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Park opened the car door offering his hand to help Nel out in front of a gigantic where house, the gray concrete walls creeping upward to be lost in the darkness of the thick cloudy sky.
The scene was set. Time to play a gangster.
Park trailed close behind her "Everything is ready." he said Nel nodded and stopping in front of the aluminum doors she turned to face him "Park," she said.
"Yes, boss" Park was giddy.
"After tonight you are going to have to lay low," Nel instructed him, from her handbag she produced a bank card "Following the money nowadays is too easy, take this, disappear for a while."
"Roger." Park agreed.
"Don't contact anyone, especially Charlotte," Nel warned.
"Don't worry, I know how this works," Park assured her, he had been preparing this day for months, excited for its culmination.
"I wish I had your confidence," Nel confessed with a fleeting smile that turned to stone.
"You have wanted to disappear for a while now, see it as a vacation." Park teased and smiled, that handsome trouble-free smile and Nel squeezed his arm in reassurance.
"Thanks for staying," Nel said.
"It's my job." Parked reminded her bluntly "This is what I'm good at"
She presented her hand; he shook it awkwardly being it the left.
"It's show time." Park declared energetically.
Nel nodded and walked forward the massive doors sliding to the side slowly.
The warehouse felt like a well-memorized maze of high shelves and heavy boxes, obstructions, and dead ends. The lights hanging from the ceiling projected deep shadows swaying back and forth from wind drafts that found their way through open windows too high up to reach with their whistling chorus. It smelled of humidity and dust, so thick it made you want to hold your breath.
On the polished cement floors their shoes echoed breaking the stillness, a synchronized march of solemnness through the familiar path.
In what felt like the center of the construction a table awaited full of guests and surrounded by muscle.
Representatives of the 4 turfs of T city watched her arrive with greedy eyes. Sizing her up and simultaneously looking right threw her. Seasoning her to be devoured. Bodyguards and trustworthy hench men lingering around the table like decoration. Strong and menacing in the background. Living breathing props of scars and sneers, you could feel the intimidation. They were trying too hard.
"Gentleman," Nel welcomed "Good evening a pleasure to see you all in good health." She announced with a professional tone, not too cold not too inviting "The legends of the underworld of T city need no presentation. Real Rockstars of rock bottom,"
They smiled amongst themselves entertained by the presentation, except the Black Cat, he stared her down with his beautiful, cold, green eyes flickering back and forth between Park and her, keeping close attention on their hands and gestures, his dark face smooth, free of expression. "then what are you doing here?" fat bard called out and his men laughed.
"We are here tonight," Nel continued indifferently "To discuss a series of events that have brought discomfort between us,"
Someone scoffed, someone, nodded emphatically, and someone smiled in glee. The only one in discomfort was the East and the North losing face and they're for being in danger of losing respect and territory. Becoming prey.
"So please gentleman," Nel beamed "Let us begin, I am an open book at your full disposal." opening her arms in a great gesture she gave a small bow.
She sat down at the head of the table park standing with her hands behind his back solemnly.
On her left sat the Black Cat and Fat Bard himself, gleefully smoking a cigarette as fat as him while smiling, every so often whispering things into his uncles' ear to which he would nod and tap his fingers lightly on his silver walking cane, a thick golden ring striking it with a soft rhythmic toll.
To her right sat the Shark, looking bored, and his right-hand man the insane Butcher.
He stared at Nel with his piercing blue eyes, the pure embodiment of a real demon if she ever saw one. His blonde straight hair swaying from side to side like a pendulum he could not sit still. A possessed Barbie doll. The real danger of the West.
On the other side of the table sat her father-in-law, expressionless behind him Shun kept guard unmoving, his intimidating build casting a shadow on those behind him.
"Shouldn't we wait for Emmanuel to arrive? Why waste time with shadows?" The butcher asked between giggles, trying not to laugh at his own "joke".
Nel smiled, no one had called her the white shadow in a while, skipping town can do that to one's reputation, after a while it's just a faceless name.
"I am here in representation of my father" Nel explained politely "he is not able to make it."
"I bet he can't. We see the priorities of the boss," The shark barked "When he sends a little girl to do a man's job."
"If he were capable of educating his offspring better," Fat Bard instigated "We wouldn't be here to begin with."
Nel kept that cool smile, her blood boiling, she did not want to hurt this man, she did not want to cripple him, she wanted to kill him. There was no fantasy of a long-lasting and spread-out elaborated plan of torture in till he begged for death, for scum like him a slit throat would be enough, too good. She felt bad for any bride who had to spend even a second under his reached skin.
"I apologize, sir if I have ever disrespected you." Nel said in earnest, her hand to her chest, her golden wedding ring catching the light as she puckered her mouth hurt. "but if I called you a spineless, balless, little bitch I was only stating what I see, no hard feelings intended."
