Shield 4 - Back to the present

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Alone in her room, Nel rubbed her face hard with her free hand. Her eyeliner smudged on her hand and she grunted.

At least 2 weeks to be able to take the sling off and she would need movement therapy for a while to be able to regain full use of her arm.

The trail would run cold by then, she could not wait that long. They had to strike while it was hot.

Nel picked up her phone and stared at the screen. Who could she call? Who could she text? Who could help her now? She put it back down in frustration, a useless technologically advanced paperweight.

Her bed was warm and inviting. She buried her head in a pillow, her makeup tracing black lines on the baby blue pillowcase. Why had she painted her eyes anyway? Nel missed the days when she did not have to look in the mirror, styling her hair a luxury. The image was the last thing on her carefree mind.

A soft knock on the door, the sound of a knob turning, footsteps entering, and a door closing.

"What now?" Nel thought, considering fake sleeping.

Park approached her, looking tired. She patted the bed next to her and he sat down.

"Sammi is here," Park said, stiff and cold.

"Mm," Nel grunted.

"We put her in the library," Park added before she asked.

"How does she look?" Nel asked, tired and strained.

"They did a good job," Park admitted.

"Milo hasn't woken up. I am getting hourly updates," Nel told him. He felt she was saying it more to herself than to him, to feel like she was doing something.

"Oli wants to go see him. We have him locked in his room for now," Park told her, awaiting instructions.

"What do you think?" Nel asked. She trusted him and his judgment.

Park sighed, "he's unstable, still detoxing. I don't think it's smart to let him go to the clinic. Not yet."

Nel nodded. It pained her to keep them apart, but Oli hadn't seen Milo for four years. Another week wouldn't kill him.

"Did you have the doctor check Oli's condition?" Nel asked him.

Park snickered sarcastically. "Condition?" he asked. "He fucked his body up willingly, but I guess that's also a "condition" "

"Park..." Nel sounded tired.

"Mhm," Park mumbled knowing his opinion on the matter was not required. "He was checked. We had to sedate him cus he wouldn't let anyone touch him. He is not dying but he got shot up with antibiotics for the infections in his arms and mouth, vitamins, and above all a good bath. Doctor J said his teeth can wait."

Nel nodded with a sigh. She wanted to ask Park to be patient, to remain loyal not only to her but to her brother as well, to the East. She wanted to thank him for his devotion, to gift him with a wish. She wanted to send Park home to his girl and tell him to stay in bed and make love to her for a week.

Nel patted his shoulder and asked him to leave. She needed to get dressed.

Park nodded and left the room, hesitating at the door. Over his shoulder, he said, "You can't run away from Shun forever. You two need to talk." And without time to answer she was left alone.

More than ever Nel wished to be asleep, to be gone, to be anywhere but here in this time, in this place. She wanted to be small and invisible. She helped no one in this state.

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