Chapter 6 One Again

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Chapter 6 - Once Again

"Er, hi! What can I get you?" Mairead elbowed me in the ribs as she spoke, making my face scrunch up in pain, and leave the eyes I had been staring at for the last minute. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't look away. They looked so inviting and happy, as if he had discovered something new.

It was only when she elbowed me I had to look away. The other boys stood either looking at me and George, or at Mairead. They must have felt very awkward standing there waiting for something to happen and not just two teenagers staring at each other.

"Oh, er" George's face went bright red, recieving a few smirks from his band mates. I had to duck down and pretend to be getting a cup to stop them seeing the blush that had appeared on my flushed face. It was like we had been in a trance, forgetting everyone around us.

"Could I get some Coffee please?" I heard George ask. I stood up with a mug, and smiled at him. I didn't look him straight in the eye though, incase the same thing happened again.

"Sure" I said, walking over to the coffee machine while Mairead took the other boys orders. I ignored the feeling of being watched as I filled the mug. I could feel George's eyes looking straight through me. It felt... comfterable. Not like I was being stalked, no. It felt like I was being protected.

"Come on George, lets get a table" a voice I recognized as Jaymi's said. I heard footsteps and when I thought it was safe to turn around, those beautiful eyes where looking at me again, a smile playing on his soft lips.

I finaly managed to speak. "You can go to a table if you like?" I heald the mug out to him, and he took it gracefully, sending shivers through my arm as his hand brushed mine. I felt my cheeks heating up again as I looked down at my feet, smiling to myself.

"Nah, I'm alright" His voice was soft and friendly, like an angels. "You sure? Looks like they've saved you a seat" I pointed at where the rest of the band where sitting, looking right at us.

He chuckled, his laugh like chimes, beautiful. Damn him and his perfectness! I thought angrily to myself. "I was actually, wondering if you could join me?" He asked, a cheeky but nervous smile appearing on his lips.

I bit my lip and looked at Mairead. She was currently serving a couple of teenagers, and looking happy enough. She could do without me for a couple of minutes.. surely she could, mum was always saying how hard-working she was.

George winced as I looked back at him. "What?" I asked.

"Don't do that" he mumbled. I put a confused look on again. What was he on about?

"Don't do what?" I asked. He frowned and said, "Don't bite your lip..."

"What this?" I asked, smirking and biting my lip again teasingly.

"Yes!" He groaned, walking of to a table with two chairs. I followed him as he put down his mug, then sat down, beckoning me to sit with him. I looked at Mairead again. She was now looking at me, a look of confusion on her face. I just shrugged and turned to George, before sitting down in the chair. He beamed and moved in closer. I copied.

"So, mysterious girl, whats your name?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. I cringed when I realised I hadn't brought a drink, making it even more awkward.

"Charlotte, but everyone calls me Char or Charley" I blushed, taking out my phone and texting Mairead. "Mai, get me a coffee and buiscuit now! Urgent, I'll pay back later! C x"

"Beautiful" He breathed, just as Mairead appeared with my order of Coffee and a buiscuit. She gave me a wink as she set it down, before walking off again. It was now George's turn to be confused, as he looked at me sipping my drink.

"When did you order that?" He asked suspiciously, taking a sip of his own drink.

I winked and continued to drink, even though the liquid was burning my tongue, that was begging to stop. "I have my ways" I grinned, giving my tongue a chance to cool down.

"Im George by the way" he spoke with a hint of humour in his voice, "I believe you saw my first audition!" I smiled as I thought back to the best day of my life. The day I saw George.

"Yes, and it was amazing." I said truthfully before I could stop myself.

George froze as he was about to drink, and put down the mug on the table. "Really?" He asked. I nodded. "I thought it was just me you found amazing!" He winked, making me cough on my buiscuit. How attractive.

"You wish!" I laughed, still coughing. But it was a lie. I found both his audition and him amazing.

His face dropped and his lips turned into a pout. I was tempted to kiss the pout and make him smile, I wanted the dimples to reappear, I missed them already.

He fake sobbed. Even though he was just faking, it broke my heart to see him like that. "Aw Georgey!" I sighed, puting on my best baby voice. "Im sorry" I cooed, stroking his hair and trying my best to ignore how soft and beautiful it was, and how it made sparks in my hand, a feeling I had never experianced before. I think he felt it too, because I shot my hand away, my face heating up, and he held his head high, giving me a small smile, he defiantly felt it too.

"Char?" I turned around, and saw the person I least needed, and wanted to see right now, standing in front of me, a look of dissapointment and anger in his eyes.

"Mark?" I whispered, blinking twice to make the tears dissapear. I looked at George, who was looking at Mark, with a look on his face that was hard to read.

"Char, whos that?" Mark snapped, pointing and glaring at George. The way he spoke about him, was like he wasn't human. Like he wasn't worth it. It annoyed me. Why did Mark have to come and ruin everything? He was a perfect boyfriend. (Notice the sarcasmn).

"This, this is George. He's my.. friend." I gulped, giving George an apologetic look. He just shrugged and gave me a supportive smile to show it was fine. But I could see something was still bothering him. What it was? I just couldn't make it out.

"Your friend. Right." Mark mumbled, rolling his eyes.

That was my cue. "Er, and George, this is Mark. My... my boyfriend."

George's face fell once again, and that unreadable look returned to his charming face. "Oh.. well I'll leave you to it.. I'll see you later Charley" he gave me a weak smile, before standing up. I watched him as he walked out the shop. Tears welling up in my eyes.

Once again, he had left. But this time, it had been my fault. He didn't leave a number, or.. anything.

I just hoped he meant it, that I would see him again. Or I don't know what I'd do.

A/N hope you liked it! :D reunited woop!

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- Mairead xx

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