Chapter 27 Lets Go Royeding

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Chapter 27 - Lets Go Royeding

He continued stirring in his sleep, mumbling and tossing from side to side. He had been doing this for the last hour now, keeping me from sleeping.

Whatever he was dreaming about, he wasn't enjoying it.

I frowned and rolled over to where I could see his face.

Even horrified and scared, he still managed to look adorable. His face was covered in beads of sweat, and his face was scrunched up, something he only did when he was worried.

Just then, he let out a cry. I jumped in the covers with fright.

"Hey, hey, ssh, Its ok, Im here" I whispered to the whimpering George, whose eyes had shot open as soon as I kissed his nose and stroked his hair out of his eyes.

"Ch-Char I-Im scared" He cried into my shoulder as I pulled him into a hug.

I frowned and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.

"It was just a bad dream babe." I whispered.

"But what... what if it comes true!" He whimpered.

I moved his head with my hands, so he was looking at me.

I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and said, "Tell me about it?"

"Well.. I was cuddling you on the sofa like yesturday- when you said to me you didn't love me... then I started crying and you ran away saying it was for the best. I went to the finals to find out it was all a sick joke. The boys all hated me. Dermont told me it was a joke, and that I didn't have a future and to go home. So I did. And I cried and cried. Thats when you woke me up" He finished with tears running down his cheeks.

I gulped back my own tears. He looked so upset, I wondered if he really believe that would all happen...

"George, thats never going to happen. First of all, I love you so, so much. I've never loved someone as much as I love you. Your my whole world. I would never leave you."

He smiled and kissed my lips lightly. "I love you too, and I know that now," He whispered.

I smiled back,"Secondly, the boys love you almost as much as I do,"

He chuckled at my little joke, before letting me continue,

"You have so many fans around the world now, and you have so much support. No way is it ever going to be a joke. And thirdly, your future is music. Your such a good singer, and Union J are amazing. Your going to get a record-deal. Whatever happens. And make it big."

Before I had even stopped talking, I was crashed back onto the bed by George giving me a huge bear hug and then kissing my face, not missing a spot.

Normally, this would sound disguisting, but actually, I found it sweet.

"Thank you, thank you, you perfect human!" He stopped kissing me and sat up.

I grinned and sat up so I was sitting inbetween his legs.

"If anyone is perfect, Its you" I smirked, "and anytime, Its just the truth."

He shook his head and looked around the room.

"What time is it?"

I looked at my wrist, where my watch was placed.

Why do I have my watch on when I was sleeping? I must have forgotten to take it off.

"Its six am" I sighed, looking back up at my boyfriend.

"We might as well get up, I can't sleep for longer" He frowned.

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