Shield 1- Gunfire at midnight

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 ---I was born a shield... no, that cannot be right.

 I was born to be made into a shield, become one. Steadily be molded into its smooth shape, with no sharp edges.

Strong, iron-clad, reflecting others' light. Entrusted to protect another of more importance

My brother was born a sword. Sharpened daily on rough rocks, smoothed with fragrant oils. Quick to draw first blood.

I did not live peacefully but I can say I was happy once.

Simple happiness is reserved for those who accept their place. Fall into line.

I was born a shield, day after day taking others' damage, taking the hit.

It did not matter how many times; my body could stand it.

What is the use of a shield with no one to stand behind it?

A useless wall, an obstacle.


Nel looked up, her vision blurred, eyes squinting in pain. The warm blood dripping from her arm becoming sticky between her fingers.

Her ears ringing from the explosion of gunshots.

The night was warm and humid, behind her the grunts of her husband choking on his own blood.

Dragging herself she laid over him, maybe her body could protect him from another detonation. Maybe she could buy them some time.

"Not so high and mighty now are you bitch?"

She glared at the fat man in front of her. From the place on the ground where she lay his height covered her. His face obscured by a shadow cast by a lamp directly behind him.

"Next time learn to hold your fucking tongue!" he said almost laughing, gleeful in each word.

The gun fired once more and she winced at the sound, not closing her eyes, not looking away, triying to evoque defiance.

Gravel flew in her face, a hole in the ground close to her body.

"See you around," he said with a smile and, walking back to a black sedan that blocked the side road, he drove off.

Nel bit down hard on her bottom lip, tasting blood.

She looked at her husband's handsome face, white as paper; his eyes glassy, desperately trying to speak through his purple lips.

Nel applied pressure on the wounds with her left hand. Her right arm was numb and refused to move, rich crimson blood tainted her fingers.

"Hold on," she whispered through gritted teeth "They are coming, help is coming."

She could hear a car pulling up, 4 doors opening. She did not look up; she could not look away. Voices calling them, arms reaching for them.

"Help is here. Milo stay with me," she whispered feeling herself being pulled up. "Milo stay with me!"

Everything was so loud.

A fast engine, voices barking orders, rushing white coats.

The world was so bright and loud. Nel wanted it all to stop. She wanted to fade back into the blackness of a late summer night.


Sitting in a sterile room she wanted to ask them to turn off all the lights that pierced her eyes painfully even when closed.

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