Can we order pizza ?

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Josh and Chris had decided to forget about what had happened earlier in the morning , and spend the rest of the day cosy in bed .The boys spent the rest of Tuesday playing life is strange on Chris's  PlayStation  , with Josh professing his undying  love for Nathan Prescott at least every five minutes. This made Chris smile fondly at him , as he noticed  how the two boys were quite similar,  both acting harshly when everything was out of their control , but both wholesome at heart. They managed  to complete  the first three episodes  by around 9pm , before Josh went to stand up to grab some snacks for them . Chris pulled him back down towards the bed and grabbed his jawbone  as if he was about to kiss him then whispered  slowly. "Can we order pizza ?" A smirk breaking out on his perfect lips . Josh's  mind flashed  back to when he'd incoherently uttered those same words to Mike and Chris on blackwood.  He quickly  shoved that thought out of his head and plastered a smile over his face . "I'll  order you a pizza cochise but I still  don't know if I  can stomach it " Josh  said , knowing  the last time he tried normal food a few weeks ago , it had turned to tasteless ash in his mouth , making him gag.  "What if we wendigo up the toppings on your half ?" Chris giggled , missing the days where the two of them used to spend all weekend playing games , sharing a spliff with an endless  supply of junk food ." Jessica also  gave me present when you disappeared  at the party  Joshy" He continued ; reaching  into the drawer next to the double bed and pulling out a king size  spliff . Josh smirked  and grabbed his phone off the side , his hand shaking  a little as he dialed dominoes for a large meat feast pizza . As  soon as he made the order  Chris pulled Josh down into the kindgom of blankets again. Josh curled underneath  his boyfriend's  arm  and smiled as Chris lit the spliff in his mouth ." Pizza's coming in twenty ,cochise " Josh murmered  taking the spliff  from Chris after he'd taken a couple of drags . He breathed in a long toke , trying to keep the smoke from escaping  through his disfigured mouth . Chris smirked as Josh forgot he now had better lung capacity  and managed to smoke over  half the spliff in a single drag . Chris quickly shoved Josh back and grabbed the rest , making sure he'd  actually get a decent amount , then put the end out in the small black ash tray . Josh smirked and laid back down in the soft blankets . He curled into Chris feeling very drowsy for a moment  , then the hunger began to appear , but not the kind of hunger he was used too . "Chris im hungry?"He murmered  into his boyfriend's  chest . He felt his stomach  growl as he began to rub against  Chris like a dog . Chris giggled unconsciously." Wendigo Hungry or high hungry?" He laughed moving his body slightly so Josh's  fangs didn't dig into his ribs . Josh looked towards Chris's beating heart for a moment without meaning too. He heard the blood rushing  from it to  around his boyfriend's body and a slight growl escaped his lips . Then he thought of the pizza and even the thought of that made him almost drool ."Is it weird if I say both?" He mumbled as Chris lit a cigarette .  Chris ruffled  his curls as he sat up , then pulled them both to a stand . Josh flashed a toothy grin at Chris and sped to the kitchen.  Chris followed slowly  , checking his watch to realise the pizza was arriving in five minutes.  When he entered Josh was chopping a liver into tiny pieces , sneakily popping a few into his mouth every two  moments.  " Pizza toppings ?" Chris laughed wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Josh chirped in response,  feeling too high and preoccupied to make human  noises.  He turned to pull his boyfriend closer , when the door bell rang . Josh sped to the door , quicker  than humanly possible,  forgetting his wendigo appearance completely    and  opened it to face the confused looking delivery man . He took in Josh's features and gasped loudly  , but the small ginger boy,  looked even more stoned than the two boys. "Cool makeup bro ..." He exclaimed  , looking deeply at Josh's canines , before handing Josh the delicious  smelling pizza in his hand . Chris ran forward to give the man ,  the money , looking at Josh exasperatly , before closing the door . " Seriously  bro?" Chris questioned  , as Josh laughed and hijacked the pizza from Chris's hand , running like an animal with it , to the bedroom . Chris sighed and grabbed the foul looking liver off the side and carried it in with him.
When they sat down , Chris divided the pizza in half and angled one side towards Josh ; who proceeded  to scatter chunks of raw liver all over the pizza  , mixing it in with the selection of meats and cheese . Chris tried not to gag , as he grabbed a slice , dipped it in the garlic and herb sauce and filled his mouth.  He watched  curiously as Josh did the same   his eyes lighting up with wonder as he could taste human food for the first time in months . A cat like purr echoed  from Josh's  throat  as he began wolfing down the pizza,  messily covering his face in a mixture of blood , cheese and tomato sauce . Chris laughed  , as Josh finished his half before  he'd  even eaten two slices. "Tasty?" He questioned,  trying not to giggle at his pizza covered  boyfriend.  Josh smirked and reached over,  stole a slice of Chris's side and ran back to the kitchen . Josh added a few pieces of kidney on this slice and ran back to Chris . "Seriously  bro?" Chris said , slightly annoyed that Josh stole his food .Josh sat slowly down on the wooden floor then  shrugged and devoured the slice . He went to speak after but another  high pitched chrirrup left his mouth . A frustrated growl followed it . Chris finished his last slice before motioned Josh to enter the bed with him . Josh obliged  and pulled the blankets over the two of them . "Having trouble with the words Joshy?" Chris asked , his hand beginning to slowly  stroke up and down Josh's back as he curled into him . Josh went to answer but yet again a peculiar wendigo chirp  left his mouth . He sighed and checked the time (11pm) he grabbed his medication  quickly and dry swallowed , before relaxing back  into his boyfriend . Josh looked up towards Chris , taking in his adorable honey skin  tone and perfect pink lips ; he wanted to tell him how gorgeous he was but he knew he wouldn't be able to . Instead Josh planted a delicate kiss on Chris's  cheek , careful of his teeth before snuggling back down . "I love you too Joshy" Chris mumbled  and continued to stroke Josh's bony back . A soft pur escaped  his lips again as the tingling sensation that Chris's fingers were leaving on his skin felt legendary.  He wanted it to continue until they fell asleep but twenty minutes  later Chris's  phone began to ring . He quickly jumped up grabbing it off the side as , Josh listened sleepily .
Chris  noticed Emily's name light up as he answered the call ."Hello? You okay?" Chris said down the phone , hearing the tiredness  in his own voice. " I have news Christopher ! Come over tomorrow  for 12 , everybody is " Emily said excitedly back . Josh looked towards Josh and remembered  he was seeing his father ." Josh has to see his dad around then tomorrow can we come later ?" He questioned  , making Josh's  head cock to the right in confusion.
" I need to talk to you privately  anyway , could he go by himself and you could pick him up when he's done and bring him back to mine?You know the address?" She said in a tone that made it sound important. Chris told her to wait a second before  quickly going to ask Josh . Josh looked a little scared about being  with his father alone,  but thought that if he ever wanted to win back Emily as a friend he had to do this . A sharp chirrup left his disfigured mouth , as he nodded his head at his boyfriend's  question . Chris smiled and told Emily  that it was fine with Josh and he'd see her tomorrow.  He hung up and entered the  bed again  , quickly seeting three alarms for around 10am . Josh cuddled back under his arm , and his purring resumed as soon as Chris began stroking his back again . " You sure that will be okay Josh ?" Chris tiredly murmered,  feeling his eyea begin to droop.  Josh nodded against him , not even bothering to try speaking again , before he let himself drift into unconsciousness.

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