Loss of control

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Josh licked his scarred lips slowly , tasting the remains of Chris's blood on his lips , as he fought against his desire for more , retreating back towards the kitchen counter . The blaring music faded into the background as he became full of lust and hunger , he wanted to continue tasting Chris it was the most overwhelming sensation , he felt his throbbing penis against his jeans but he knew if he continued he'd loose even more control . His hands gripped the kitchen side and he tried to regain his composure , his eyes remained locked on his boyfriend who had started to slowly walk towards him . Each step Chris walked towards him the more intoxicating he smelled to Josh . Josh slowly let down his defenses and pulled Chris close to him again his lips interlocking with his once again , he tried to ignore the scent of his Boyfriend's blood but his wendigo nature made his tongue carefully lick the bleeding spot whilst his hand reached up and ripped off Chris's jumper with once swoop of his claws . Before guiding it down and unbuckling his jeans . Chris went to protest but Josh couldn't hear him over the music . And slowly trailed the tips of his fangs over Chris's naked body , breathing in the scent of his flesh.  He looked back up at Chris's face , which held a mixture of pleasure and terror . "I can control it " Josh growled in Chris's ear as he turned he pulled him to the kitchen floor . Chris gasped as Josh abruptly thrust his penis inside him , without any warning . He felt ripples of pleasure overcome the pain as he heard Josh growl in his ear , although his boyfriend said he was in control , whilst he was thrusting into him , he sounded as inhuman as he did when the wendigo took over . Josh pounded into Chris his fangs scratching at his boyfriend's shoulder drawing a little blood as he felt like he was going to explode with pleasure.  He nibbled the flesh a little , the wendigo almost entirely in control , as he felt himself begin to climax . Chris whimpered with a mix of pain and pleasure , himself about to cum , when he felt Josh's canines detach from him and let go . Josh forced himself to not go any further in hurting his boyfriend , although the desire to taste him even more was engulfing . He licked his blood soaked lips again , as he felt himself cum into Chris , but instead of another growl of pleasure , a shriek left his lips . The wendigo scream shocked Josh as much as it clearly did his boyfriend , as he stumbled away from Chris into the living room . His eyes were fixated on the small bite mark upon Chris's shoulder which was dripping ever so slightly with his blood . He backed up towards the snow white wall behind him , scared of his wendigo nature , Chris had turned off the music to go and speak to him , and the silence was deafening. Josh noticed the endearment within his boyfriends eyes but was too disgusted in himself to even talk to him . " Please go to the bedroom " Josh said quite commandingly. Chris shook his head and stepped even closer to Josh. Josh growled still feeling the control of the wendigo over his features . He needed to be alone , he didn't want to look at Chris , he had never been more disgusted at himself , and the blood dripping from his boyfriend still looked like a delicious meal . "LEAVE!" He shouted ,his voice half human , half beast .
Chris gasped , actually fearing Josh , for the first time since the mountain , and slowly retreated down the hallway.
Josh sighed running his hands through his hair in expatriation , as soon as Chris had left . He breathed deeply trying to regain control again but felt a pang of hunger in his stomach . He stumbled to the fridge , tearing open a red juicy ox heart and devoured it in one single motion , it didn't help set his bloodlust though . Josh stepped back his face smothered with blood , anger surging through his body . His fist slammed into the counter , forgetting his strength . The wooden side and split in two , where his fist had hit it . Josh growled and opened the fridge again , this time retrieving a bloody steak . He devoured that as well but another hunger pain hit him after and he fell to the ground . "Why won't it stop" he cursed , the scent of his Boyfriend's flesh practically calling him from the next room . 'it's because you need something alive , that's what it desires " the unknown voice told him . "Go outside and you'll find what it seeks " it commanded . " And I won't hurt Chris?" He replied , as another hunger  pain caused him to hiss in agony . The voice told him that was exactly that would happen if he stayed there . Josh pulled himself up and dragged himself towards the door , when he entered the small garden outside the front of the house , his eyes clasped onto the cat exploring the flowerbeds . He instantly pounced upon his grabbing the creature by its tail . Dragging it into the kitchen ; away from prying eyes . As soon as he was inside Josh ripped the skin off the animal and felt himself devour it whole . Midway through his meal Josh heard a gasp above him , he looked up to see a shaking Chris . 
Josh opened his mouth to explain but only a soft growl escaped him . He was still coming back to consciousness after his meal . Chris stepped back as Josh , shook his head , blood drooling from the gaping fang filled hole on the side of his mouth . He unconsciously licked it away , his wendigo instincts refusing to waste a single drop . Josh slowly felt his humanity return , as his eyes drifted over the bloody mess the kitchen had become . "C-cochise..." He murmured staggering to his feet . He saw his boyfriend run his hand over his face deciding what to say . " Clean this up , then come to where you fucking sent me !" Chris shouted his eyes flicking over the red soaked room . Then he stumbled back towards the hallway .
Josh gulped , he hadn't heard Chris shout at him since the mountain , a tear dropped from his eye as he realised the extent of what he'd just done . 'Just do what he says " the unknown voice said sternly. Josh nodded to himself and began searching for something to wipe the blood away.

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