Chapter 23 Safe.. for Now

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Chapter 23 - Safe.. for Now

Still George's POV

"Oppa Gangnam Style!" I groaned flipped over to my left, towords my phone.

Slowly sitting up, I grabbed my ringing Iphone, and switched it on. The bright light hurt my eyes. It was six in the morning. Who would be calling at this time?

"Hello?" I croaked. My morning voice was the worst, and it hurt my throat.

"Hi. Is this Mr Shelley?" The voice was a woman, and she sounded very serious. When did serious woman call me? And how did they get my number? She sounded old..

"Yeah, speaking. Who's calling?"

"Im Garry Haggie. I work at the hospital." Wait, wait, wait.. the voice.. was a man?! I bit my lip to stop bursting out laughing. But then... I stopped the funny thought, and turned serious.

The hospial.. Char was in hospital..

"Are you, Charlotte's boyfriend?" He (yes he is a he..) asked.

"Y-Yes" My voice cracked at the sound of her name.

"Well, we have some news for you." The man confirmed.

"Good or..bad?" I gulped, tears escaping my eyes. I let them flow.


I took a deep breath, and waited for him to continue. This reminded me of when I was in hospital. Wow what a mess we where, Char and I. Managing to go to hospital twice the same day!

"The bad news is.."

Oh, yeah. Begin with the bad news then.

"Shes good to go home."

Wait... WHAT?!

"S-sorry.. did you just say.." He cut me off.

"Yes! She's good to go home! I got you there didn't I!" The man laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. I didn't exactly think that.

"That was a sick, sick joke! Do you not know what it feels like for someone you love to be in hospital? With a chance you'll never see them again?"

I couldn't be too angry though, CHAR WAS COMING HOME! She was so staying at mine.

"Er, no. Im sorry sir." The man frowned.

"Its fine. So whats the good news?" I asked excitedly.

"The good news is, the only damage the reaction left, was a bad cold, a sore throat, a sore head.. she might feel ill for a week or more. She will have to stay off work, until it has all cleared up. No physicial activity, and no nuts. Ever again. She's lucky she survived that reaction. It was bad."

I gulped and nodded.

"Also, you will have to look after her, since you are the only close person we could catch hold of. Her bestfriend Sofia, where she lives at the moment, told us that she was to move to her own house in a week. But instead, we prosponed that, and so, if Its ok with you, she's going to stay with you."

Char was meant to move in by herself? Why hadn't she told me?

"S-sure! Thats fine with me!" I chuckled. I've been known to be a bit of a father figure.

"Great! Well you can come to collect her now if you like! She's excited to see you!"

I smiled. "Ok. Im on my way! Thank you."

I hang up, and ran straight to my bedroom to grab jacket. I didn't need anymore. I hurried down the stairs, in too much of a hurry for the lift, and to my car.

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