Cassius was quiet as he looked around his overwhelming room. He didn't realize it, but Jessica was carrying his backpack as it was in his room by the door. He didn't even notice her carrying it. Then his thought went to his phone how it was in his pocket, but since he got changed into a rooster, he wouldn't get his phone until he changed back. 5-6 hours seemed too long, then Cassius looked up at the window. There was a male harpy flying over the houses; Cassius saw no shame in the way that he flew doing tricks while he flew home. Then an idea sparked to Cassius he was technically a bird, and even though he couldn't fly for long, it was still a shot.

Cassius opened his wings and began to flap his wings, but it was no use. He didn't necessarily know how to fly, which posed a big deal. He had an idea that proved useless as he just laid on the bed again. The covers felt so comfortable that he couldn't help but rest his eyes, the sun was going down, and suddenly the tiredness hit him like a truck, and he was out like a light.

An itch came, which caused Cassius to scratch it. He was able to scratch it fairly easily as he sat up and saw his body.  No feathers, he was back to his human body as he couldn't help but touch his face just to make sure everything went back to normal, but he got up anyway to check the mirror in his bathroom.

His ombre brown short hair was ruffled up as his grey eyes glanced his entire body, making sure he didn't have a single feather on him. And he was still in his same uniform from the day before. Cassius couldn't help but sigh in relief as he was afraid he wasn't going to be able to turn back. A vibration came from his back pocket, and when Cassius checked his phone, it was notifications for an update from his phone, but what shocked him was the time 5:45 am. usually, his alarm was at 7 am so he could make it to school before. No exhaustion, but instead, the refill of energy came, and Cassius couldn't do anything about going back to sleep, so he decided to change his outfit into a new uniform since it was stained with the black potion from Jessica.

Once he was done with his morning routine, he went into the kitchen, which his mom wasn't awake yet. Usually, at times like this, Cassius breakfast would already be prepared along with lunch in a lunch box. He decided to fix himself some cereal in a bowl, and he ate fairly slowly; the quietness of the house seem infinite, and a bit uneasy. The sun was barely coming up from behind the mountains. The peacefullness seemed surreal, and he knew he had to enjoy it while it lasted.

Once Cassius was done with breakfast, he opened the fridge and saw his lunch box, the same black plastic container his mother got him not so long ago.

"Your up already?" Cassius heard his mother's voice and turned around. He got his lunch box and closed the fridge.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep anymore," Cassius said.

"You did sleep fairly early. How are you feeling?" Vicotria asked worriedly as she couldn't help but yawn. Cassius wasn't used to seeing her in her pajamas, but somehow it seemed to match her figure, even if most times she wore a white blazer. With her black bob haircut with bangs that matched her yellow eyes with her skinny pupils. Cassius saw her crimson red tail with black claw stripes that just showed how poisonous she was. Her tail was so long it was enough to wrap an entire person's body. Cassius never liked to think about it.

"Cassius?" his mother asked again.

"Oh, I'm feeling great. That extra sleep made me feel energized. Anyways I'm going to go to school early, after all, it is-." Cassius looked at his phone. "6 am. I got nothing else better to do; it's not like I'm tired or somehtinging and I had breakfast already."

"Alright, if you say so. By the way, Cassius, I also wanted to ask. How is school? We didn't really get a chance to discuss about it."

Cassius was about to speak until the thought of Skylar came. He knew he had to keep quiet about it. After all, ever since their conversation, Skylar didn't talk to him, but that didn't mean he wasn't cautious about where he went. "It's great. I like it here. But I still wanted to ask. I understand that we needed to move here for your job. But I'm still a human, couldn't I have just stayed in the human world while you go to your job in and out of the monster realm?"

Vicotria was quiet, but she looked as though she was trying to find the right words. "One month."

"One month?"

"Cassius, just gives us one month to live in the monsters relm, and I promise that if you still want to, we can go back to the human realm. One month is all I'm asking. "

"But what makes that-"

"Anyways, I need to make breakfast and get changed."

"But mom-"

"Cassius. I need to get ready now." Victoria turned and slithered out of the kitchen and to her bedroom to get ready. Cassius felt as though Vicotria was keeping something, but he shook it off. If all it took was one month to live in the monster rlem, then he could survive that long, after all his friends in the human world were waiting for him, and he was waiting for them.

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