wendigo walkies

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Although Chris trusted his boyfriend he didn't trust the wendigo at all . It has fucking murdered a man the previous night and now josh was taking his other side on a walk . So Chris filled a bottle with blood to keep in his bag just in case . Even though this was a risky move , he couldn't not abide by his traumatised boyfriend's wishes . God . Chris's whole heart belonged to that possessed man , even when the situation was this fucked . He'd do anything to make him happy.
Twenty minutes later Josh was sat on the pools edge , sunglasses covering his milky eyes , and feet dangling in the icy water. His mind kept flicking back to his kill , making him feel constantly nauseos . Sammy was sat next to him her toes splashing droplets of water into the sunny sky . Josh's ears pricked up as he heard Mike Jessica and Ashley giggling about ten minutes away , their footsteps sounding closer with each passing second . " I wonder how Josh is feeling , do you think it was actually his schizophrenia?" Jessica asked Mike.  Josh gulped and jumped to his feet , startling Sammy.  " They're almost here " he stated , feeling slightly annoyed about how Jessica was talking about him. Chris seemed slightly confused about how Josh knew , before realising that his boyfriend's hearing wasn't quite human anymore. 
Josh gazed over his blue tinted reflection for a moment and sighed . He looked the furthest thing to human in his eyes . Josh tried not to react as the clear blue water suddenly turned red as blood in front of him.He felt the wendigo pur from the sight but his hunger didn't return . It had to be a hallucination.  There was no other explanation.  However his eyes stayed transfixed on the liquid , as if deep down he wanted it to be blood . "Boo!" A woman shrieked behind him , wrapped her arms around Josh and pulling him towards her . He snapped out of it and stared up into Jessica's bright blue eyes . " Heyyyy ... sorry I vanished for a while , how's you ?" He asked , trying to keep focused on the blonde girl . Jess sighed and reached her head up towards Josh so she could plant a kiss on his mask covered cheek . " I'm okay just been drinking and sunbathing ? Chris said something about you being ill, feeling better dude ?" She said softly as Mike appeared behind her covering her honey coloured neck in kisses . Josh nodded, wanting to change the subject as quickly as he could . He looked around noticing Ashley chatting to Chris and Sammy. " Guys ! I think we should walk without direction and see where we end up . Adventure time ?" He said rasing his voice . Then he continued before anybody could object . " Right let's go!" . Chris looked at his boyfriend in confusion , but laughed and agreed with him . Josh opened the gate to leave the hotel area and started walking down the cobbled path . As soon as it opened , almost winced . His supernatural senses had almost definitely increased since his last meal , just looking around he could hear about three different groups of peoples Spanish conversations as they walked down the road , as well as smell the meat in the butcher shop which was about a ten minute walk from where he stood.  Josh carried on walking , trying to regain control of his senses and listen to what his friends were up to behind him . Within minutes Ashley's hand tapped him on his shoulder . Josh took a deep breath and turned towards to fragile girl behind him. Her mouth was moving but he hadn't quite managed to figure out how to focus his ears from the busy sounds of the street . He just gave her a peculiar shrug and nodded , his eyes looking back to find where Chris was . He was lighting a cigarette about two paces behind him . Josh could smell his insatiable smell increasing with each step he look towards the man . He walked towards the blonde man and wrapped his arms around him . Chris's arms hugged Josh tightly , figuring out something was amiss . He took a drag of his smoke and moved joshs face to look at him . Josh took a deep breathe and blinked a couple of times  , focusing his attention on Chris . Then a smile spread across his face as he heard , Chris ask if he was okay. The beautiful man had grounded him . " All good cochise , just stay with me today okay ? It's hard to concentrate right now " he mumbled , hoping Chris would get the message he'd explain later. Even though everybody knew what he was now , Josh decided they didn't have to know everything . Chris nodded and grabbed Josh's hand and smiled . They walked up towards the rest ; who'd kept walking while they stopped . Mike and Sammy were stood against a wall , when they caught up, Jessica and Ashley were nowhere to be seen . " Wheres the girls ?" Josh asked , his head cocking to oneside unconsciously . Sammy stifled a laugh the began speaking "Seeing if we can get take away cocktails from that bar over there " . She then pointed across the street to where the two girls were leaned against a wooden bar ;Jessica flashing her tanned tits to the muscly man behind the bar . Josh reached and grabbed Chris's hand and tried to focus his hearing on the conversation. Jessica was pleading, speaking in a flirtatious manner , trying to convince the confused Spanish man , while Ashley complained how thristy she was . This continued for a few moments until the bartender agreed and began making six sex on beaches . Josh turned his attention back to his friends . " We all are getting a cocktail " he said matter of factly . Chris laughed . "What cocktail Joshy ?" . Josh told them trying to sound all mystical .
