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Josh ignored Emily's shouts to let Ashley be alone but as he turned the corner she had vanished.  He let his wendigo instincts take over for a moment , keeping a tight reign on them so he wouldn't go fully fledged cannibal (luckily the hunger wasn't overbearing for once).He quickly figured out how to mimic Emily's voice when letting his mind connect with the wendigos ."Ashley its me !" He shouted , shocked at his new found ability. He waited for answer as he tried to pick up on the sweet scent of her blood.  Just as he managed to focus on her scent he heard Ashley shout back for her to be left alone.  This combination led him to Ashley.  She was crouched down in wet stone tunnel , which led to the hotels garbage bins . Tears were streaming down her face smudging her mascara and blood was soaking through the thin yellow material on her dress.Her head rose to see Josh crouching down beside her an angry expression forming on her face.  " Fuck off Josh !" She shouted but her voice was crackling with harsh emotion .He went to reach out and grab her hand but he remembered his claws ;although cut down; were still sharp and not at all comforting.  " Ashley I know I'm the least person you want to see right now but I've been where you are you're not eating , not sleeping and if I'm correct on this you're hurting yourself! I want to help you ! I really do , you don't want to end up like me " Josh said softly , making direct eye contact with the crying girl . She sniffled and brushed her straggly mousy brown hair from her eyes . " This is all your fault! How the fuck can you help me!" She said in a hostile tone . This stung Josh but he knew the amount of pain he had caused the girl , he'd put saws above her ,made her see him 'die' , attacked her , and made her go to the mountain in the first place . His eyes suddenly fixated on the blood on her thighs , the evil part of him thinking it would be so much easier to just taste her and take her suffering away . After a few moments and forced his eyes back onto hers . " I know and I'm so  sorry Ashley , I'll pay for any therapist and doctor you want to see and I really recommend you go . And I've been though this Ashley , it gets better. So if you ever need somebody to talk too or somewhere to stay call me . I know we aren't friends anymore and you just see me as the man that traumatised you and stole your boyfriend but I'm still here for you " Josh said , trying deeply not to focus on the scent of her flesh . Surprisingly Ashley pulled her arms around Josh and sobbed into his shoulder . Josh gasped in shock , and held her back loosely, feeling unsafe in himself the longer she held him .He could hear the blood pounding in her jugular and her heart thumping against his chest.  After a few moments the urge became so strong he felt his incisors feel sharper against his tongue . He jumped back abruptly , and threw himself against the wall behind them , facing away from Ashley so he couldn't see our smell her fresh blood . " What the hell Josh ! Just when I thought you was actually becoming a nice guy !" Ashley shrieked . Josh just closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing to dim the urge to rip his boyfriends ex girlfriend's throat out and devour her piece by piece . Ashley's tone changed as soon as she heard how deep Josh was breathing . She slowly reached out to grab his shoulder.  As her bitten black painted fingernails touched his skin , a low growl escaped him , utterly beyond his control.  Ashley gasped at the inhuman noise then shrank back against the otherside of the tunnel . As fragments of her memories locked together : Chris saying Josh was different , the mask he constantly wore , the bite marks she noticed scattered on Chris on the beach (she always swore he didn't seem that beaten up after the mountain )and now him growling . She felt her body stiffen remembering how she had to stay still in the past . "Holy fuck " She whimpered, her body glued to the spot. 
After a few minutes the hunger died down and Josh slowly turned around to see Ashley whimpering, shit he must have attacked her or something.  He slowly sat down , a safe distance from the blood dripping down her leg and onto the floor ." I'm not going to hurt you again Ashley I promise " he murmured his voice sounding raspy from the desire ebbed in his throat . She looked up at him , her eyes beacons of despair and curiosity.  " You're a wendigo Josh that means you eat people " She whispered.  Josh shook his head and slowly pulled off his mask after checking the area for security cameras.  Ashley gasped and tearing ,scars and daggers of Teeth which stretched almost right  up to his ear ." I may be a monster  who's deformed more than Freddie kruger but I don't eat people , I survive on animals , Chris saved me Ashley  he got me before I fully transformed " Josh said softly before running his hand over his mouth , feeling the sharp points of his fangs on his fingertips. Ashley nodded finding this information believable because she knew deep down Chris would never be with someone who hurt people intentionally , the man was too kindhearted for his own good . " Who knows ?" She mumbled , realising she surely cannot be the only one who's stumbled upon Josh's secret . " Chris , Sammy , Mike , my father and now you " he replied slowly pulling the mask back on.  " don't tell anyone else Ashley , not yet anyways " . Reluctantly she agreed before trying to stand up . As her two feet hit the ground she instantly began to feel woozy and her vision blackened . Before she hit the ground Josh managed to catch her. He breathed in to hide the scent of her blood and ran quickly towards his hotel room , Ashley In his arms.
When they got to the room Josh placed her passed out body on his and Chris's bed.  Then quickly ran to the fridge and shovelled a heart into his mouth , moaning almost seductively as it quelled his hunger. Josh didn't even wipe the blood from his mouth as he instantly ran back to Ashley and slowly pulled the blood soaked dress from her body and grabbed the first aid kit from his suitcase.  Her legs were worse than he imagined , cuts covered the entirety of her legs , deep harsh red lines over each section of skin . Some appeared yellow, showing signs of infection from the cotton rubbing upon them . He gulped still finding the horrible sight appealing to the wedigo but also way too familiar.  He pulled out some paper towels and mopped up the wet blood, before wiping the cuts with an antiseptic wipe and dressing them in bandages . The antiseptic made Ashley begin to come around , so he pulled his hoodie off the side and pulled it over her underwear.  Josh placed a glass of water on the counter before taking the rubbish to the bin in the kitchen . He went to throw the blood covered towels in the bin when the sight of the gorgeous liquid entranced him and before he knew it Josh was sucking the liquid from the towels until they were bone dry . After a moment of relishing in the appetising taste he jumped back in slight horror over his unrelenting hunger.  It seemed strangely out of control . Josh flung then now blood free paper into the bin before washing his face harshly in the kitchen sink .
After a few minutes of thoroughly scrubbing his skin Josh went back to Ashley; who was now sitting up on the bed  sipping on the tap water. He sat down next to her and tried to smile at her softly but his monstrous features interfered. " how are you feeling ?" He questioned slowly noticing how the colour had slightly returned to her face . " A bit better , thankyou Josh , you're not the moster I thought you was " Ashley mumbled , her hand clasping into his .

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