Butterfly effect

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When they got back into the car , Josh felt very tired ; probably from a mixture of his medication and his escapade in the woods . He entered the back of Sam's car with Chris and instantly curled up and passed out on his boyfriends shoulder . Chris smiled and snuggled into him .
A few minutes into the drive when Sammy could hear Josh's little snores , she looked at Chris in the rearview mirror. " What's it like?" She questioned him . "What's what like?" He said quietly . "Dating Josh ?" She murmured . Chris looked down at the sleeping man , and let his fingers softly run through his hair . " It just feels right you know , like I've always loved him but I thought it was just as my best mate but now it's just blossomed into well ... He's my everything Sammy" Chris said softly smiling down at Josh . Sammy smiled , glad her friends were happy , for a minute she was a little scared Chris was just dating Josh to take care of him . "Isn't it hard though , with him being a wendigo and everything?" She questioned generally curious . Chris laughed  quietly.  " It's deffinately different , like who else can say they have to stop their boyfriend being a cannibal , but it's a part of Josh now , and I'd do anything to make sure he's okay . It's scary sometimes when it completely takes over him , but I know that's not the man I love , it's just the horrific thing he was cursed with " Chris said slowly being careful to describe his feelings about the situation.
Around twenty minutes later they arrived in front of Chris's house. A large fire engine red Porsche was parked outside their house . Chris gulped instantly recognising the car as Josh's father's . "Fuckkk" he muttered under his breath before shaking Josh awake . "That's his dad's right ?" Sammy muttered , her voice wobbling with fear for Josh , she knew he'd never even spoken to his father since he came back from Blackwood .
Josh felt himself be shook awake by Chris . "We home , Cochise ?"he murmured , his voice full of sleep . "You're dad's outside , Josh" Chris said softly . Josh whimpered softly and pulled Chris into him ."W-what shall I do ?" He stuttered , panic filling his voice . Chris pulled the mask over Josh's wendigo features and grabbed his hand . He looked over his shaking boyfriend , and noticed his claws were visible and his eyes were still clouded over . "Pull you're hoodie over your hands , and try not to make eye contact I guess , but just don't panic it's going to be fine " Chris said after assessing the situation. Sammy gave both the boys giant hugs before dropping them on the driveway , as it was coming up to seven and she had to leave .
Josh was terrified , his dad had never been the most calm man and he'd always had more money than common sense but Josh loved him .He used to aspire to become a movie director like him , before everything changed . He grabbed Chris's hand before beginning to slowly walk to the door of the house . His father stepped out of his car and began to approach the two boys . He looked a lift different from when Josh last saw him . His mustache had been replaced with a scraggly beard , and his usual suit was gone and a pair of black jeans and a checkered top took its place ."Joshua , can we talk ?" His father said in a stern but polite tone . Josh nodded , uncertain what to say . " Do you want to do this inside Mr Washington?" Chris asked , feeling like a cup of coffee was needed . Bob Washington smiled and walked towards the house he'd purchased Chris after the events - Hush money is what Chris had thought at the time . Chris opened the door and led Josh and his father inside , but Josh's hand remained firmly gripped in his . Mr Washington walked towards the sofa and planted himself on the right hand side . Josh looked on the verge of a panic attack , pulling Chris closer to him . "Just breathe , and stay calm it'll be okay " Chris whispered into his boyfriends ear and led him to the seat opposite his dad . Bob Washington unfolded his arms and placed them calmly on his thighs . " Josh I need you to take what I'm saying seriously and if it's true I need you to trust me " he began , his tone uncertain .Josh nodded slowly , unsure of what his father was doing ; he seemed very different to the last time he saw him , more on edge and almost panicked.  " I didn't purchase blackwood for the family Josh. I bought the mountain after I learned it's native American history , the stories of the sanitorium and the lost mine workers seemed facinating and I was looking for a storyline for my next movie.  So I wanted to experience the atmosphere out there to base my script off . I thought they couldn't possibly be true but when your sister's disappeared something about the tales of cannibalism and monsters suddenly seemed almost passable . I told this to your mother and she called me crazy and kicked me out . She didn't tell me that you'd gone there a few months ago with everyone ; I'd never had let you gone if I had known. When you returned , after you're friends had been hurt and told the police the mines weren't safe I realised it was true . They exist don't they Joshua?" Mr Washington rambled ; he sounded crazy , like a conspiracy theorist. But everything he was saying was the truth ; he'd connect the dots . The butterfly effect had came into play if his father had  never have heard about wendigos Josh would never have become one . "Yes" Josh whispered under his mask , gob smacked . Bob Washington almost smiled, he wasn't insane , but the truth was disastrous The middle aged man looked carefully at his son , he noticed that his green eyes no longer had colour and the strange mask covering his features . He gasped . "Josh , what happened on the mountain ? And what happened to you ?" He said shakily , the truth daunting on him . Josh looked at Chris , who was as pale as a ghost , for advice but his boyfriend remained silent , in shock .  " D-d-dad" he stuttered , feeling the room begin to close in on him . Mr Washington looked his son in the eyes and took a deep breath , "Son , just tell me the truth and everything will be okay " he said calmly and placed his hand on Josh's leg .
" The year my sister's went missing , Hannah became trapped in the mines" Josh began ...

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