12.- X-mas

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"If you want. " had been Milo's words when Nel had requested to vacate the hotel, she found it useless to stay there when all of her few possessions were at her father's mansion which currently had no member of the family living in it.
She had contacted Sammi and everything was arranged.
Nel had found her new freedom deliciously easy to adapt to. Addictive in a personally satisfying way. Sometimes Shun could get a bit pushy but she could control him easily enough.
Milo was never in town permanently accompanied by Oli, and she no longer had to report to her father or even Sammi who delegated her nanny duties easily enough.
Nel came and went as she pleased spending her time and money with her friends.
Se excitedly invited Charlotte with her for Christmas shopping.
Nel considered it her first Christmas.
Charlotte helped her pick gifts for Shun and Sammi, she chose her own gift gladly and convinced her to get something for Milo.
Feeling excited she gave them to their owners a few days early. Saving Milos for when she saw him in person.
Sammi was touched and did the whole "You shouldn't have" song and dance even though she used her leather jacket every occasion she got "It's the perfect gift for a cool person" Charlotte had said wisely.
For Shun, Nel picked out a silver watch he put on immediately "Thanks" he said with a grand smile even though he had no need for it. He felt good reviving his gift before Milo, a small personal victory.
For Milo, they chose black cufflinks with a minuscule crystal star in the middle. A hidden gem that could only be seen in the right light.
Nel decided to ask Oli straight up what he wanted but he only answered with "It's fun to spend others' money huh?" and stopped answering her messages.
She bought him nothing, he wasn't going to rain on her parade.
In high spirits even Shun bought a small plastic Christmas tree and put it in his apartment next to their lamp. As he decorated it with tiny plastic balls and a short string of lights he fantasized about Nels's excitement when she saw it, he almost salivate thinking about her congratulating him for being so thoughtful.
On Christmas Eve Sammi gave Nel a small wrapped box, a hug, and bid her farewell she never spent the holiday in the mansion. Charlotte had a family dinner and Shun hid away with her to eat store-bought food and light fireworks in a park.
It was a wonderful night.
At midnight Shun held her close wrapped in a warm wool blanket in the quiet apartment and said "It's technically Christmas" handing her a package "This is for you" he was embarrassed.
A Nel smiled brightly "Thank you," she whispered excitedly. Shuns chest flutered.
It was a clear glass bottle filled with a golden perfume that smelled of vanilla and sandalwood.
"Thank you!" she said again enchanted by the secret smell.
"If you don't like it you don't have–" Shun stumbled to say but Nel silenced him "It's perfect" She was moved by the gesture and softly kissed his lips "Today was perfect".
And Nel felt so full she could overflow.
Nel hid her face in the nook between his shoulder and neck looking for the warmth of his living body.
"Just perfect," she whispered, and her breath tickled his skin.
Shuns face felt feverish against the cold night. He swallowed hard, his heart racing.
It dawned on him how alone they were together, how close in each other's arms. He could feel her heart racing against his chest. Nothing existed but them, this room, and this night that had been so impossibly perfect.
"Nel?" he asked, "Can I kiss you?"
There was a moment when his heart skipped a beat dreading, she would say no.
Her face peered up at him and nodded, so he did.
He kissed her gently, with no pain of crashing teeth or forceful hands, no shame or forced surrender.
It was long and slow and sweet, their mouths exploring each other, tasting salt on their skin, his lips migrating south, down her neck, his tongue tracing her rapid pulse.
Nel inhaled sharply through her mouth feeling his hands creep under the fabric of her shirt her body rigid.
He moved slowly, tenderly, inviting her to push him away, giving her time to stop him.
Nel tangled her hands through his soft hair and down his strong back, she lifted his T-shirt over his head and dropped it clumsily on the bed.
His firm chest was warm like fire against the chill.
She pushed him back to look at him, and breathing heavily, undressed her own upper body with shaking hands. Her nipples were hard and visible through the fabric of her bra. Arousal took over.
They both sat still looking at each other with lustful, shy grins on their reddened faces.
Shun started clumsily fumbling with the button of his pants and Nel did the same, wiggling frantically out of them, almost falling on the floor.
Shun caressed Nel's naked shoulders and back, unclasping her bra.
Nel's face was red and beautiful, her blush descending to her clavicles.
"Shun," she panted over and over "I'm here," he told her, she held tightly to his body as they explored each other's nakedness.
"Talk me through this," she begged "I'm freaking out, talk me through this. " it was so cute he thought his heart would burst.
