Shield 6.1- Lamps and rooftops

Start from the beginning

The afternoon was cold. The apartment felt colder somehow. The round window, as always slightly open, letting fragments of the outside world slip through the cracks of their sanctuary.

"I guess Sammi doesn't care about you anymore," Shun announced.

"What do you mean?" Nel asked, looking up at him.

"You spend all your time here, no calls, no threats," Shun thought for a moment "no "play dates.""

"...Oli is in Q city and Sammi is with him. I texted her." Nel said defensively.

"Good," Shun said.

Nel took the lamp she had sneaked out of the school and putting it on the desk. She turned it on. The orange light was a candle in a dark night. Her face glowed lively and she was satisfied.

"Why didn't you tell me it was too dark?" Shun asked, hurt.

"It's fine," Nel brushed him off. "Charlotte lent me the lamp."

Shun stood directly behind her. Their shadows merged, stretching dark and long across the bed and wall. Resting his chin on her head, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders loosely. Nel stood still, gazing at the orange light like into an enchanting fire. "Its cold today" Shun said.

"This got casual fast," Nel said, smirking.

Nel tapped his arms softly and they fell to his sides, he was staring again. When had he start staring again?

Nel smiled a little, blushed a little, danced on the balls of her feet a little. She raised her gaze and met his eyes. The coldness of his burning coals had softened. The heat she felt no longer came from him.

"Come" Nel whispered, slightly parting her lips. Shun inched closer, his jaw clenched tight. His gaze danced back and forth between her eyes and her mouth. He was so close, she felt his breathing, saw the fast pacing vein of his pulse.

Touching his cheek softly, she kissed him, a small peck, lips brushing. For a moment sharing a breath, a heartbeat. Two bodies in one place.

That's what she had planned, what she had prepared for. What her heart expected.

That is not what happened.

Their lips touched. Instantly Shun's hands shot out, locking his body to hers. He leaned forward, her hips resting on the desk and tipping the lamp that fell to the side. He rocked with her, trying to steady himself, their teeth crashing one loud, painful time. Nel's arms pushed against him instinctively. He pulled her in closer, his tongue finding its way into her mouth.

She was filled by warm breath and the flavor of his skin. His left hand behind her head, his right at her waist.

Nel's eyes opened to see Shun's tightly closed, his forehead wrinkled.

She closed her eyes again, feeling her stomach in a knot. Her hands stopped pushing and held on to the fabric of his shirt, pulling him in. She kissed him back, hard, messily, noisily.

Jagged breaths cut short by other lips finding its home in another's lungs. Suddenly Shun stepped back slightly, putting his arms out, a clear sign to stop. They both stood there, hyperventilating, clothes wrinkled. Shun's face was flushed and pleading. His surprised, wide open eyes , still jumped back and forth between her lips and her eyes, and then the window behind her, a small look at the door, back to her. Was he thinking of fleeing or was he looking to se if there was anyone else there?

Nel pushed her short hair out oh her face and leaned on the desk, her hands gripping the wood for support, the lamp still on its side projecting strange shadows that seemed to pull them, stretching out their features in every direction.

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