The night before

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Hannah and Beth's , rotting faces glowed in the darkness of the bedroom , taunting him , making him terrified . Making him hungry . Josh screamed his hands  holding his chest , screaming they weren't real , hoping it was all a dream . His newly formed claws ripped into Chris's pyjama shirt , and his body shaking with pure fear .
Chris jumped up in his room next door ; hearing the haunting screams of his best friend . Chris knew Josh wasn't as he used to be , this was a new Josh ; haunted by the memories of the past two years , half transformed into one of the beasts that attacked them all just a few months ago . Yet Chris refused to give up , he had let him down once and he refused to do it again . He threw a random top over his naked chest and ran into the spare bedroom . He gasped seeing Josh . His claws had ripped into Chris's shirt leaving gaping red scratches in Josh's skin and rips down the top , he was shaking as if he had hypothermia but sweat was running down his scarred face , dripping into the gaping hole on his left side of his face . " Josh" he whispered laying a hand on his shoulder .  Josh looked up his voice broken " Are you real?" He whimpered his clouded over eyes jumping from Chris's empathetic face to the ghosts of his sisters . " I'm real " he said smiling .
"Cochise?" He smiled letting Chris pull him into a hug . "I've got you bro" the taller man smiled .
Josh's face sunk into Chris's shoulder smelling the familiar musky scent he was now used too . He glanced back behind him softly noticing the wretched figures had now disappeared . He smiled pulling the scars on his face into a upturned position . He looked back up at Chris , thankful for the younger man . Then the Wendigo  spirit emerged from inside him screamed a single word into his unconscious. HUNGRY
Josh's sharp fangs suddenly felt sharper as he felt his eyes gaze over the throbbing jugular artery on Chris's throat . "Cochise?" He murmured , Refusing to give in to the appetising scent of flesh ,his friend was now giving off . " What Josh?" Chris answered instantly. " Hungry " he murmured pulling his now skeletal body off the taller man .
Chris glanced at his elongated fangs and the strained look on Josh's face ; the wendigo spirit must be growing stronger . They'd tried everything to get rid off it these past few months , Josh was literally feral when Chris found him . But when after two  exorcisms and help from him Josh was stronger and almost human again , though they both knew the wendigo would never really be gone . Josh still remained physically inhuman with cravings for human meat .
"Come on then " Chris whispered leading the shook up man towards the kitchen . When they reached it Josh practically pounced towards the fridge his clawed hands grabbing at one of red steaks Chris had bought him . Chris watched shook , as Josh ripped it open his fangs ripping into the meat , clumsily tearing it bit from bit guzzling it down . Chris turned around gagging at the sight , yet he couldn't help but feel sorry for Josh . He grabbed a tea towel from the wooden drawer and walked over to Josh after he had finished eating . He knew better to go over to his friend mid meal now ; he had the bites to prove it .
Josh sat there his face dripping with blood . " I don't like you watching that" he whispered as Chris wiped the blood of Josh's delicate features . Chris shrugged he was used to that sight by now .  "It's okay " he said pulling Josh off the tiled floor . His eyes glanced at the clock ;4am . "Let's go back to sleep remember what's happening tomorrow " he whispered.
Josh froze in place ; realising it was tomorrow when he'd finally see everyone again , after the events ,after Dr hill ; after the violent prank he pulled when he was off his medicine. Chris hadn't let them see anyone whilst Josh was recovering, he didn't want to risk it . Josh shuddered remembering the frightened faces of his friends when he pulled off the maniac mask , he remembered the hate in their eyes .
The everlasting voice of Hannah in his head told him they'd hate him now , especially as he was now an actual monster . He felt his body drop to the floor as memories and voices took over . Then he felt a friendly hand on his shoulder again . Josh looked up and saw Christ in his hand the medicine he needed . Josh swallowed it quickly wanting the ghosts that haunted him just to go away ." It'll be fine Josh , apart from Emily and Ashley they've all but forgiven you " Chris whispered , pulling his friend off the floor .
" Can I stay in your bed the rest of the night?" Josh asked , his eyes hopeful . Chris smiled and nodded pulling Josh closer to him as he dragged the tired mixed up man towards his bedroom .

Cochise?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant