He looks to the side to see a golden box with small gaps on the corner.


"You've changed." Deku joked as Uraraka groans.

"No, no, I'm just inside." Uraraka said as she was in-cased in a pool of gold.

"Did the inclusion work? Or it's denying compatibility?" Deku asked as he poked the gold box with his leg which was just a long sharp edge.

"I don't know." Uraraka said as Deku sighed before pulling on the bars of the golden box.

"Hey! Be gentle, would ya?!"

"No can do. I'm all broken up, I need to get you out of here so I can get fixed up." Deku said as he pulled on the bars, clattering heard as pieces of himself fell off of him.

"A better reason why you should be more gentle." Hawks joked as Joshi frowned a bit.

"At least he's still alive." Todoroki sighed as Joshi started to cringe.

Uraraka sighed, smiling as she looked up through the bars.

"At least you're oka--"


Everyone flinched or froze at the sudden 'plot twist'. Deku stared in horror before he looked at Joshi, who looked a bit saddened by it.

"You're so mean. Why would you remind us about dear Antarc?!?!" Mimi screamed as she shook Joshi who just smiled.

"Cuz the angst. I love it! And I live it!" JOshi said as the rest of her personalities just stared at her in confusion.

"Who's Antarc?" Deku asked as Joshi stopped dramatizing herself. 


Uraraka stared in shock as Deku's head was shot off his neck, dismantling him in that one perfect shot.

"Dek--" She stops, seeing the expression on his face.

"Dek--" She stops, seeing the expression on his face

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"I don't want Sensei to get lonely." Deku said as the remaining Lunarians descended from the sky.

"So please." Deku's mouth was only seen, lying by the golden box and broken pieces of himself.

"Take care of winter for me." Uraraka tried to scream but was silenced by the golden liquid which then warped it's shape into darkness.

"NO! NO! NOT ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!" Todoroki screamed as the screen blacked out a bit.

"Give him back." Uraraka screamed.

As the Lunarians ascend to the ship, one of the Lunarians to see a golden lotus flower blooming, only to reveal Uraraka with golden tears running down her face.

"Listen to me you bastards! Give him back!" Uraraka yelled as the Lunarian that looked back ascended to the ship. 

"Wow, that's a first." Iida said, before glaring at Uraraka.

"You can't blame me for saying that. I love Deku like a brother, so shut up."

The Lunarian ship started to move, as Uraraka dragged her warped arms and started running.

As she ran after the ship, her legs started cracking, making her trip and fall, but recovered as the gold patched up the cracks on her legs like stitches

'My new arms are very heavy, but I feel as if I'm faster than ever. It's like they pushed me over my limits.' Uraraka thought as bits of her face cracked off.

'I don't care of bits of me get lost. As long as I get him back.' Uraraka screamed mentally as the ship got further and further away.

"Umm.. no that is not okay." Deku retorted as he cups her cheeks.

"Sis, you need to stop that self hate in your system, 'kay fam?"

"Yeah, but--"

"I don't give a shit if you say you don't think that way, because I am just reminding you of how much I love you. You got that fam?"

"I do."

"Scream it."

"I DO!"


"GIVE HIM BACK!" Uraraka screamed as gold extended high enough to try and reach for the ship, her arms putting all that she can to throw the sword far enough--.

crack, CLASH!

The gold froze and gave away, making Uraraka fall from the height. Her despaired face, cracks flying away as she fell from the sky. She braced for the incoming impact, only to be caught by Toshinori who stared distantly at the shrinking shadow.

"I'm sorry he's gone. I should've gone here faster." Toshinori apologized as his clothes were tattered and crumpled.

"There were Lunarians in the school too. I had to protect everyone else." Toshinori said as Uraraka stared silently at the empty sky.

"Give him back."

"How many times do you have to kill Deku?" Bakugou groans as Joshi shrugs.

"Which do you prefer, him dying or you getting killed by him?" 

"Him killing someone else that isn't driven by me."

"Alright, more angst."


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