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Two hours and four cocktails later ,the group walked ( well stumbled ) down the promenade next to the beach . Josh's Hand was clasped in Chris's and he couldn't remember the last time he's felt this drunk . The sun was glaring on his blue skin , making him appear sickly , but the heat from the sun was almost heavenly , a drastic difference from the snowy mountains in Blackwood pines . His misty eyes gazed towards the numerous people dressed in a charade of horror inspired costumes , how he wished he was one of them . A character , dressed as a wendigo , able to live a perfect human life with the man he loved . But the hunger consumes . As sugar skull painted faces , glided past him , his mind drifted back to the body that was decaying in the field , his meal . Josh hated himself for the aftermath of his loss of control . The fact that he couldn't even remember why he had attacked the man or how , terrified him . Josh didn't even know how he had managed to snap . He ran his bony fingers through his curls , sighing as his mind became crowded . The concoction of alcohol was messing with his subconscious, as he's gazed in front of him . Beth was standing beside him , laughing . She looked alive and happy . Josh smiled , forgetting the truth of the matter .  He kept walking behind his friends as Chris stopped to light a cigerette , he couldn't let his eyes stray from the sight of his sister . Her short dark brown hair was plaited with flowers neatly pressed into the ends . She was wearing a flowing white dress , making her appear like an ageless angel . Josh went to reach out to her , but at the last minute he stopped himself . She wasn't real . But her cherry rid lips let out another laugh . "I wish you could join me josh it's beautiful here " . Josh pondered her words for a moment , he would love to be able to be with her again ." Why can't I?" He mumbled , looking around his hazy surroundings to make sure nobody was listening to him . Beth smirked ," because you're not getting into heaven joshy " she sang . Joshs face turned into a downcast expression as he agreed with the unearthly reincarnation of his sister . "I'm sorry Beth " he said , too loudly then he should have .
Ashley turned back  towards josh , as she heard him mutter her old friends name . His mind was obviously elsewhere as he stared out to the horizon , his eyes focused on the empty bit of beach to his left . She slowed down and placed her hand on his shoulder ."Josh ? " she questioned . His milky white eyes turned to face her, and she tried not to the grimace at the jagged fangs hanging from his jaw . " Ash..." he slurred , his less than sober voice piercing her ears .Ashley wondered how to address what she heard him talking about , but her thoughts were weighed down with anxiety over what josh would respond with . She struggled to get her words together when she responded with "Is Beth here ?" , she sounded more like she was questioning a psychic rather than a schizophrenic person . Josh smiled, a lazy fang filled drunken smile . " Yeahhh , but Ashley she's an angel " he giggled . Ashley smiled at this thought , although he was completely delusional, it filled her with joy , the idea of Beth in a happy carefree place , not a monster hidden in the depth of the mines . She shuddered and went to speak again but thought better of it , Josh's hallucination seemed okay to her , almost like a Miracle .
Half an hour later , after stopping in around seven street stalls , and Josh flaunting the washington's wealth in each and every one . He drunkly bought everybody a ring with their birthstone in the centre , as well as a black tourmaline necklace for Chris . For protection he had giggled to his Sun tanned boyfriend ; josh just didn't mention that he hoped it brought protection from himself . They arrived at a bar in the centre . Ashley had announced that Mat and Emily were finished with wedding prep and wanted to join the group to get drunk one last time as single people . Josh's enchanted hearing listened closely to Emily's voice booming down the phone to Ashley . She was freaked out Josh was there , he could tell from how her voice cracked and shuddered as she spoke . Josh tried to ignore it , his hand was curled into Chris's as his leg bounced under the table . The bar was outside , with a garden filled with low hanging flowers and palm trees . The thick scent of coconut's filled the humid air , more potent than anything Josh had ever smelled . He grinned as it masked the heavenly scent Chris was releasing , the man smelt good enough to eat . Ten minutes of small talk rolled by  before Emily's and Matt entered the table . The small Asian women sat beside Ashley , the furthest seat possible from Josh , however Matt instantly greeted everybody  and sat down besides him and Chris . Josh scanned the table , the boys and girls were separated, his breath hitched , as he knew the words about to tumble out of Emily's mouth . " So guys ! Tonight's the last night I can drink before it's my wedding day !!! So our hen  and stag night will have to start now ! Hope you're not too smashed already !"
Josh growled , he really didn't feel like bonding over the wedding of the girl that pushed him off the edge . He felt Chris's blue trainer kick his skinny shin . Apparently growling at the dinner table was not polite . Sammy had taken over the speaking but Josh just zoned out as he listened to his friends make toasts about how Matt and Emily were a perfect couple . He could have laughed , Emily was so fucking demanding with apparent sociopathic tendencies. Josh had no idea how Matt could put up with her  . Chris yanked Josh to face him , realising the man hadn't uttered a single word for ages . Josh looked at the sunkissed man in front of him , and lazily pulled his lips to meet his , he carefully kissed Chris , tasting his sweet strawberry daiquiri flavoured mouth . Josh made a point to show that he could be romantic without hurting Chris , as he barely let his canines scrape against Chris's cheek . As he pulled away , a smiled formed on Chris's face . " You okay Cochise ?" Josh slurred , reached towards the mojito in front of him . Chris smirked and pulled his boyfriend into a hug . " always if I'm  with you " .
The night continued with Chris never leaving Joshs arms , the two genders separated , however remained in the same places , just at different tables . Josh preferred this ; without Emily near them , him and Matt were really getting on . The two had never been that close , however by the time  they reached the final place of the night Matt had , had Josh in a bear hug on at least three occasions . The liquor flowed like a waterfall , as Josh haphazardly threw his credit card to the bartender every time they reached the bar , ordering a large variety of drinks of his friends . As more and more of the succulent liquid touched his lips , josh began to find himself less and less interested in his personal problems . Jessica was being the ever present photographer of the group the entire night , making sure Emily and matts perspective parties would have pictures to remember them by . The whole night the room span with assortment of figures ; the majority still  dressed in costumes , so josh fit in all night . It was the closest thing to normalcy josh would now ever experience.
Around 3am Josh , Mike , Matt and Chris stumbled into the smoking area of the jungle themed club . Chris pulled out four cigarettes for him and the boys . They each lit them up, and took a drag . Matt instantly began spluttering , as he remembered he didn't even smoke . Josh giggled and placed his hand round Chris's waist . His vision was so cloudy , it was almost like his wendigo brain had devoured too much alcohol he was visually impaired . Everything was blurry and spinning but he couldn't have felt more joyous . He opened his scarred mouth to profess his undying love to Christopher . But chirrup was spoken in the place of his human voice ." You that smashed man you're incapable of being a humannnn Josh " Mike laughed , before gagging on his cigarette and vomiting into the nearest bush . The three boys began laughing uncontrollably, as a bouncer placed his hand upon mike's back dragging him out of the club . Josh nodded along to the tall muscly man telling them all they should go home
. Chris went to run and tell the girls they had been kicked out , but they were lost amongst the crowd . He sighed in defeat as he gathered the men , his arm guiding josh towards the way back to the hotel .
Josh smiled as Him and the boys began their walk back . Flashes of streetlights caught his eyes , his vision making them appear like solar flares . Crickets chirped around them and geckos scuttled along the paved floor . His eyes danced around the entire walk back , embracing the beauty of what the day had become . Tiredness was seeing into his intoxicated state , but josh didn't want the night to end . Tonight he had danced with the. Angels of humanity .
Facing reality in the morning was the most disastrous of thoughts .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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