lets go to the pool

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As they arrived at the pool Josh , grabbed Chris's soft hand , his eyes glancing down at his trimmed claws hoping they appeared human enough . Sammy was swimming laps around the pool with Emily , both of them in bright green swimsuits . Ashley was wearing a long flowing dress , a book in her hand .  Jess was in a sparkly pink bikini, her breasts almost overflowing over the top her scars almost twinkling in the sunlight . Matt was beside her and both of them were downing cocktails from long plastic cups . Jess looked up and saw Mike and squealed, running and jumping into his arms. " Babe ! There's a free cocktail bar!" She shouted.  And pulled him onto the sun lounger next to her . The pool area was empty apart from their group , This calmed the ripples of anxiety on Josh's chest.  He pulled off the white top, exposing his chalk white skin to the sunlight ; and ran into the bright blue pool .The water splashed as he cannon balled into it , almost sighing with relief as its icy coldness hit him . He raised his head a moment later , to see Sammy had swam up to him . She pulled him into a wet hug , her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun . "Hello darling !" She giggled, "Wanna go get a drink ?" . Josh pointed to his mask , to emphasise the point he always kept having to make and laughed. "Whisk me away for a cocktail in a bit Sammy , Why's it so empty here ?" He questioned , leaning back and floating on the water. Emily suddenly swam beside them, sounding unfamilary happy." My family don't arrive until the day after tomorrow and they booked the last four rooms so it's just us here for now " She smiled. "She's finally in her element " Sammy whispered as soon as Emily continued swimming .
Chris smiled watching his boyfriend smash around the pool for a moment, before walking towards the wooden poolside bar. Matt joined him after a moment . " Hey man , tell Josh's dad that plane was amazing!  I'm still drunk of the rich man's drinks " he joked , highfiving Chris . Chris smirked and quickly ordered a pint of beer with lime from the bar , Matt instantly copied his order . "Five days till the wedding , how you feeling mate?" Chris asked taking a sip of his beer . The refreshing taste made him smile , his bright white teeth glistening in the sun . " Scared shitless but honestly dude I can't wait to marry her !" Matt smiled waving at his fiance . Emily jumped from the pool and began to walk towards her man . Chris pulled a orange jet lighter from his pocket and lit a cigarette as Emily started gushing about the wedding and how the whole beach ceremony was going to be . He smiled and nodded along to her bragging announcements but his focus was on Josh . His boyfriend was swimming lengths faster then he'd ever seen a human do; yet nobody had seemed to notice the extreme speed . " I'm happy for you guys !" He exclaimed before downing his beer and running towards the pool. 
A loud splash interrupted Josh's laps of the pool . He was completely in the zone , the wendigo loving the feeling of his head being under the water.  He jumped up startled ; to see Chris swimming towards him. " Hey baby " he murmured, suddenly aware of how much he hated the feeling of the wet mask against his mouth . "Josh you was swimming at a super speed " Chris shouted hoping his boyfriend understood the seriousness behind his jokey tone .Josh quickly whipped around to check if anyone as looking at him strangely but nobody seemed to be . " I didn't even realise Cochise man I got so caught up in it !" He exclaimed quietly.  Chris laughed and planted a kiss on his boyfriends wet hair .
Josh jumped out of the pool a few moments later and walked towards Jessica and Mike. Jess's hair looked almost silver in the sunlight and her rose red lips were drawn in a little drunken smile . " Hey Joshy !" Jess said , and ruffled his hair . Her eyes became lost in his , almost as if she was studying them for a moment . Josh panicked wondering if he forgot to put his contacts in , but after gazing at his reflection in the window behind them he saw two emeralds shining back. " How's you doing Jess ! " he asked leaning back onto a sun lounger . Jess took a long sip of her sex on the beach before answering him . " I'm good , Chris told me about the movie I was wondering if I gave you and your dad a one to one interview could I pretty please audition to play myself, I took like twelve acting courses in college !" Jess begged giving Josh the biggest puppy dog eyes.  Josh laughed it would make sense and this was the least he could do after all the terrible things he was planning to do to her on the mountain. " Deffinately ! Anything else you want ?" Josh smiled feeling the sun begin to dry out the vile wet mask . Mike and Matt then joined the conversation and said they'd be willing to do interviews too . That's when Ashley piped up . " I don't want anything to do with your movie Josh ! I think its fucking strange that you're even profiting off of this !" She shouted and jumped from where she was sat . As she stood up she stumbled upon the plastic leg of the lounger . Even though she didn't visibly cut herself as she landed on her hip , Josh instantly smelt blood . He shook away the hunger from his eyes and looked at Ashley closer than he had in ages . Her figure was gaunt and almost skeletal underneath the long dress , her hair was greasy and bags were bold underneath her eyes . He then noticed how she hid the pain of whatever cut she had opened and stood up and walked away . This was behaviour he'd seen before , this was behaviour he himself had done and as much as he didn't particularly like Ashley he was now extremely concerned for her . Which is why he stood up and followed her down the patio and down the path which led to their apartments. 

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