Shield 6- Choices

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The city shone like glass. Light reflected off the thick raindrops that fell heavily over it.

Shun's room was cool and dry. The open round window let in the cool rain breeze, smelling of wet dirt and city air. With the lights off, the drifting sound of closing hours made Nel feel like she was lying underwater. In her dream-like state, she let her right arm drift off the bed, brushing the ground. She sighed loudly, hoping the extra oxygen would restart her brain. It was not helping.

She had run here from school without telling Shun or Charlotte.

Tightly shutting her eyes, Nel thought about the library. She had been there taking a nap. Charlotte was doing presidential stuff. Shun had gone to get drinks. That senior had walked in. Nel had kept her eyes closed. He was caressing her face. She thought it was Shun trying to bother her. He knelt and kissed her. She pushed him off and he left, upset. She didn't care enough to go further, to chase him and give him what he had coming.

Nel was in a bad mood. She had waited for 2 hours for Shun to come back and he had just ditched her. She had even brought his backpack with her.

Getting up from the bed, she undressed, draping her wet clothes around the room to dry.

She looked through Shun's clothes for a T-shirt and a giant pair of shorts. They were dry and warm.

She lay in the bed again, her phone vibrating. She read her messages.

Charlotte: Where are you? Sammi's here. She is pissed. Call her ASAP before she breaks your legs.

Nel: ok.

Charlotte: And I don't know what Shun did, but she is looking for him also. You better tell him to hide.

Nel: ok.

She buried her face in the pillow, clenching her jaw. After waiting for Shun for hours at school she found him behind the gym on a bench. They fought about something stupid. He stormed off and she came to his house looking for him.

They never fought. Not really. Nel was annoyed and confused. She felt a heaviness in her chest she did not like. She did not like feeling any of this.

Nel paced back and forth, her phone in her hand, calling Shun. He was not picking up. She sent him a text.

Nel: I'm at your place. Let's talk.

He read and ignored it. Nel breathed in deeply trying not to throw her phone against the wall. She texted Sammi.

Nel: I'm fine. Be home later.

Sammi: Fine my ass. Where are you?

Nel: With Shun.

Sammi: I was just with him. Don't lie.

"Shit" Nel thought," Why was Sammi with him?"

Nel: Where are you?

Sammi: Doesn't matter. Send me your location. I will pick you up.

Nel: I will be home later.

Sammi: Don't test me today, I have news. Where are you?

She did not answer. Starting to feel giddy, Nel walked around touching the fabric of her uniform to see if it was dry yet and realizing it didn't matter anyway because the rain was not stopping and she would be soaking wet by the time she got home anyway.

She was thinking about leaving and the consequences of staying when the doorknob turned and in walked Shun, his shirt wet, hair hanging in damp clumps on his face.

"What the fuck big guy?" Nel called out the moment he shut the door behind himself. "Why aren't you answering me?"

"... can we not?" Shun answered, clearly in a foul mood.

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