pair of sterile gloves. Taking a cotton pad, I rinse the wound with iodine to kill off any bacteria that might have gotten in it, and to prevent any infections.
After the wound is prepped, I take the needle driver and connects it with the thread, I then use the tissue forceps, so I am able to see where I'm threading the suture. I push the needle through the skin at a 90 degree, making sure not to go below the fat. As I twist my hand clockwise the needle comes out on the other side of the wound. I create an overhand knot with two loops and tighten it. I make another overhand knot only this one isn't two looped and tighten it, I repeat the last knot one more time to prevent it from slipping. I cut off the access threads and repeat the process with the rest of the wounds. When I am done stitching, I wrap the wounds with a sterilized bandage.

"I am surprised she hasn't woken up yet." Nate looks at me worried.

"She might have passed out because of the blood loss she has suffered. I will go get some fluids and medication for her at the hospital." I answer in a reassuring tone.

"Will you get the maid for us Nate?"
Walking out, he steps back only a few moments later with her entering the room.

"What may I help you with?"

"Could you get her changed into the fresh pair of clothing I have placed on the cabinet, and then come get us when done?" I ask her politely while cleaning up all the trash and blood from the procedure.

"I will get right onto it." She answers as Nate and I step out of the bathroom.

"You know we could have done that right?" Nate looks at me dissatisfied.

"This is not the time to have your fantasies fulfilled."

Some minutes later and the maid steps out letting us enter the bathroom to a fresh changed Y/n. Lifting her up, we carry her to the bedroom.

I wanted to ask if one of us should stay with her throughout the night to make sure she gets help when she wakes up, but we are probably not the first thing she wants to face whenever that happens, so I let go of the thought and we walk out.

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