A brief voice recording

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Dean's POV

"I can't believe you just let Y/n go, aren't you supposed to be the smart one?"

"We are both aware that she's smart enough to know the consequences she'll have to face if she tries to run away."

I get where he comes from with his question because I do seem stupid for letting the girl we are keeping hostage get a night out. But she knows how serious of a matter this is and she can't afford to make us trust her less.

"And what was the point of you feeling her up huh?"

Nate is usually good at hiding his feelings, but right now he oozed of jealousy, and I am certain anyone who steps into the room will be able to tell.

Even so, getting to feel her curves, teasing her enough to make her breathing pattern speed up and her face blush just because of my touch- fuck, even she can be innocent. It was worth getting Nate a bit jealous. And though I would never admit it, I would have felt some jealousy boiling up too if he got to touch her like that.

"If I hadn't done so, she would have been able to tell where I placed the tracker. Are you done questioning me now?"

He nods.


The sound of a group text lingers in the room and just a couple of seconds later Scott enters the room with a worried look on his face.

"Did you see it?"

"See what?"

"Y/n. She is in trouble."

I take my phone out of the pocket and see a notification from her. She has pressed the tracking button that alerts all of us and sends a brief voice-recording.

"Fuck. I think it might be starting to rain."

"What do you mean rain? The sky is clear dummy."

"I mean I felt something drip on me"

"You are in a forest. It's probably just some-"

"Would you look at this. Seems like the pretty lady got hurt. Come down, don't make this hard on yourself Y/n".

Augh for fuck's sake. This girl sure knows how to attract problems. I look at the others and we are all thinking the same. We must head out. Now.

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