Five minutes later the girls appeared juggling three cocktails in each of their hands."Suprise!"Jessica shouted ; making the three of them laugh.   Mike instantly grabbed one off Jessica, and began drinking the sweet colourful drink . Josh smiled and grabbed his and Chris's, handing one over to his boyfriend immediately. His hand curled around Chris's , and a soft pur left his lips as the man's finger tips brushed across the back of his hand. Josh quickly scanned the group to see if anybody noticed those noise that escaped him . A secret smile spread across his lips ,when he noticed everybody trying to hide how cute they thought the sound was . To stop them from broaching the subject , Josh started walking down the street , telling them all to continue the exploration . As the reached the end of the hill Josh noticed crowds of people with their faces painted like skeletons and other Halloween centred characters . Confusion flooded his brain as Sammy quickly approached one particular girl with voodoo doll makeup . She asked her in over-pronounced English why everybody was dressed up . The woman's answer almost made josh laugh . The city they were visiting was holding its yearly festival of the damned . Somehow he's managed to visit the one place on earth where his disfigurement wouldn't be subject to the gawking stares of the public . He quickly removed his mask , exposing the layers of horror covering his face . Josh prepared for the shocked expressions and the overall terror he was now used to when he usually took the mask off . However all he heard in response was the girl Sam had spoke to shout how cool his makeup was . Mike smiled and patted josh on his shoulder in a proper bro style , making josh laugh as he took his first sip of the cocktail . It tasted amazing . In front of him laid out a promenade covered in bars with horror themed drinks and stalls selling candy skulls and a good variety of food. Beside it was a long tropical beach with the sun glaring down upon the idellic ocean . "Holy fuck this looks totally amazing !" Jess said sweetly , pulling mike into a long romantic kiss . "Shall we party like fuck ?"Josh asked the group ; his group . The friends cheered in response as Chris pulled josh into a gigantic bear hug . Josh downed the rest of his drink and walked foreword into the amass of alcoholic wonder .
Two hours and eight cocktails later , Josh was laid on the golden sand , his head resting on Chris's chest . He could hear his boyfriends heartbeat perfectly , the steady rhythm of it made him beam . Josh sat up , his head spinning a little bit , as he watched Jessica and Sam appear with six shots of a omniscient green liquid . A giggle left his throat as he reached out for his . As his hand grabbed the plastic glass , a streak of red clouded his vision , as if somebody had painted a line with blood over his iris . Fucking hallucinations; Josh thought to himself , before downing the drink . He almost coughed it straight back up , he'd never tasted anything so strong in his life . "Jesus ! What the fuck did I just drink ?" He laughed , his eyes surveying his friends to see them all have the same reaction as him . "Absinthe ..." Jessica smirked . Josh gasped , he'd heard about that , well he knew that was the alcohol that makes you hallucinate . "Jessica you told me it was sours !" Sammy shouted , a slight annoyance in her pleasant sounding voice . Chris locked eyes with josh . Josh almost growled at the fact the blood red smear was still disrupting his view . Fear crept inside Josh's head , as he turned to his friends . " Jessica you just gave absinthe to a schizophrenic " he muttered , unsure how it would react to his already occurring hallucinations. His heightened hearing made josh heat all of his friends gulp in synchronisation . He laughed , feeling very light headed . "It's fine , you all just gulped at the same time you non possessed people couldn't hear that but it was fucking funny " Josh babbled , suddenly beginning to feel extremely intoxicated . Chris grabbed him from behind and pulled him close to him , while everyone else caught Josh's contagious laughter . This was definitely not going to be a day to forget .

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