Chapter 25 Go Get 'em Tiger

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Chapter 25 - Go Get 'em Tiger

The week went by, like a blur. It went a bit like this...

Tuesday- I went to see mum. Yes, they finally let me! She's not in the best shape though.. and she's still awake. Unfortunally, the doctors are loosing hope... and so am I...

Wednesday- Me and George went swimming again! He's gotten much better at the handstandas underwater.. I wonder if he has been secretely practising.. hmm...

Thurday- I went shopping with Elena.

Friday- Me and George nearly got caught going to the Coffee Shop. But we ran away. The media still didn't know about us, but sooner or later, we would have to tell them.

And now, it was finally Saturday, the day of the X Factor finals.

I spent hours last night, cuddling, and trying to calm poor George down, who was a wreck.

His nerves had really taken over, he had even shouted at me this morning, which gave me a shock. He never shouts at me. Ever. He did apologize later though.

I can't say I understand how he feels, because, well.. I don't.

I've never been in his situation. Partly because I have stage fright, and would just collapse, and partly because I can't sing.. he's born to be on stage... Im not.

"Your on in ten! Good luck boys!" Blair, the boys manager said, as he walked out, closing the door behind him.

George whimpered, as the rest of the boys did breathing excersises.

He was defiantly the most nervous amongst them.

"Hey, hey, George, you'll do fine love!" I reasurred him, wrapping my arms around his strong body. He sobbed onto my shoulder, and I rubbed his back.

I could feel the wet patches of tears he was leaving on my top, but right now, that was the least important thing.

"Thank you" He cringed, pulling away from me and sniffing. "I- Im sorry Char." He sighed, sitting down on the sofa. I sat beside him. "I guess Im just over-reacting."

"Your not. Everyone understands that your nervous George, no-ones going to judge you"

He smiled. "Your perfect you know that?"

He kissed the top of my head, then stood up.

"Your cheesey, you know that?" I mocked, completely ruining the moment.

He stuck his tongue at me, making me giggle. He seemed to have calmed down now.

"You get 'em tiger," I whispered just as he was about to leave, "Show them what your made of"

I gave him a flirty wink, and mouthed, "RAWR!" and did the hand motion.

He rolled his eyes, but chuckled anyway, and kissed my lips sweetely.

"I will honey" He winked, then he was gone.

We where so coupley now... I liked it!

I got sent out of the dressing rooms, and to the theatre, where the show was still going on.

As quietly as I could, I managed to make my way through the crowd, and to my seat, just as Ella had stopped singing Skyfall with Adele.

Oh lord, I love that girl!

I have to admit, that performance was pretty amazing. I clapped along with the crowd.

I tried to keep on a happy face, but I think I failed.

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