Chapter 24 | Rolling in the deep.

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I blush, tossing jelly beans into my mouth having just cleared my tray of everything on it.

I really need to get used to his more direct, underlyingly sexual compliments. At least that's what I think they've become with the new development.

The coaches of both the football and baseball teams had given the boys the afternoon off on Wednesday. I presume it was for the purpose of them catching up on some school work, study or just plain rest as they had no fixtures this coming weekend. Mason, Eames and Hunter had however used the opportunity to come and lounge by the benches at the swimming pool. How the tables have turned. The other girls had blushed and strutted like proud peacocks at their presence but the opposite was true for Brie, Dré and I. I watched as Brie threw her bottle of sunscreen at Mason and proceed to shout, "Leave!" I agreed wholeheartedly. Coach Lewis did not appreciate Brie's actions and continued on to note, "I have on many occasions seen you girls at both fields, lazily watching those boys train, let them be." I was tempted to raise my hand and exclude myself from the equation but upon further thought, I realised that I was indeed a part of the equation.

The only good thing that came out from that experience was that with the boys not having practice and ours ending so early, we could go get ice cream before we all left for our homes.

The siren wails to signal the end of break but we stay put and Brie says something to Dré in French that causes me to raise my eyebrow at her. She doesn't notice that I'm catching what she's saying as she goes into further detail. I look at Eames who is smiling knowingly.

When she's done, I reply for myself before Dré could say anything. "Excuse me, Aubrey, you could've at least waited until the two of you were alone. Now the whole table knows what you were talking about. There's no way Hunter can't speak French. And no, I don't need a date to a stupid dance which, by the way, is months away. I refuse to go with your cousin," at that, Hunters hand returns to my knee. "This year, just like the 2 years past, I might just boycott the whole extravaganza," I fold my hands over my chest.

"You all understood me?" She asks.

"That's what you took from everything I just said?"

"Pretty much," she focuses her attention on the folder in front of her labelled dance. How did I forget she's on the committee?

"Unbelievable," I throw my hands up in the air.

"I love you too but seriously, Archer, I'm not letting you skip the dance."

Hunter squeezes my knee. "Talk to me in a month or two and I'll see how I feel about it then." The second term hasn't even ended yet and she's already planning for the leavers dance. Eager beaver.


They jump back into discussing their Literature work after the sudden tangent she took them on and I start to doodle in my book as Hunter replies to a few emails from what I can catch in the corner of my eye as he furiously types away on his phone. How does he make it look so easy? Being a monarch never looked so good on anyone.

On our way to Biology, he wraps his arm around my waist as usual and we walk exchanging back and forth banter about the profession I'm hoping to get into.

"You want to be what?" He almost chokes.

"An opera singer." I'm only joking.

"I'm assuming you need all A's to qualify," he catches onto my fib.

"Well of course, only the best get selected."

"What piece will you perform for the audition, if I may ask?"

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