A cry for help

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Josh looked towards Chris his mind clearly trying to piece together the memories of the previous day .He leaned against Chris as Sammy cleaned the bite Josh had left upon his friend ."Umm dancing the time warp somewhat magnificently , throwing up my entire stomach contents and pulling you into bed "Josh laughed . Chris scanned his friends face trying to decipher if he remembered his confession , but saw no trace of Josh hiding a secret . Sam stared at the two boys as she disinfected the bite on Chris's arm , gulping and the mass of skinless flesh which was oozing thick red blood down Chris's arm . She quickly cleaned it and bandaged it up , like she would on her course with a dog that had come in . She shuddered as she noticed the blood covering her hands and the mix of vomit and blood soaking Josh's monstrous face . "Where's the shower?" She muttered quickly scanning the room for an exit due to her sudden onset of horror . Chris told her it was down the hall to the left and she sped down the hall as quick as she could . Josh swore her expression was the exact same as when she was running from him on that fateful night . He heard the voices begun taunting him again , this time the psycho's voice echoed in his ears telling him everything he could do to Sammy . Josh whimpered and slowly put his hands over his ears , if it was just auditory he could sometimes   Quieten their shouts . Suddenly Beth's voice overlapped the psychos "THE FLESH YOU ATE WILL TURN YOU INTO HANNAH!"she shrieked . Josh panicked jumped from the feral position he was in on the floor ."Chris you gotta make me sick !" He  shouted repeating it over and over . "I ate it .. Oh shit I fucking ate it , it's gonna be stronger !" Josh rambled "If it's stronger I won't be me , if I'm not me I'm a monster !" He continued his words slurring as he spoke .Chris jumped up , realising the medication wasn't in full effect , but also realising the strong possibility that Josh's words were true . "Fuck fuck fuck ..." Chris murmured;wincing as he moved .he walked calmly towards Josh who was now rambling to himself repeating over and over he had to be sick . Chris's rational thinking over wendigo matters wasn't very strong ,;he punched Josh as hard as he could in his stomach . Like he expected Josh instantly threw his flesh up in a clump of blood and yellow coloured vomit on the floor . Josh sank to the floor his dead sisters voices echoing in his mind  . He returned to the fetal postion rocking back on forth . He slowly stared up to the blurry looking face of his best friend (who was looking down upon Josh concern filling his eyes ). Josh gulped and carefully grabbed onto Chris's hand and pulled him down to his level . Confused and bewildered,  Chris found himself sat next to Josh gripping his skeletal hand as if it was his lifeline . Josh's glassy eyes looked into Chris's and he whispered softly to him "Cochise .. can you call Dr Hill it's gotten bad" . Josh felt a  tear roll down his face as he finally admitted he needed help . Chris nodded and pulled his friend into a hug , as Josh shook with pure emotion . Josh looked up and saw Beth's decapitated head in the mass of his vomit on the floor "YOU'RE WEAK JOSH!"She shouted demonically . Josh sighed "NO NO NOT AGAIN !" He screamed back , a terrifying wendigo shriek escaping his mouth after his shout .  Another tear fell down his face as he sunk  himself into Chris's shoulder  . "Josh ..buddy , I'm going to go and call Dr Hill , are you okay or do you want to come with me ?" Chris said methodically trying not to scare his fragile friend. Josh looked at the mocking faces of his sisters glare at him from the corner of the room , he shivered with fear ."I need to come with you " he felt himself say , feeling as if he was giving up his pride .

The hot water of the shower felt amazing on Sam's skin ; as what had just happened sunk in. She felt tears prick at her eyes as she watched Chris's blood mix with the clean shower water . She scrubbed her body as if she was contaminated ,images of Josh's fangs sinking into Chris replayed in her mind . She loved Josh as if he was her own brother , but as much as she cared for him , what had just happened had terrified her to her core . She gulped as a haunting wendigo shriek echoed through the house. "Is he even human anymore ?" Sammy whispered to herself , as she searched the shelf in the shower for a shampoo . Sammy gulped as she noticed the only shampoo their was the strawberry shortcake one , Beth insisted on using . She smiled at the thought of Josh still buying his sister's favourite. Sammy washed her hair meticulously, making sure it felt as clean as possible . Since the events on the mountain , Sammy had a thing for keeping clean , well she always had (hence her extremely long baths) but it had worsened since being chased around the dirty Blackwood mines . She stepped outside of the shower cubicle to notice the only towel the two boys had was the exact replica of the one Josh had chased her in at the Lodge . She was tempted to walk around naked but she knew they didn't have that kind of friendship . So Sam pulled the fluffy white towel over her naked body and pulled her wet blonde hair into a ponytail , with the black hair band round her wrist . Then she carefully walked out of the bathroom and followed Chris's loud voice into the living room . When she entered Josh was on the leather couch his eyes darting around the room like a frightened puppy and Chris was  shouting down the landline . "Okay Thankyou " Chris said and put the phone down sighing . "W- What did he say" whispered Josh timidly .
"He will be over after his next patient " Chris answered , suddenly noticing that Sammy was stood in the corner . " What's happening ?" Sammy asked her hand nervously tugging at her hair .  Chris looked to Josh for approval; Josh nodded his eyes still searching the room . "Dr Hill will be over in around an hour , Josh is getting worse as you saw , and the medication isn't working anymore " Chris said carefully so he wouldn't say anything that would trigger his friend . Sammy nodded ."Does he know that ... you know he's not entirely human " Sammy asked and was shocked when Chris nodded . "A few weeks after Josh came home , his mother called Dr Hill to check on her son , and well he was a lot less human then , He panicked and said he had another patient , since then he has had someone else deliver Josh's medication and cancelled on all their sessions " . Sammy heard Josh  gulp "but he's coming over ?" He whispered . "Ye s , I told him it was an emergency " Chris answered , grabbing Josh's inhuman hand . Josh whimpered his eyes still focused on the ghosts of his twin sisters wandering around the room , their eyes taunting him . "I need him" Josh whispered to himself .

Cochise?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum