"Are you out of your mind!!! Do you realize the penalty of attacking a doctor?!"

Disregarding his reaction, Ranbir moved forward by giving two successive, yet strong blows on the face, and a kick on the chest - hence the cunning figure landed rolling into the parking space; unable to move.

Ranbir took out the slightly cracked smartphone - what he saw next intensified his temper even more.

A video clip of outwardly uncomfortable Prachi sat with her collarbone completely exposed whereas the supposed doctor was too involved in massaging her skin - demanding more proximity - followed by Prachi's picture already sent ahead.

Clenching his jaw, he tightened his grip on the device and began to scan the surrounding area; his eyes fell on some of the wooden slaps and a bat in the corner of the garage.

Gripping the bat with both hands, he stood over the gruesome figure laying on the floor;

"Not really bothered, if attacking a doctor would get me into any kind of major trouble. But I'll make sure that a pervert like you never walks again, for filming the girl in my house!!"

Trembling, the raw-boned figure tried to run, when he got a sharp hit on the face with blood splashing out of his mouth; coughing and trying to catch his breath he stood up with his remaining strength.

However another blow on his knee caps made him scream in unbearable pain.

"How much money did that son of a prostitute offer you?"

"I - I can't - t-"

Ranbir was one step away from finishing off the loathsome animal when his arms were abruptly held back.

He found a pair of black shiny eyes questioning him with equal intensity yet contradictory emotions.

While Prachi stood beside him expressing her anger and shock in silence; he immediately felt sudden peace conquering his inner demons hence pushing them under wraps.

Jerking away Ranbir's arm, she walked a bit further to have a clear view of the scene.

The petrified being was lying in an almost lifeless and bloodied condition - asking for mercy. Completely numb, she glared at Ranbir, who stood firm on his spot.

Guilt-stricken; his arms fell to his sides in an involuntary fashion trying his best to avoid her accusing gaze.


"Pratik, this is the 4th time in a row that you've made the same spelling mistakes in your English essay! Why can't you stay focused?" - Pragya lashed out at one of the notorious tuition kids - who was throwing his usual tantrums to avoid studying.

"But, I don't want to... all of this is so boring! It's been 2 hours since you made me sit and redo it. I am so exhausted! Can I get a lunch break already, please?"

"Absolutely not! Your grades haven't been improving and the finals are on your head - I don't wish to take any chances."

"But, -"

"No buts, you're the only one lagging behind in the group of kids and your parents are rightly worried. If you complete this essay without any mistakes, I would let you go early today. For now, do your work in silence!!"

In Love with Devil - A Prachi-Ranbir Fan Fiction #IndianWhere stories live. Discover now