they all know

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The next day Josh awoke snuggled in Chris's arms like a baby . He turned to look at him , and he looked amazing with the sun beams shining on his face , making his skin glow . Chris was so peaceful when he slept . Josh slowly got out from the bed and walked towards the kitchen , his stomach growling for food . On his way he checked his mobile ,10am, it was still early in the morning but when he saw his message notifications he learned that everybody was getting ready to go down to the beach. He went to reply and noticed his claws had grown to be noticeable; strangely they weren't causing him pain by growing like they usually did . The wendigo growled in his mind , begging Josh to feed it . A sharp pain hit his stomach as he opened the fridge and pulled out one of the steaks Mike bought . His canines tore into it, the fleshy meat squelching blood into the back of his throat . A soft moan escaped him as he finished his meal . Josh sat on the counter for a moment to wipe his face , when a rush of the old reliable nausea hit him like a wave . He turned to run to the bathroom but it was too late and before he knew it he was heaving up his meal into the kitchen sink . Josh panted his head starting to feel a little bit dizzy as he gripped the marble counter as the sickness drained his energy . After five minutes he still felt sick but he was just dry heaving , making himself gag as his throat dried out . He turned the metal tap on and pushed his head underneath the cold water , trying to relieve the unwanted side effects.  This proved affective as a few moments later Josh could breathe again.  His vision was a little cloudy but he felt better . However the wendigo stirred in his mind uttering menacingly that it was hungry again as it didn't even digest the last meal . A loud growl escaped his torn up lips as he reached into the fridge and pulled out the bottle of blood . Josh thristily downed it until the wendigo seemed content and then placed the half full bottle back into their fridge.  His eyes skimmed the kitchen and Josh groaned as he saw the red splatters all over the side . He quickly started wiping them up , but half way through he felt his boyfriends arms wrap around him . The wendigo let out a soft chirrup, confusing Josh by how happy (well as happy as a blood curdling monster can be )the wedigo was in his boyfriend's company. Chris giggled at the sweet spooky supernatural noise . He thought it was cute.  " You okay baby, what happened I heard noises ?" Chris said sweetly his large hands around Josh's skinny waist . "The normal cochise , hunger followed by extreme nausea followed by more hunger, you're everyday wendigo shenanigans " Josh joked , wiping up the last of the bloody mess .Chris went to reply but Josh turned around and placed his finger tip on Chris's lips , " Everyone is going to the beach in about  ten minutes, wanna join ?" Josh said softly , before removing his clawed finger and planting a delicate kiss upon Chris's rosy lips . As if on que there was a knock on the door , and Chris ran towards it , giving Josh a cheeky wink before opening the door . Mike and Jess were stood outside. " Yo can we we come in dudes ?" Mike said , planting a kiss on Jessica's bright blonde hair . Chris glanced back to see Josh quickly tried to find  a white mask to pull over his face, as the two of them began to walk inside .
Jessica entered quickly , her eyes clocking Josh in the background . He was panicking searching for something, manically as I'd his life depended on it . "Hey Josh, what ya looking for ?" She exclaimed cheerfully. Josh didn't turn around but  instead froze into place." Baby , I think you better just tell her, most people know already now , it'll be easier if we get it done with today" Chris said and walked towards his boyfriend.  Jessica looked at Mike , confused, he smiled back at her , a sea of understanding in his eyes , showing her that he already knew . Then she looked back at Josh , who had turned to face her . "Jessica, I'm possessed by a wendigo " he announced .
Jessica ran to the apartments bathroom instantly, fear washing over her . He looked like something from a B list horror movie and Jessica really was more of a chick flick girl . Her body shook with anxiety as she locked the door behind her . The three boys instantly began knocking on the door , pleading for her to exit . Her eyes scanned the room, looking fir a weapon as her mind flicked back to when a creature with the same features ripped her from the cabin.
