Meet up

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Chris's big blue eyes scanned over his friends reactions , seeing Josh shrinking into himself . Ashley instantly got up and walked down the beach ,Emily followed her . Mike nodded and smiled slightly. Matt just continued throwing a random ball like a goof ball and Sam came running up . "CHRIS!" She giggled wrapping her red arms around the stocky man . Chris Hugged her back sniffing in her natural lavender scent . "Sup Sammy" he smiled .
Then Sam turned to the shrunken man hidden behind Chris , his face hidden by a mask , but she instantly recognised his fluffy brown hair and Deep green eyes ."JOSHY!"She shrieked her excitement clearly evident .
Josh let the platinum blonde girl wrap her arms around his startled form , he gazed at her blistered skin and sighed into her flowery scent ."I-I'm sorry Sammy" he whispered into her ear . She smiled and went to grab his hand . Josh shot his arm away from her , knowing how weird and inhuman his hand would feel in hers ; he was used to Chris doing it but not Sammy , he might hurt her again . Sammy shrugged presuming his reaction was just from his illness and smiled at Josh . "Come sit "She said gesturing to the mats placed on the sand around the unlit bbqs and cooking bags . Josh looked at Chris for approval like a wounded dog . Chris nodded a grin on his face and followed Sammy and Josh onto the mats .
Josh sat on Sam's fire engine red blanket and instantly pulled Chris next to him . Chris could sense Josh's anxiety rise as all conversations stopped when they sat down , Chris opened his mouth to talk but to his surprise Josh began talking first .
Josh gulped then started " Hey g-guys I just want to say I'm really sorry for the prank I pulled , it was fucking stupid and I know I hurt you , I was just off my medicine and the doctors say I had a psychological breakdown and the hallucinations were bad " he stopped his body beginning to shake " I-If you Can't forgive me I " tears began to role down his face onto the mask making noises like tiny raindrops "understand but I'm so sorry ,I'm so sorry , I..." Josh felt a small delicate hand on his shoulder and Chris's strong hand grip his hand , as the anxiety attack took over . Josh felt his throat close up as the tears wouldn't stop coming . Chris and Sammy just sat there and held him until it stopped . Then mike interrupted " Man we understand you just went full mental jacket , the wendigo's were the monsters not you " . Josh felt the Wendigo inside him scream with the urge to rip Mikes throat out , little did Mike know he was one of those monsters now . Josh just slowly edged into Chris letting his friend hold him until the urge passed . Then Matt began " A prank for a prank all is good " he shrugged nodding to the crying Josh . Josh smiled back then realised that nobody could see under his mask "T-T-Thankyou" he choked out nodding towards the two men . Jess piped up then "It's all good you're just a bit crazy aren't you " she giggled , her lack of common sense really coming through  then . Josh just smiled edging away from Chris and truly looking at his friends , they still liked him , Hannah was wrong . "Cochise?" He asked Chris his voice coming back . " Yeah bud?" He responded somewhat proud of Josh , a month ago he could never had seen Josh be so brave . "Did you bring any beer?" He said happily . "Mike threw Josh a beer from his cooler and nodded . Josh went to open the beer on a rock , feeling everything come into place . Then Emily came storming over , like a dark cloud clouding over the happy moment . " YOU PIECE OF SHIT , HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO US , IF IT WASNT FOR YOU ASHLEY WOULDNT BE CRYING RIGHT NOW HER PTSD FLARING UP AND SAM WOULD STILL BE ABLE TO BATH WITHOUT HAVING A PANIC ATTACK !" She screamed at him , rage flaring in her eyes . Sammy went to stand up to defend Josh , she had just gotten her friend back and she wouldn't loose him again , then she fell over the bbq , a beer bottle cutting the healing scar tissue on her leg . "Fuck" she mumbled .
Josh's eyes switched from the Emily to the delicious blood dripping down Sam's leg . He snarled under his mask , the monster inside rearing it's nasty head . He went to pounce when Chris grabbed Josh's arms and threw him back . Josh went to blink the hunger away but he couldn't rip his eyes from the tasty looking flesh . Suddenly a memory shot through Josh's head of a terrified looking Sam run from him screaming in a bath towel . He couldn't do that again , he wouldn't . Josh felt his legs run away from the group fear flashing over his face .
"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED !" Said Jessica alarmed . Chris mumbled something about Josh forgetting to take his medicine and chased his friend down the sandy beach .
Everyone but Sammy excepted this excuse , she had witnessed his attacks one too many times to know this wasn't a Normal symptom. Emily starting ranting to herself walking up and down the beach when Matt interrupted her ."Josh is sick , I love you but we can't be mad at him for what he can't help " he said kindly taking his new fiancé in his arms .
Sammy smiled " Yes , Josh is our friend we didn't help him before but now we have chance to look after our friend " .
Her eyes gazed foreword watching Chris catch up to Josh who had just ran into a cave . When are they going to get together she thought to herself .

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