21.- Normality

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Two figures emerge from a burger joint, an average flashy-looking female beside a giant sharp-dressed male, both overdressed compared to the establishment they just left.
They advance half a block pausing in front of an alleyway, they interchange a few words and the tall male walks away, back to where they came from in long purposeful strides.
From the alleyway the well-dressed female hears a whistle proceeded by a classical cat call "Hey, com'er gorgeous, I got something for ya." The voice is harsh and raspy, a thick whisper of cigarette smoke and cheap buzz.
Her red lips smile, whitened teeth gleaming as they make their appearance.
She is not carrying a purse but puts her hands in the pockets of her little black dress. The click clacks of her heels on the pavement.
"That's it, love, comere. Come to Daddy." Her face contorts cynically, raising an eyebrow "Daddy?" she calls out in a sweet, inviting tone, playfully.
A claw snatches her, and pulls her behind a dumpster, out of sight, a dirty hand of filthy, overgrown nails covers her mouth to prevent her from screaming, Nel's nostrils are assaulted by the stench of human decay and feces.
Back on the street, Shun walks out of the fast-food establishment once more. Charlotte next to him walking and talking playfully "You are the slowest woman alive, Nel and I would be miles away by now." He jokes his hands in his pockets head raised high eyes partially closed.
"Shut up," Charlotte answers, hitting him on the arm "The cashier was slow, not me. I'm a victim!" she protested, fidgeting with her purse "Where is Nel?"  Charlotte asks looking from side to side.
Shun stiffens, widening his strides, effortlessly leaving Charlotte behind in a few steps.
He stops in front of the alleyway where they parted ways and Charlotte does the same.
There is a faint rustle of fabric, a rolling can, a thud, and a drowned moan "...Nel?" Charlotte calls out hesitantly into the shadows, Shun raises a hand asking her to stop, to be quiet, to stay still. He gives a step forward, his shoes make no sound on the pavement, his body is graceful and light, he is weightless.
Charlotte tenses, there's something she can't place, the silence, a sudden tension, a smell.
Her instincts tell her to run but she does not know why or what. Her heart is racing.
Shun takes another step forward, floating over the dirty city surface, how can someone so big be so light, so surreal?
Everything passes so fast, and yet for Charlotte, time has stopped.
From behind a dumpster, Nel comes forward and Shun stops. They are a few feet in front of Charlotte, she can't hear what they say in low voices, but he shakes his head. Shun extends his hand out to Nel and she takes it. Nel looks back at Charlotte, then to Shun mischief in her smile, her bright, white smile.
Two pairs of footsteps loud and clear approach Charlotte "You good?" she calls out her throat tight, looking at her friend up and down, she is in good humor, a dance in her step, a secret joke they shared Nel found amusing a Shun pedestrian.
"Yeah!" Nel sings back and letting go of her lover's hand she takes Charlotte's arm.
"Whatcha doing back there?" Charlotte asks.
Nel shrugs "Nothing, why?" she responds with a mischievous grin.
And the feeling of wanting to run tightens in her stomach. Charlotte shakes her head and forces a smile "You are so weird," she says taking Nel's hands in hers they feel feverish, he knuckles red, a small blood drop on her wrist, an artistic splatter.

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