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Josh sat there tapping his feet on the floor , his mind overflowing with questions about what was happening to him. He pulled out his old cell phone from the chest of drawers opposite him and waited for it to turn on . "Josh what are you doing ?" Chris questioned moving closer to him . Chris hadn't  seen Josh use anything technological since before Blackwood , and honestly with everything that had been going on he had not picked up his phone since either , even though he used to be on it twenty four seven . "I just want to search something ..." Josh murmured instantly beginning to type in his old password . Josh tried to type the numbers of his sister's birthday in but every time his fingers hit the buttons his growing claws snapped back causing small ripples of pain to go through his hand . " Fuck !" He shouted as the phone became disabled for one minute . Sammy walked closer to him and sat down next to Josh removing the phone from his hands . "Let me do it " she said smiling at her friends . " What would you like to search?" She asked her eyes fixed on Josh's. Josh shrugged and told her to research schizophrenia , if he was being diagnosed with it he should probably know what it involved . Sammy cast a nervous look to Chris but typed it into google anyway , smiling at the background image on Josh's phone before she did so .  The photo showed the whole group of their friends at their old college campus with Hannah and Beth in the centre holding bubblegum frappes. "This was such a good day " Sam laughed zooming in on their faces before she kept typing . Josh smiled a small laugh escaping his mouth " Yeah and two seconds after this was taken Hannah tripped over that Lamppost and covered Emily's designer jacket with her frappe " he giggled remembering the massive klutz his sister was . Sammy smiles back at him but due to her face she was in full on research mode , she had always been good at studying ; even in school she was the top of her class . "What's it say Sammy ?" Chris piped up . Sammy sighed and looked at her scared looking friends . " it's a severe long term mental health condition that's a type of psychosis causing two kinds of symptoms positive and negative . Examples of positive are hallucinations, delusions confused thoughts and disorganised speech . Negative being disorganised thoughts , poor social functioning and difficulty concentrating " She read out . Josh laughed as she read out the long list . " Guess I hit the jackpot " he joked ; nobody laughed . Chris just edged even closer to Josh grabbing his hand softly . " Search Clozapine " Chris said his eyes transfixed on the old apple phone in Sammy's hand . She looked at Josh for his permission to do so (it was him going on the drug after all ) , Josh just nodded slightly one of his canines unconsciously grazing his bottom lip . She searched it ."It's used for schizophrenia usually when other antipsychotics haven't worked , increasing the dopamine in the brain To decrease symptoms and suicidal behaviour " She said , almost professionally . Josh gulped his mind racing back to his suicide attempt after his sisters disappeared; before quickly forcing himself out of that memory . "Side effects ?" He mumbled , remembering the numerous drugs he had been given in the past which resulted in the worst headaches and nausea he'd ever had . " Ummm ... dizziness , drowsiness , insomnia ,tremors , agitation and nausea are some of the most common " Sam replied noticing the panic in Josh's cloudy eyes increase as she read each one out . Josh ran his hands through his hair and sighed . " Well I'm going to have to try it aren't i" he mumbled , jumping up from the sofa . "I'm going to take a shower , Chris will you drop Sammy off to her car she probably has college tomorrow?" He said in a matter of fact tone . Sammy looked startled before it dawned on her that Josh probably needed a while to process what had just happened . "Yeah I do actually , is that okay Chris ?" She quickly responded , noticing Josh smile at her thankfully as soon as she said it . Chris looked at Josh with a concerned expression."Will you be okay ? It's an hour and a half drive to get there and back and I've only left you alone for about thirty minutes before and after what just happened ..." Chris panicked , his concern for Josh really taking over . Josh smiled . " Cochise, I'll be fine I just need a bit of alone time to think about everything " he said , quickly planting a kiss on Chris's cherry lips before he could think about it . Chris leaned into the Kiss , not believing that him and Josh were actually making out . Josh stepped back and began walking to the bathroom . " Bye Sammy ! " he shouted as he walked down the hallway , hearing the front door slam behind him .
Josh entered the empty bathroom , turning the small radio onto the eighties station when he walked in . Mötley Crüe's home sweet home began playing and Josh laughed remembering Chris's eighties phase . He pulled off his blood covered shirt and stripped naked . As the hot soapy water ran down his body , Josh finally let his emotions overcome him . His birdlike figure sank to the bottom of the bathtub and let the water soak him . A sob escaped his scarred mouth as reality dawned upon him. He'd finally been diagnosed correctly but the condition was everlasting. He'd be a drugged up zombie for the rest of his life as well as a wendigo . Josh gulped and grabbed his sisters strawberry shortcake shampoo ; he'd never taken it off the shopping list after the disappearance,the smell reminded him of her . The real her not the horrifying hallucinations of his sisters . "SMELLS LIKE ME DOESN'T IT ?" Hannah's voice rang in his head . Instead of shouting back Josh just reached out to the radio and turned the volume up to full , blocking out the menacing shouts in his mind . He pulled himself up washing Chris's blood and his own vomit from his hair , before washing his face, carefully trying not to make his disfigured features ache . Fifteen minutes later he jumped out of the shower and grabbed a clean white towel from the laundry basket on the floor , rubbing the drips of water from his body . Josh rubbed the steam away from the mirror and sighed at his reflection before stumbling to his bedroom . Unlike Chris's there was no blood and vomit on the floor so he could breath peacefully without his usual stench of death . Josh grabbed his grey dressing gown and flicked his television onto the horror movie channel. Friday the 13th was playing ; him and his dad used to watch that movie every Friday the 13th no matter if they had any plans . He sighed noticing the wooden cabins the characters were staying in . " You know you're fucked up when you relate to horror movies " Josh joked to himself , before he became transfixed in one of his old favourite movies . About half way through his eyes began to close as drowsiness and sleep took over , and he slowly felt himself slip into unconsciousness as the fake screams of the horror movie entered his mind .

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