Chapter 8

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Generally known for his radiant and showy nature, Ankit never had to put in much of the hard work in grabbing female attention on-campus; from flashing that million dollar smile, showering praises to taking advantage of his good looks - these traits were enough to make every single woman go head over heels for him.

Nonetheless, the current situation was entirely the opposite. Ankit was restlessness and the reason was a young lady he met a few days ago.

It was rare for him to skip classes unless there was some real emergency; yet he made an exception. What could he do? For a studious person like him it was quite surprising that he could not focus on his work with Dr Dhanush and academics for the 4th day in a row.

As he lay on his bed, his twinkling gaze was fixed on his phone screen - Prachi looked enchanting in the picture as much as in person. What actually left him irked was how his set of tactics had terribly failed in front of Prachi that day. In terms of her conduct, captivating beauty and her tendency to keep her personality under wraps; even his biggest compliments were put to shame. No matter how much he had tried to penetrate through her gentle yet aloof nature she shut him out via brief responses.

She belonged to a different breed - this fact was adequate that forced him to reflect on his ceaseless lust for women he had successfully fulfilled over a long period of time. He had met her only once and he was already amazed by the new range of emotions he had been feeling lately; obviously, nobody would believe him if he confessed being in love with Prachi at first sight. But then again as conservative as she seemed; making her fall in love with him would lead him one step closer to satisfy his desires, the creamy complexion, those expressive eyes, rosy lips, perfectly carved figure and that glossy skin which he could kiss and fondle forever. He wouldn't give up without getting a flavor of that heavenly gift once.

If only he could get rid of Neha - the irritating sidekick then luring Prachi towards this bed and listening to her endless moans under those velvet sheets would be a piece of cake - Ankit pondered. Tossing the phone aside, he gazed down; caressing the soft fabric and grinning to himself.

After Raghuveer had seen scattered pieces of glass at the edge of the road; he felt numb, refusing to move forward.

Leaning back on the driver's seat; he tried to join the dots of what had exactly happened. For several years he had been doing whatever it took to keep Ranbir safe from all sorts of hazardous situations; from setting up his home and business away from the metropolis to isolating him from all kinds of previous contacts - Raghuveer had done it all, for the simple reason that his nephew could lead a peaceful life for once; he was hopeful that all of this would help Ranbir let go of his bitter past.

Yet fate proved him wrong - he was trying to alter something which had already been written among the stars years back; a strong prediction that had already started to show its effects. Perhaps if he hadn't taken Ranbir away from her, he would have been actually secure. But, at that point he was left with no other choice; he couldn't picture Ranbir hating someone whom he was emotionally attached to; just because of some distorted truth. Especially after knowing that her mere presence was a ray of life for that child.

Nonetheless, now he knew it was inevitable for him to avoid the circumstances and only one person could help him as a guiding light.

Taking off his shoes at the mini staircase of the Holy temple; Raghuveer moved ahead unsure of what he was going to say.

In Love with Devil - A Prachi-Ranbir Fan Fiction #IndianWhere stories live. Discover now