Shield 6.2- Choices

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Sammi woke Nel up gently, caressing her face with her hand. The morning was early, and the sky was a deep indigo blue that soothed awakening eyelids with a gentle light.

"Nel. Wake up," Sammi spoke softly.

Nel's eyes opened heavily, drowsy, and out of focus. She groaned.

"Get ready," Sammi said. "Your father's flight touches the ground in a few hours and there is a reunion in the North district. Everyone will be there."

Nel nodded, not understanding, and, getting to her feet, she stretched with a series of cracking sounds.

"Take a shower and wear something nice ok? Breakfast is ready downstairs," Sammi instructed patiently.

Nel nodded again, scratching her hair, and walked to the bathroom, dragging her feet.

By 10 am she was on her way with Sammi to the North district, a car in front of them and one behind them as an escort. It was unnecessary but gave the right message.

Nel had spent most of the morning waiting around wondering why she was suddenly called upon.

She texted Charlotte who even during weekends got up early, telling her about the fight she had with Shun and how it had ended on a rooftop.

Nel and Sammi got out of the car in front of Boss Moss's mansion. Oli was waiting outside for her as they walked up. Sammi stopped, looking Oli up and down, displeased. He had a suspicious grin on his face.

Nel felt uneasy not knowing what to expect.

"Hi Sis," Oli said slyly.

"Hi. Are we having a play date?" Nel asked, naïve.

"Not today," Oli answered, shaking his head.

"Is everyone inside sir?" Sammi said in a serious tone.

" What are you worried about?" Oli asked, in a cocky tone. "Aren't you excited?"

Sammi clicked her tongue in disapproval and walked past him, then waited for Nel.

"We will meet you inside," Oli said dismissively.

Sammi nodded and kept walking, disappearing inside without looking back.

"You ready?" Oli asked her.

"For what?" Nel was starting to get anxious. He was playing this up too much.

"They decided on a date for the wedding," Oli confessed.

Nel did not answer.

"Just a heads up. It's already set in stone," Oli said, resting his hands on her shoulders and squeezing her. "It's ok."

She nodded, looking at the ground. She was not scared or nervous, just the secrecy everyone held over her head made her feel insecure.

She was a shield, a tool that only needed to know her role and not be aware of the whole picture.

"I have a surprise for you," Oli said with a cruel glee.

Nel looked up at him and she did not like what she saw. His eyes were wild, sharp. His gaze was menacing.

"Yeah?" Nel looked him up and down.

"Trust me," Oli said, and moving to one side he extended his hand inviting her in. "You are going to love this."

She walked in and he followed close behind her, guiding them to the back garden where a group of people conversed in a greenhouse. She nodded to them in salutation and stood by the door.

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