Don't Abandone Me Please

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"His highness... Phelan?" The boy looks up and sees the rims of Raphael's eyes red, as if he was crying.

"Your highness Phelan. Please forgive Sakura, she just isn't used to meeting a child around her age. Please.... is something wrong?"
"Sa... Sakura is in pain.... crying...... bleeding..."

Phelan was trying to explain what was happening, but he didn't have the breath to, he hasn't learn any magic yet so he couldn't use any to help with his physical abilities. But before he can say anymore. He was grabbed by the waist and carried all the way back, he felt the wind being used to glide back. They reached the door only to hear her screams grow louder.
Raphael flinched and let the boy down outside the room, he didn't know if a child should see this.

When he took those first steps into the room, there was total mayhem, files and papers littered the floor, objects were pushed and broken from the scuffle and he can see Hedwig and Mihkael grabbing an arm each, and Seraph was trying to speak to her with her maids, but with no success.

Her hair was a mess, with signs that it was pulled and ripped from the few strands that was on her dress and the floor. Her right cheek was bleeding from a scratch as well as her forehead. Her eyes were wide yet was like a glass marble, as if there was no life in it, her tears keep streaming from her eyes and she kept mumbling something, but no one understood what.

Raphael quickly walked over and lightly places his palm in her cheek.

He whispers her name so he wouldn't scare her, but the moment she heard his voice, her eyes turn to him and focused on him. He wanted to cry, but held it in. He gave a small smile and called her again.

"Sakura... it's ok, everything is ok." He was coaxing her, trying to get her back to a stable state.
"Ahh.... Raphuel.... uhhh... sowwy.... I'm....sorry.."

Sakura wanted to reach out to him, but Mihkael and Hedwig still had a hold of her arms. Raphael looked at Mihkael, then at Hedwig and did a light nod. Both men looked at him then turn to each other, they both let go at the same time.
Sakura threw herself on Raphael and wept in his shoulder.

Raphael sensed her fear and pain, and was guilty for leaving her like that.
"Your highness... it's ok now, I'm here, I'm here." He lightly pats her back and holds her close. Her weeping grew dim till the only thing that was heard was her rhythmic breathing. She felt calm and rested in Raphael's shoulder.

Taking the situation in, no one knew what to say about this. But Seraph quickly took action.

"I apologize to our guests for witnessing that. But I hope it won't hurt your image of our princess. She has never done such a thing till now."

Seraph bows to Hedwig, Daisy and Ivy did so as well. They were with their princess for a few months now, and they knew she was a calm and quiet child. She has never show such dislike to a person.
Raphael wanted to bow too, but Hedwig stops him.

"Do not worry my friends. My grandchild is partly to blame, he must have frightened her when he approached and grabbed her out of nowhere. But I hope you are lenient with her. She seems to be a bit weak mentally, even emotionally. Help her with that, especially since you know the recent state of our lands Mihkael." He looked at Mihkael in a serious way.

"You know those things like to fester in the mind of emotional and mentally weak people. You should check around your palace, and those who approach her highness."

The older man has lived much longer that any of them, and he was just an infant when the corruption was defeated 500 years ago, but his own father and grandfather never stopped telling him of that war and how people lost themselves to the corruption, even how people allied themselves with the corruption just to dispose of enemies or to reach higher in ranks. It was chaos and Hedwig felt maybe something that is happening to her highness might have something to do with it.

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