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Josh wondered into the kitchen drowsy but his hunger was increasing second by second . He clumsily opened the fridge , hoping to find something to eat . Empty . The only thing in the fridge was yogurts and they definitely wouldn't stop the wendigo appetite. His breath hitched as a pang of hunger hit his stomach causing him to double over . He wondered whether to to go and get Chris to see where there'd be more meat but decided that would ruin the night. HUNGRY; the wendigo shrieked in his head . He desperately scanned the fridge again even though he knew nothing was there . Suddenly the stench of flesh entered his nose . Like an animal he began following the scent , the hunger taking over . He got to the back door of the house and licked his lips without realising what he was doing . Whatever Josh could smell it was behind that door . Carefully he twisted the door knob letting himself into the alley way behind the house . His eyes scanned the area , his heightened senses kicking in . Suddenly he sensed movement behind the trash cans . Quickly he pounced behind them his eyes locking onto the rundown appearance of a stray dog . The dogs blue eyes locked onto Josh's with a mixture of fear and longing . He felt sick to his stomach but could feel dreaded hunger growing stronger by the minute . It was better him killing a dog than Chris so he allowed the hunger to take over . The wendigo spirit quickly took over Josh's mind . His claws carved the dog open , skinning the unwanted fur from its body as the poor animal yelped in pain . After it's skin was off , He began tearing the blood covered body parts from its corpse , ferociously devouring each one within minutes feeling the hot succulent blood drip down his throat . After no more  than ten minutes all that was left of the dog was bones . Josh felt the hunger slip away from him as his humanity returned . With a sick feeling in his stomach he looked down at the fleshless corpse of the dog and gagged . "Holy shit ..." Josh whispered, disgusted at his actions . "MONSTER" Hannah shouted in his head , her voice ringing the truth . Josh didn't even respond he just felt his stomach double over and felt himself sink to the ground , vomiting a small amount of what he'd just eaten . He ran his hands through his now blood soaked hair with frustration. " I know Hannah " he whispered , agreeing with the voices for once . His eyes scanned back to the bones and skin on the cobbled floor . "Hide it from Chris " A voice whispered in his head . A confused expression appeared on his face , he didn't recognise the voice , normally it was just Hannah and Beth ; this was neither . However he followed it's instructions and quickly threw the remains of the dog behind the trash cans . "Now shower " it instructed after he hid the body . Disoriented, Josh looked down at the blood soaking his clothes and threw them in one of the rubbish bags in the trash can , before running into the house . He quickly sped into the bathroom , incase Chris came and saw him . He let the hot water pour over him For the second time that day . He stood there watching it pour down the drain . The water came off him tinted with  murky red . He gulped disgusted with himself as he watched the water until in ran clear . Then he methodically washed his body , scrubbing until his skin was red raw . Josh felt his tears mix with the hot water as his claw nicked the scar on his cheek . He hissed in pain before stepping from the shower , his body sore from him aggressively scrubbing the gore away . "Go back to Chris Josh " the voice piped up again , it's tone commanding . "Who are you !" He shouted at the empty room . There was no reply but an indecipherable figure passed by the window . "Holy shit !" Josh gasped seeing the shape cross by . He quickly grabbed a towel from the laundry basket  and ran into the lounge grabbing the keys off the kitchen side . Panicking , he locked the doors and slammed the open kitchen window closed and sank onto the floor . "Grab a knife , it's coming to get you" the unknown voice shouted in his ear . Josh gulped his eyes locked on the kitchen window . The black figure was still there . He quickly reached and grabbed a knife from the knife rack . His eyes looked down at the knife in his hands and he shuddered a strange feeling of deja vu of entering his mind . Something didn't seem right . He stumbled back into his bedroom , realising the voice told him to go to Chris earlier . Chris slowly turned around half asleep."Josh?" He questioned not opening his eyes . Josh gulped and slowly sat on the bed next to Chris , his breathing becoming erratic . "Josh?" Chris questioned again after hearing no response . Josh sighed and turned around to face the blonde haired man . Chris's eyes were transfixed on the knife firmly gripped in Josh's palm as soon as he turned around . "Josh what's going on ?" Chris whispered sitting up so he was face to face with Josh . "Don't tell him" the voice echoed in Josh's mind . He shook his head violently dropping the knife onto the floor , before wrapping his arms around Chris . "Josh talk to me " Chris whispered softly into his ear . "DON'T" the voice commanded . "Why not ?" He whispered into Chris's muscled shoulder.  "He won't understand " the voice replied . Josh laughed , almost manically . "Josh who are you taking too ?" Chris asked clearly . "I'm not sure Cochise , but whoever it is doesn't know anything" he said , falling back onto the mattress, pulling Chris with him . "Don't trust him " the voice echoed . Josh just pulled Chris closer to him . Chris reached out and slowly felt Josh's cheek , his fingertips tracing over his scars . "You've cut yourself ?" He questioned when his fingers came back with blood . Josh sighed pulling The blanket over them . "Claws aren't good for washing your face " he mumbled , feeling drowsy again . Chris smiled sadly and pulled Josh closer , planting a small kiss on his scarred lips . Josh smiled leaning in . "Can you tell me what just happened " Chris murmured just wanting to help Josh . Josh sighed and snuggled into the warm blanket . " There was no meat in the fridge , we need more " he whispered feeling his eyes beginning to unwillingly close . Chris went to question what Josh has said but before he could open his mouth , a soft snore escaped Josh's lips. He smiled and wrapped his arm around Josh's slender body before falling back to sleep himself .

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