Chapter 2 Don't Even Ask

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Chapter 2 - Don't Even Ask

"From :

To :

Subject : Competition Winners

Dear Charlotte, first of all, congratulations on winning the competition! As you know,

you are aloud to pick only one location to watch the first auditions, and you have picked

London. There are four tickets so  you can bring three others with you. Since

you are over 16, adults/guardians don't have to be there. The times are from 1pm

to 3pm, we will see you there!

Love, The X-Factor Crew"

I read the email over, and over again, to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I was really going.

I saved it into my "keep safe" folder, then slipped my phone back into my front left pocket.

I was still over at Anna's, and it was now seven pm.

"Has Andrea replied yet?" She asked, while flipping through her "Bliss" magazine.

I sighed and got my phone out again.

The red light was flashing, telling me I had one unread message.

"Now she has!" I chuckled, oppening the text.

"From : Andrea



A x"

I smiled and put the phone back in my pocket for the second time.

"She happy then?" Anna asked, raising her eyebrows.

"What do you think?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Mmh, thought so." She replied, looking back at the open page of her magazine.

Seconds passed, and everything was quiet. Until we heard a shout from downstairs.

"Girls! Dinner's ready!"

Both me and Anna looked at each other. There was nothing we liked better than...

"Food!" We both sqealed, jumping off the bed, and running as fast as our legs could take us, downstairs towords the kitchen.

"Think thats your best time!" Her mum joked, putting out pizza on two plates.

Anna and I laughed and took a plate each. I like food, and pizza is defiantly my favourite.

We then walked into the living room, where Anna's older brother Ryan, was watching TV.

I can admit that Ryan, is extremely attractive. Tall, tanned, silky black hair, one ears pierced...

You can imagine him cant you?

I used to have a crush on him until a year ago, when I realised he was way out of my league.

He was watching Chart Show TV, well he was meant to be, he was actually sitting, texting people on his brand new Iphone 5 that he got only two days ago.

Anna and I sat down on the white sofa, putting our plates on our knees.

She then grabbed the remote from beside Ryan, and turned up the volume.

Live While We're Young by One Direction came blasting out the speakers.

I screamed and nearly dropped my slice of pizza.

If there's one thing I can't control, its defiantly my fangirling over One Direction.

I'm mad about them. I went to their concert last year with Mairead, and it was the best night of my life.

One things certain, Niall Horan, is extremely attractive. Well, they all are obviously, but Niall is defiantly my favourite. What made that concert even better was that Niall waved at me, and Louis Tomlinson - Mairead's favourite - waved at her.

I litterly died.

"Yeah, girl we're doing what we do just pretending that we're cool, so tonight, lets go!" I sang along with Niall, at the top of my voice, not caring that Ryan was watching me.

I didn't care about Anna seeing me fangirl, she'd seen me much worst, but Ryan...

"And live while we're young..." Zayn sang, as he fell to the ground with everyone laughing behind him. Best music video ever.

I took a deep breath and sat back down again. I was tired out from dancing and singing.

"Well that was..." Ryan began, talking very slowly, he looked stunned, like he had no idea what he had just seen.

"Don't. Even. Ask" I puffed between breaths.

He just nodded and looked back at his phone. That boys a mystery.

After me and Anna both finished our pizza, we walked back into the kitchen, and dumped our plates.

"I better go now." I sighed, looking at the time on my phone. It was 8pm, my parents would be wondering where I was.

"Really? But Its Friday?" Anna frowned.

I smiled. "Yes and the X-Factor auditions are on tomorrow!"

Anna's eyes brightened and a big grin appeared on her face.

"See you tomorrow then!" She giggled, hugging me.

"See you tomorrow!" I smiled.

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