the hunt

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Chris quickly got changed , before shaking his head to cloud the embarrassment of Sammy catching them , especially due to the less than human noises Josh had been making . Before putting a shirt on , Chris rinsed the bite marks on his neck , carefully wiping the dried blood from the small incisions his boyfriend had left . He felt strange , confused about what to say to Sammy , yet fulfilled by the encounter in the kitchen . Somehow the fact Josh's wendigo side was warming up to him in this new way , thrilled him a little but that terrified him . Chris threw on a black Pulp fiction shirt and entered back into the room with Sammy and Josh.
"Look who's not naked anymore " Sammy smirked , trying not to stare at the small bite mark on her friends neck . Chris fell to his knees , and mockingly begged Sammy to forgive his dirty deed . Josh giggled and pulled Chris onto the sofa . "What's the plan for today then ?" Chris asked, still feeling a little dazed and hungover , but ready to make a day of it . "I have to do a shift at seven - I started working at this little bar in town a couple of weeks ago - but I'm down to go explore somewhere ?" Sammy perked up , realising she had missed hanging out with the boys these past months . Josh wrapped his arms around Chris , being slightly careful with his clawed hands on his boyfriends waist ." Walkies ?" Josh smirked , feeling the wendigo itching to go out , into the wilderness where it felt he should belong. Chris agreed and went to put his shoes on .

Within the hour the three of them were in Sammy's car , blasting old music and chattering like old times . They decided to go for a walk in the woods a few miles away from them , after Sammy got all excited and made them samwitches (well her and Chris , human food didn't satisfy Josh as it used too). When they parked in the little car park , Josh sped from the car , and ran into the forest , so quickly that he was almost out of eyesight before Sammy had even locked her car . "Josh where are you going ?" Chris questioned , confused at his boyfriends erratic behaviour . Sammy and Chris ran after him , smiling at the gorgeous tall trees that now surrounded them . " I wanted to run , ummm the wendigo missed nature ?" Josh murmured when they caught up with him , the dark passenger within him was purring happily at the buzzing wildlife and thick forest . Chris nodded and went to grab Josh's hand . " What's it want to do then ?" Sammy asked , her curiousity coming out to play . Josh sighed and smirked under the neon mask he'd put back on , just in case there was fellow people in the woods . "Well like it feels like this rush of energy really , like Its weird I wanna run , climb , hear the noises and um hunt in all honesty" he mumbled the last part , embarrassed over his animalistic impulses . Sammy looked away slightly ,unsure of whether or not to be concerned about her friend wanted to kill. "Josh if you want to do any of that , go ahead , just don't hurt any animals in front of me please" Sammy said , her animal loving tendencies coming out a bit . Josh looked at his boyfriend for approval and smiled when Chris nodded and pulled down his mask , planting a kiss on his luscious lips . Then Josh sped as fast as a wolf into the woods .
Sam and Chris followed him a few yards behind , watching Josh bounce
of the trees like a monkey .
Josh smiled as he felt the wind rush through his hair ,his claws jumping from tree to tree as his wendigo reflexes let him move subhumanly . He felt free within the confides of nature . He swang from tree to tree , like Tarzan , his defined hearing noticing the small chirrups of birds , and wind whistling in the tree tops . " You good ?" He heard Chris shout . He looked behind him and realised he was half way up a twenty foot tree . He laughed at how strange he was being , but for once Josh was enjoying himself . He went to grab a branch next to him , when a tremor shook his hand and he lost his grip. Josh heard Chris gasp from down below , when he felt himself fall onto the grass covered ground below. He landed on his left arm , hearing it make a crunching sound as he landed on it . "Oh my god are you okay ?" Sammy shouted running to Josh's aid . He went to speak but a half growl escaped his lips instead , the wendigo had slightly taken over . Josh slowly pushed himself to his feet , and grabbed his arm , which was swinging in a painful looking pattern . He used his unharmed arm to set it back in place , seething in pain as he did so , but thankful for his new quick healing the wendigo let him aqquire. He closed his eyes for a moment feeling his body heal and correct itself . " What the fuck bro! You're invincible?" Sammy shouted , half surprised half amazed. He went to speak again but yet again Josh couldn't find the words, the wendigo still seemed in control and another small growl escaped his lips for the second time . He looked at Chris for some help , feeling the urge to hunt return . " Yeah He's been able to heal physically, sometimes , a lot quicker than an average human " he said addressing Sam's question . "Josh if you want we will wait here , go do what you have to do ,but he careful " he addressed Josh , noticing the hunger in his boyfriends eyes .Josh nodded and ran into the forest .
He focused in on the noises in the forest , and within minutes he could hear the pattering of small feet around 60 foot away . He let his primal instincts take over , locking onto the animals appetising scent . Josh ran quickly , but silently towards the creature , secretly loving the thrill of the hunt . He clasped eyes with what turned out to be a small deer. Josh jumped quickly , his fangs ripping into the doe's ashy brown fur , hearing it's whimpers for mercy. He Let the hunger take over , moaning at the taste of fresh meat . He hungrily chomped down engorging each body part as if they were chocolate cake . Within minutes only the carcass remained . Josh looked at it in sadness , sympathetic with the poor animal , scared about how little control he'd just had and how thrilling the hunt was . He let himself listen to nature again and heard a river a few seconds away . Josh cleaned the blood of himself with the water from it , using his reflection in the water as a mirror , before returning to Chris and Sammy .
When he was back , Chris was smoking a cigarette and chatting about Sam's vetinary course with her . Chris looked up , smiling and pulled Josh into a hug . " You good ?" Chris asked. Reaching up and swiping a small splatter of blood off his Boyfriend's cheek , before Sammy noticed . " Im all groovy Cochise " Josh smiled , happy to have his voice back, and nuzzled into Chris's loving arms .

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