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Josh's eyes met Sam's sad ones and he froze . Hannah's voice quietened as he stared into the his friends intoxicating face . He realised he hadn't reacted to her question as soon as she began to speak again ." Josh ,Chris told me everything, I'm not going to hate you please can I see ?" She whispered with a strong tone indicating that she didn't fear him but was merely curious .
Josh smiled at how her words were completely opposite to Hannah's but he knew the monster he was now and didn't want to hurt the poor girl like he already had before . However his fingertips slowly pulled off the white mask revealing the beastly fangs ,still slightly stained with the blood , and his scarred face , where his mouth as constantly pulled back into a menacing snarl on one side . He looked at his friend (completely self conscious ) and saw her burnt fingertips reach towards the edge of his mouth ." D-DONT!" He felt himself shout as Sammy jumped back in shock ." I don't want to hurt you .." he trailed off .
Sammy smiled feeling her arms clasp around her friends bloodbath or a body ." Oh Joshy , you stopped yourself once I trust you " She whispered playing with his curly locks out of habit . Josh gasped at her kindness his eyes drifting towards the entrance of the cave , seeing Chris slowly walk towards them , a kind smile placed upon his face . " I've lost you once Josh, never again" whispered Sam as Chris engulfed them both in a powerful hug . Josh smiled ;in that moment the Wendigo was as silent as a butterfly .
The three slowly detached from one another , instantly giggling as they ended up entirely covered in the harsh red blood from the raw meat . " EW!" Shrieked Sam the dramatic animal rights activist coming out of her . She quickly pulled off the pure white top she was wearing to reveal her body to the boys . Her breasts were on the smaller side and her stomach was flat but burns curled up her sides , illustrating the sight of the most painful moment in her life . Her hands instantly went to cover them , until she stopped herself and laughed ."Why am I covering my scars when Josh literally has half a face " she giggled , somewhat hysterically. Chris laughed at her comment but saw Josh slowly pull the mask over his deformed features , feeling almost as repulsive as the voices told him he was . He smiled at Sam and then reached out his hand to grab Josh's but noticed Josh was midway through pulling his tshirt off , revealing his peculiar transparent masculine build . "Chris you next " he laughed "we are going fucking swimming cochise " . Sammy giggled and grabbed Josh's hand , not even flinching at the skeletal feel of his bones .
Chris tensed then pulled the hoodie off that he'd been wearing all day . Sam gasped seeing the bite marks scattering his body , his arms and neck were almost entirely covered with thick white lines , shaped like Josh's perfect fangs . Chris gupled as he saw Josh's horrified reaction ; he knew Josh never remembered the times he hallucinated so bad the wendigo took over but most of those times , Chris was his target, Chris never told him . He couldn't , it would destroy him . "I I did that ..." Josh trailed off . " I'm so sorry cochise " he whispered , pulling the taller man into his bare chest . " It's cool man , it wasn't you , I know you'd never hurt me " Chris mumbled into his friends shoulder , smiling to hide the pain he was really feeling deep inside . " So lets go fucking swimming !" He shouted, grabbing Sam's burnt pale hand and Josh's inhuman one and smiled . The three of them ran into the sea all of them messed up from that mountain but each one of them slowly getting there , step by step .

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