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Chris awoke the next morning to an empty bed , and silence . He slowly let his eyes adjust to the brightness now seeping through his window and rolled over to grab his phone -8am , Josh usually would still be sleeping this early . He slowly stood up from the warm cosy bed , he so desperately wanted to stay in , and wondered out into the hallway . "Josh ?" He shouted becoming concerned with his boyfriends whereabouts.  Chris started to walk down towards the kitchen wondering if that's where he'd disappeared too , perhaps the wendigo hunger had returned . Then the unmistakable sound of a muffled whimper filled his ears . Chris followed the noise to the bathroom , before tapping on the wooden door . "Josh? " He asked slowly.
Josh heard his boyfriend behind the door , as another wave of nausea hit him . His hand gripped the toilet bowl , steadying his balance , as he began heaving into it . Splatters of red tinted sick hit the bowl , every few seconds . After around five minutes , Josh managed to lift his head from the toilet . "Cochise , go back to bed I'll be there in a minute " he croaked , feeling the sick begin to rise in his throat again . Then he instantly began heaving into the bowl again , gagging at the bitter taste . Instead of hearing Chris walk away , Josh heard the door open and felt a soft had on his back . He went to speak but the nausea stopped him for another two minutes , as Chris just slowly rubbed his back . When it stopped Chris looked at Josh sadly , who had closed the lid and pulled the chain , whilst not moving his body from the tiled floor . "You okay ?" He asked quietly , noticing Josh's tired features . Josh nodded sadly and went to stand up , but he instantly lost his balance and fell back into his boyfriends arms.  "S-side effects " Josh stuttered drowsily , before letting Chris guide him back to bed .
When Josh woke up , the time on the clock read 2pm . He still felt a little groggy as he stumbled to his feet , swaying slightly feeling a little hungry and dizzy . Josh growled quietly , already hating the meds . He stumbled into the kitchen , pulling open the fridge and grabbing a liver from the bottom shelf . The front door was open , telling Josh Chris was outside , probably smoking in the garden . He quickly ate his breakfast , knowing it was better to feed the wendigo now , he couldn't risk it coming out especially when the pills could make him unpredictable . He moaned slightly at the taste of the raw flesh , it wasn't as good as live meat but it dimmed the hunger , unlike yesterday . He quickly cleaned up after he ate , extremely happy with the fact Chris hadn't caught him eating this time , he didn't have the energy to deal with that again . Josh stumbled to go into the garden but, noticed Chris sat on the door step . He eased himself down and curled up beside him . "Cochise " he said slowly .
Chris turned around and noticed a groggy looking Josh , he had bags underneath his eyes despite him sleeping for six hours and a speckle of blood was shining on his left canine indicating he'd just eaten something. "How are you feeling?" He questioned , before planting a kiss on Josh's forehead . Josh shrugged , " been better " he mumbled , before going to stand up . He went to lift himself up but found he had little energy , even the wendigo seemed quiet . Chris noticed him struggling and instantly pulled Josh to his feet , before clasping his clawed hand and walking back inside with him . Josh grumbled , he felt as if he had been sedated as Chris carefully placed him on the sofa and brought him a coffee . He sipped carefully , the drink slightly centering him back into reality . "What times the party?" Josh said , his words sounding slightly woozy . Chris sighed "7pm , are you sure youre  okay to go ? We don't have too ?" He responded , worry filling his voice . Josh shook his head before taking another sip of coffee . " We are going Cochise , I'll be fine just wake me up again in about an hour ?" He replied , feeling the drowsiness take over again . Within moments he was curled up asleep on the sofa .
Chris sighed , pulling a blanket out from the storage cupboard behind the television , and pulling it over his sleeping boyfriend . He heard his phone start ringing in his back pocket and slowly walked into the garden to answer it .
He closed the door quietly , careful not to awaken Josh , before answering . " Chris it's me , I'm literally five minutes away can I come over ?" Sam's voice echoed down the line . Chris agreed but told her he'd meet her in the garden .
Exactly six minutes later , Sam was running up the driveway , wearing neon pink leggings and a flowy bright green top. She instantly ran up to Chris and pulled him into a giant hug , he heard him wince slightly as she arms gripped around his back . She looked up at noticed the bags underneath his eyes and the slight glimmer of pain over his features . She went to speak but Chris spoke up first ; " Seriously that's what you're wearing to the party , Mike gave me and Josh pink onesies to wear !" Chris laughed , realising that they would possibly be the weirdest dressed there . Sam giggled and sat herself down on the doorstep ." Mike's lazy , he totally forgot about Jess's birthday until literally two days ago , so he bought all the guys onesies from the same shop , and all the girls what I'm wearing " she smirked . Chris looked laughed , Mike was a good guy but a pretty shitty boyfriend sometimes . "Does this mean you two are coming tonight ?" Sam smiled , the sun hitting her tanned skin . " According to the sleeping Joshua we are " he joked , but his voice sounded concerned . Sam sensed the shift in the man's emotions , and looked  carefully at his strained features . " What's wrong ?" She asked , her left hand playing with the plait in her bright blonde hair . "Josh started on the new medicine last night , he says he's up for it but i don't think he will be " he sighed , thinking about how sleepy Josh was being . "Where is he ?" She asked , realising she hadn't seen her friend yet . Chris explained he was sleeping , and had been all day . Sam smiled and pulled Chris up , walking towards the door . " I'll make us some tea , and I'll wait with you until he awakens , don't wake him up , well just chill until five and if he's not awake by then , well wake him him and  figure out what to do with the party " Sam smiled , secretly just wanting a cup of tea , from her visit .

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