"Enough! This is not a fucking social. Why are we here?" The Black Cat complained taping the ground loudly with his cane.
The room went silent at once in a sign of their respect towards the South district boss, Nel looked at her Father-in-law who nodded at her in approval. She took a deep breath and steadying herself began.
"You see gentleman," Nel explained clearing her throat "There has been a bit of an issue, no, a misunderstanding between the South and the East. It has escalated to a point where I find it important to be addressed... publicly."
"You mean the fact that Fat Bard made you a widow!?" The butcher laughed a screechy and unhinged sound.
"I assure you I am far from it," Nel warned her voice unchanging, gaze cold, posture firm.
The butcher felt a tingle in the pit of his stomach looking at those fierce eyes and under the table his penes pulsated with a fierce erection.
Shun bent down into the boss and listened intently as something was whispered in his ear, nodding slowly he motioned with his head to which Shun began to promptly walk away.
"Boss Moss, your pet leaving already?" The black cat called after him suspiciously, resting his cane on his lap and crossing his arms the oversize jewels that adorned each finger danced on his beautiful dark skin giving them a supernatural glow, the al reining gun powder king.
"We are all friends here," Moss said, "Why keep my watchdog close?"
This amused the Cat, and he smiled mischievously Nel could easily imagine him purring in delight as he and his boys played everyone's cords.
"What do you fear Cat? No one here has firearms except in the South. How will I gun you down?" Moss reminded him with a subtle grin "And I am not half stupid to take you on one on one, those days are past."
"You make it sound like I have an unfair advantage," The black cat brushed him off "It's not like you had a chance even in your best days, and for what it's worth I have tried to sell my merchandise to you time and time again, you choose to not be a client thanks to our oh so strict law." He smirked " I would have never taken your lot for law-abiding citizens but after all, appliances can be deceitful"
"Anyone can gun a man down at a distance," Moss said, "You need balls to look them in the eye while you get your hands dirty."
The butcher laughed and clapped his hands together in a childish way "You are so right boss!" he praised "I am rutting for you! Your words have deeply moved me!"
Shark patted Butcher on the back and he went silent immediately, his face serious he sat still, for just a moment pulling at his clothes uncomfortably.
"Gentlemen." Nel recaptured their attention "We are not here for apologies but to talk business."
"Apologies? No need, it's all forgotten." fat bard gloated, oh so much holier than thought.
Nel's smile dropped effortlessly at the sound of his voice and her polite face was stained with rage once more the butcher shivered, covered in goosebumps from head to toe"Oh no, far from it." her tone was firm and clear of doubt. In his place, the Shark squirmed feeling Uncomfortable.
Standing from her seat she began to pace, Park stood still behind the empty chair and almost on queue thanks to Nels's distraction Moss walked away disappearing through the hallways stacked high with anonymous boxes.
"Milo is still in a coma, almost tied to a fucking hospital bed, my shoulder is shot to shit and I am pissed like Holly hell is here with us. so tell me Bard how is it all good?" Nel's tone was pointed and cold, dropping all politeness. She walked towards his side of the table her hips swaying seductively to the rhythm of her steps, she could see the Black Cat tense up, his walking cane tight in his fist as his cold green eyes followed her.
She passed behind them slowly, the click clicks of her heels setting the mood, the pace, the rhythm of her words "So tell me Fat Bard how good is it? I'm waiting for you spineless cow. Or are you suddenly speechless? " she asked sensually.
His smile went cold, a switch turning on inside him, he stood face to face with her, from the other side of the scene his body eclipsed hers completely "What did you call me bitch?" he growled, rosy cheeks bouncing on his face, fine droplets of sweat on his brow, Nel found it hard to believe that's this man had once been pretty enough to be in the black cast circle.
Others in the room stared and murmured entertained as the Shark tensed and the butcher drooled at the scene.
"Sorry!" she exclaimed in a childish voice "What should I call you then?" Nel said sarcastically gently caressing his chest, to which he retreated from her touch.
"Fuck you." Bard barked back.
"no, Fuck you, fat boy." Nel spit her words like venom, and it tasted sweet rolling off her malicious tongue.
He reached into his jacket and froze his eyes opening wide, in a sudden overwhelming confusion, he looked down, all he saw was a wood handle, its long, sharp blade lost inside his gut.
"You-"he choked coughing blood onto her shoes, Nel retrieved the blade and tracing a straight line with her arm slit his throat in one swift motion, before he could even process what had happened a mist of red sprinkled both their faces its rain soiling the polished cement ground and her designer dress. It felt warm on her skin.
The Black cat tried to stand, scrambling hastily to his feet in a blind rage, but Park was behind him in a flash of fast footsteps, pushing him and pining him in place a blade to his throat, the grip of a firm hand on his shoulder.
The butcher clapped and cheered in awe at the coordinated action "What's this?!" The Shark demanded his men closing in behind and around him creating a wall, the butcher tried pushing them away as they blocked his view.
None of the men of the South district moved.
"Kill her!" The black cat screamed "Kill her now!",  Park painfully tightened his grip, feeling a personal satisfaction as his fingers stabbed into his flesh shutting him up.
Nel calmly, gracefully, walked back to her place and whipping her hands on a handkerchief she promptly retrieved from Park's pocket as she passed by, sat down crossing her legs "We are here to talk," she said politely "We have so much to discuss don't you agree?"  folding her hands innocently on her lap "We are here to discuss a change of administration." She smiled once more friendly "How exciting!" her lips red lipstick and pigs' blood "From now on the South passes to be under the Easts administration, we will take over the arms market if there is no further objection."
The Black cat stared at her coldly, not daring to interrupt, the blade drawing a small drop of blood from how close it was to his skin, it disappeared into the dark color of his black shirt.
"Gentlemen," Nel continued in a jolly voice a handsome smile glided across her hypocritical face "This change of administration will be good for all of us not only the East. Trust me."
"Really?" Boss Shark asked "You seem like the expert to call about our interests" he spoke loudly trying unsuccessfully to make the Butcher contain his historical laughter "So tell me how is that?"
Nell smiled and stood up, sitting sideways on the table, there was a certain sexual energy her blood-covered body exuded in her new usurped control "Firearms will no longer be exclusive, in the last 4 years in Q city I have acquired all of the Souths contacts and then some, Emmanuel-"
"Your father!" The Shark remarked coldly.
"Yes..." She continued "has proven himself indispensable to T city's future mayor. I know from a reliable source that the law will be changed for the personal use of firearms under certain permits. Who do you think will control those permits?" She looked around the room in emphatical silence "East district law firm and associates," she ended by opening her hands displaying out her plan like opening a gift box for everyone to peek inside, to take a piece offered.
The Shark relaxed a bit and resting back on his chair spoke "You say that if we do not fight against your "merge" with the South you will open the possibility of arming your enemies?"
Nel shook her head softly and putting her hand on her chest with a hurt expression spoke "There are no enemies here. Those days are over. We are all associates, think of the possibilities!" she pointed at the Black Cat "Times are changing, this world is no longer about emotions, honor, dynasties, we are businessmen, and women, working hard for a common interest."
"And what would this be?" The butcher cried out exited, eyes wide in a mad epiphany of death.
"Control," Nel said calmly "Power. The East and the North have no interest in loans," The Shark scuffed audibly at this dismissing remark "but we will be needing funds for our future merging plans. Win-win if you ask me. The earlier we think of this as a company the better. A big business family."
The Shark snickered "No one's asking."
Nel smiled "This is not a game of Monopoly; we are not trying to take up the whole board. The East will marry into the South if you will, a partnership if you will, what do you think Boss?" She looked at the Black cat and Park relaxed his grip enough to let him talk "...the South does not need partners of the likes of you," he growled low and slow, his fist tight on his walking cane "Never have... Never will..."
Nel laughed and rolling her eyes said, "What a beautiful dream"
The mischievous cat squinted "A dream is what you are living girl."
She smiled and for a second the Cat thought he saw a real emotion and he was stunned silent for he was looking at a hollowed-out tree "Don't we all sir? Dont we all" and with a flick of the wrist Park slit his throat from ear to ear, blood spraying the table in front of him, his hand flew up to his neck trying to close the gruesome gap, choking, gasping he couldn't get air in his lungs, his arms began flailing trying to reach back towards his men that did not move, as his eyes lost focus he saw Shun come forward from behind him and whisper into his ear "When you buy muscle the highest bidder is where loyalty lays."
The Butcher shot up from his chair a long cleaver in his hand and a furious erection in his pants and bounced up in down on top of the wet table, the loud thuds of his leather shoes drowning out the drowning Cat "This is getting fun!" he screamed "I'm next! I want to play with her! " The shark stood up as well, his men Moving in tight around him.
"Where leaving." the Shark announced coldly and the butcher without losing his smile put away his knife and composed himself with a nod, deception in his eyes as he begrudgingly climbed off the table.
As they walked out The Shark called over his shoulder "This is not over." Nel gave him a polite nod and said, "We will talk soon Boss, you have yourself a good night." Lighting a cigarette, they walked out tobacco smoke drifting after them in tight formation Nel wondered how it could even escape at all.
"Clean up please." Nel told her men and Park walked over to her "Mam," he said, "Time to go." She nodded and turning to Shun she extended a firm hand "Congratulations on your new position, Boss."