Her painted pink fingernails grabbed Chris's old fashioned razor.  " Don't hurt me !" She whimpered , thinking her voice would come out as a scream . She heard Josh let out a noise which sounded like a cry from behind the door as her boyfriend began to speak . " Sweetheart , I love you and I wouldn't let you near him if he wasn't safe , I've known for about a month now and he's still our Joshy, he's just got a few extra dietary requirements, like Sam but the opposite, please come out?" . Jess sighed shakily and opened the door.  Mike smiled and let Jessica into his arms , holding her tight . Josh was crying in Chris's arms , a wendigo didn't feel those emotions , she thought. Slowly she let go of Mike and walked towards Josh placing her hand on his shoulder." I'm sorry , I know it's you now, just don't ever eat me , I am your friend not food " She said pulling him into a hug .
"Only Matt and Emily left now " Chris mumbled looking at Josh . Josh nodded whispered "call them in ".
An hour later every member of the world's most fucked up friendship group knew about Josh's secret . It didn't phase Matt at all , who seemed slightly too nonchalant about it in Josh's eyes . He had just hugged him and said he was still his bro . Emily however had taken the past hour minutes to stop screaming . She had first hid in the bathroom , then attacked Josh saying he ruined her wedding .She finally settled down and just cried into Matts jumper when Josh left the room to let Chris handle it .
Josh walked down the hallway until he reached Sammys door , his hand over his mouth and his head down as he didn't want to be searching for a mask with Emily's screams echoing in his ears . He lifted his hand and banged on the wood until she answered . Sammy opened the door in a pink nightie and dishevelled hair , and quickly let Josh in , noticed how scared the boy looked .  Sammy pulled him into a hug , as a confused looking Ashley awoke in the double bed . " What happened Joshy ?" Sam asked softly . Josh went to speak but a growl escaped his lips and a tear ran down from his eye instead .His mind flashed back to when he last spoke and Emily had just screamed that he was a monster in his face , sheer terror in her eyes . The human part of him had just wanted to cry but the wendigo wanted to rip her face off and feast on her in front of her husband to be . That was why he didn't respond to her taunts and why he suspected that Chris felt how it felt and told him to leave . Josh gulped . " Everyone knows what I am now , Emily hates Me" He mumbled his voice scratchy . Ashley pulled herself from the doubled bed , Josh's hoodie still covering her body . " Josh , I'm not ever going to be you're best friend, but I am Emily's, I'll sort this she trusts me and for some reason I trust you " She said and marched from the room . Josh growled as the door slammed , every noise now aggravated him and the wendigo . He looked around and realised Sammy had sat them both down on the bed . Her lavender scent consumed his senses and he smiled a deformed but soft smile . They both lied back onto the mattress and held hands waiting for their friends outcome.
Ashley returned after fifteen minutes , and ushered the two of them back into Joshs room . Silence greeted Josh as he entered , seven sets of eyes judging his deformities up and down , undressing his monstrous features and human ones alike . Chris edged towards Josh and clasped Josh's bony hand within his own . Emily, her face pinched with raw emotion stated into Josh's milky eyes . " I'll accept you when we are in the friendship group  and will let you continue to stay at my wedding , you're important to my friends and fiance  but don't ever think I'll trust you , there's a cannibal inside of you and when you snap or hurt someone I love again I'll kill you myself " She said before walking from the room . Everyone else sat in shock , their faces downcast , as Josh growled before he could even try and stop it escaping .
Josh felt mad . He had bared the  deepest darkest part of himself and Emily had basically told him he was an unredeemable monster. The wendigo growled in anger inside him he could almost feel the spirit marching up and down ready to be released . He could faintly hear his friends around him telling him that they were still there for him and that he would never do what Emily said . But the rage was overcoming his surroundings, and he knew he had to be alone . Josh noticed a black mask hanging from Chris's pocket , so he quickly reached for it and pulled it around his ruined features . "Babe what are you doing?" Chris whispered in his ear , proving to Josh everyone saw his current behaviour was erratic . The wendigo purred at the sound of Chris's voice, feeling protective and warm by the man . "I need to get of here , I love you " Josh whispered before hastily walking from the room .
Chris watched him leave, full of concern for his boyfriend. What had just happened must have shocked Josh and completely pissed off the wendigo . It was like Josh's anger influenced the wendigo's hunger and urge to maim . Chris went to follow him , when Sammy grabbed his arm . " Don't, I think he needs to alone"She said .

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