"Me too," he admitted lying her down.
They giggled a childish shy sound that felt out of place in a quiet room.
"Are you ok?"  he asked with a serious expression, his voice light as a feather. Nel wondered if she let him go would he be blown away by the force of her uneven breathing?
She nodded tongue-tied.
Nel wanted to say so many things. Tell him how beautiful he looked in the gloom, how warm and protected she felt under his strong body. She wanted to ask him to hold her tight, so tight she couldn't breathe. To merge her into his chest with his embrace. To stay like this forever where it was always perfect.
She kissed him softly, again and again, her lips felt like butterfly wings brushing his mouth.
"I'm ok," she managed smiling faintly.
Shun wanted to devour her, consume her completely until there was nothing left. Until she disappeared inside him and he no longer had to share her with anyone else. Poses her completely.
Shun stretched out his arm opening the drawer next to the bed he pulled out a condom, and he shrugged apologetically, Nel giggled at his premeditación wondering how long he had planned this.
As they took off their last piece of clothing their juvenile bodies were completely exposed to each other Nel could feel her hands shake.
Was it a quiver of her hands, of her heart, or her will?
Shun kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, and her mouth. His tongue explored her, she felt lightheaded and feverish, intoxicated by expectations and the slight tinge of fear.
"I'm ready" she whispered feeling trapped in a dream, trapped in a spiral of wanting and not wanting to wake up.
He entered her slowly, holding his breath, Nel flinched gently.
"Are you ok?" Shun asked, kissing the wrinkle in her brow, and the bridge of her nose, she nodded "Slowly" Nel pleaded, and to him, she looked so small, so fragile, disappearing under him, into him. He could have snapped her like a twig.
The slow rhythmic motion rocked the bed that creaked continuously marking time.
They both laughed nervously a steady heat growing inside them.
The pain gradually relaxed morphing into the faint shadow of pleasure.
"I- "Shun began and stopped "I" he tried again. Nel nodded and kissed him resting her forehead on his.
Shun breathed in deeply, shuttering on top of her, his body shaking, closing his eyes tight he pulled out climaxing. Small drops of sweat on his brow, defiant against the chilly winter air.
Shun lay on top of Nel catching his breath, face between her breast, arms next to her.
She danced her fingers through his dark hair and cradled his head tenderly, secure under the weight of his body.
"Are you ok?" Shun asked for what felt like the tenth time, feeling the heat in his body depleting, he rolled over to get under the covers.
"Yes," Nel said, short and sweet her gaze glued to the ceiling.
Shun held on to her like a spoiled child. His arms locked firmly around her waist as she sat up in bed. Nel traced the freckles and acne scars on his back.
Once more the room was quiet other than the distant sounds of a foreign world that existed just outside that little round window. A universe away.
A city away Milo laid next to Oli, their naked torsos firm and sculpted bathed by candlelight in some hidden away room.
Milo had surprised his lover with an exotic romantic dinner taking the edge off his anger, accompanied by his dessert Oli had become sweat for a while.
"We are going back to the T for new year," Milo told him and ran his hand down his strong chest.
"Why?" Oli protested "What's the hurry?" he pushed his lovers' hand away disgruntled .
"Business," Milo replied simply, stretching out looking for a kiss.
Oli stopped him, putting his hand flat against his chest "With who?" Oli continued looking for a fight.
Milo did not want to talk, he took Oli's wrist and pulled him forward trying to kiss him once more.
"Milo..." Oli warned wanting an answer "With who?".
Milo sighed and sat up uninspired, he felt his hard work washed down the drain"In the East district," he said drily.
"Cargo shipping?" Oli smiled sarcastically "My old man still doesn't trust you?"
Milo nodded "He won't give up his business so easily, not to you and specially not to me,"
Oli cackled "That old fuck," he said "All he cares about is power, not family, not money. If where not careful he will have al T city in his pocket and no other family will be able to do shit about it,"
Milo agreed "Q city is no exception, most politics here are in their position thanks to him,"
Oli scuffed "You sound like a fan boy,"
Milo caressed his cheek tenderly "He's good at what he does, you have to admire that,"
"He is a shitty person," Oli spat like poison.
"He is a shitty person," Milo agreed smiling "But he makes beautiful children,"
Oli smiled bitterly "Aren't you greedy," and taking a fistful of Milos hair he pulled it back kissing him hard.
Milos hands shot up in protest, but his lover pinned him down.
"Merry Christmas," Oli growled and slithered down Milos body.
Oli was bad but it was too good.

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