He shook her hand expressionless turning to his men "Follow me, we have work." and they walked away.
She was left with Park and a few of her men "Go to the clinic," Park instructed "Be ready for repercussions." The men agreed and left.
"Are you ready?" Park asked Nel she nodded he handed her a key "See you on the other side Boss." he said and patted her cheek leaving as well.
Nel sat down for a second, alone in the massive warehouse enjoying the moment of solitude before a command was fulfilled, her heart beating fast, and her hands began to tremble feeling ants run up and down them, the thrill of the kill. She delivered an excellent performance. "Step up our game," she thought taking out her phone she wrote a short text, and putting it on the table she stood walking away.
The smell of drying blood lingered heavy and made her drowsy with the nostalgia of days people paid thousands in therapy to forget as it followed her to the door, she started to believe in the back of her mind she was dreaming.
Once outside the Evening air felt good against her face, from a dumpster she retrieved a black backpack and changed her clothes, she cleaned herself down with baby wipes. Tennis shoes and jeans, glasses, and a red wig with a knitted cap to cover her hairline, make it more convincing.
She threw the backpack back into the dumpster retrieving a canister of lighter fluid and setting it aflame Nel began walking, a block away she got into a beat-up Volvo and drove off.
Nel pulled up into a sketchy love motel in the hidden underbelly of downtown, Its neon sign a simultaneously dull and florescent pink invitation to its open vacancies, walking into reception a slim, pretty, blonde, 40 something year old woman in a white dress greeted her with disinterest "Room 28 please." Nel said calmly. The woman looked up and tossed her a key, Nel left an envelope on the desk and walked out.
Once in the room she considered a shower but minding her shoulder she just rinsed her face off in the sink. Un noticed blood washed down the drain as she scrubbed viciously under her nails, tearing away cuticle and nail polish.
Her heart pounding in her ears delightfully, she sat on the bed deciding her next move. In her pocket a burner phone.
A nock on the door. Her body stiffened.
"Open up N," a raspy voice called out "I have dinner."
With an annoyed relief she stood and opened the door "Doc you scared the shit out of me," A scrawny middle aged man with the deepest bags under his eyes you will ever see on a living man stared at her from behind his black rimmed spectacles rested on the tip of a crooked nose that had been broken one too many times to ever be reset right , his stained lab coat hung long and open, pockets stuffed "It's not my fault you are so deeply buried in shit you fear your own shadow," he said bringing a cigarette to his lips and lighting it, his breath smelled of coffee and  ash "Hungry or not?" She nodded and he handed her a food container "Marcy made it, it's good."
Nel thanked him and he walked in "Take of your shirt," he commanded instantly, and she stared confused "I'm checking your shoulder." she nodded again and taking of her sling she undressed, he cut the dressings away and checked the wound and her movement "You got botched," he announced after a short deliberation, she snorted "Like you would do any better." Nel remarked.
"Have you met me? Don't compare my art with the halfwits you hire at your half clinic," he said pained "It's been like this for too long anyway, you will have to tough it out. Does it hurt?"
"Only if I move," she said with a bitter smile, to this he scoukd "it shouldn't very much" Nel shrugged "The drugs are good."
Doc nodded understandingly "Stick with them, get some rest." he dressed the wound more lightly and told her not to use the sling "if you need anything scream, I don't want you coming and going, I don't want trouble."
Nel laughed "I thought this was neutral ground."
Doc nodded "Do you think I am the only underground doctor in town?" he said bitterly thinking about his wannabe competition "I am only the most practical one, now get some sleep tomorrow you will help around the motel."
Nel frowned "Why? I already paid for a week."
Doc smiled an evil grin "A hard day's work never hurt anyone; you need the practice."
Nel nodded and saw him out. She lay down softly massaging her shoulder "I killed 2 people tonight" she said out loud her gaze lost in the distance, she could still feel the warm blood on her hands. The adrenaline of the moment had made it easy, now alone with herself it was more real, the feeling, the smell, the sound engrained in her mind. How easy it had become with a sharp blade; how painless.
Digging into her food she agreed with the Doc, it was good.
The rooms phone rang loud, and she was startled "Yes?" Nel answered "Ok, yes." and hung up.
"That was fast." Nel thought and looking out the window she saw the sun setting in the sky.
Opening the door Shun stumbled in, his white color stained red "It's not mine," he told Nel as she looked him up and down, his voice was strained and tired "Sorry I'm late." he said and locked his arms around her, she stood still. As he laid on the bed and dozed off almost immediately, the quiet giant sleeping peacefully, twitching in a deep dream.
Nel sat beside him considering about taking of his shoes or covering him with a blanket, not wanting to startle him she just remained in silence and liang beside him tried to drift off just as peacefully.

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