Chapter 16 Descisions and he's Perfect

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Chapter 16 - Descisions and he's Perfect

Charley's P.O.V

I woke up, on the floor. Yep. On the floor. The sunlight shone through the window, as I groaned, and sat up, putting a hand on my painful back for support. 

I do not remember falling asleep on the floor, so what was I doing here? 

Images of my nightmare started flashing in my mind. Ah. Thats why.

I frowned, and stood up, streaching my legs to get rid of the stiffness.

I dressed casual, in jeans, a stripey top, (Tomlinson style..) and vans.

I walked over to the mirror that was on the wall, across from my bed, and gasped at how hideous I looked.

My bed head was even worst than normal, with pieces of my hair sticking everywhere. It looked like a mad scientist, who's experiment had gone very wrong.

Big black bags of mascara was messily spread halfway from my eyes, and my chin, making me look like a panda. Actually no, a panda's too cute. I look... eugh.

I sighed, and ran a hand through my tangles of hair, then ran through to the bathroom, to fix this dead, just woken up look, and replace it with a natural, awake look.

When I was done applying a small amount of make-up, and brushing my hair, I walked by Sofia's room, where I could hear Na Na Na blasting loudly through the speakers.

I smiled, then oppened the door, revealing a mad girl I called my bestfriend, dancing around crazily in her PJ's, and singing into a hair brush, along with the music. I couldn't keep it in anymore, so I burst out laughing, making her turn around, and her face turning bright red.

"No. Don't. Stop. Keep. Going." I managed to say through tears of laughter.

She giggled and kept singing as Up All Night came on. I grinned, and as I didn't want to be a party pooper, and I was a huge directioner and I knew all the words, I decieded to join in.

I grabbed a hair brush from the desk, and began singing and dancing at the top of my lungs.

After we did five tracks, Sofia's sister, Caela, ran through the door, looking like she had just woken up, very tired, and looking very, very annoyed. Well it was only... ten...

"What the hell do you think your doing?" She asked, looking me up and down then scowling.

I felt abit taken back. She was normally really nice to me. But then I guessed why.

It was very early in the morning (for her anyway) and she hated One Direction and fangirling.

How she lives? I have actually got no idea. She likes punk-rock sort of music. Like Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides. I tried listening to their music once, but I put it off after 3 seconds! Not really my kind of music. But the weirdest thing about Sofia's sister, is she's in love with Ed Sheeran and his songs and he's the complete opposite of punk-rock! Weird, I know.

"Dancing to the sexiest men in the world... ain't it obvious?" Sofia smirked, sticking her tongue out at her sister. Caela just rolled her eyes. It was always like this when I was here.

They always fought over who was the best band, and who was hotter...

"As if!" Caela snorted. Even I admit that was way too far. I mean, have you seen them?!

"Your so dead." Sofia hissed, clenching her hands into fists and looking ready to pounce.

"Er, Soph, not a good idea." I whispered, pointing towords the door way, where her mum stood, hands on hips, and completely awake.

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