Chapter 19 The Mystery is Solved

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A/N before I start writing this chapter guys, I would just like to say.. THANK YOU SO MUCH YOUR ALL AMAZING I LOVE YOU ALL! Because, its true. Your all so beautifull fshdfdjsf. Your comments seriously made my day! I was having quiet a bad day yesturday.. so when I saw you guys liked my writing it really made me so happy:'). So, thank you and I hope you like this chapter. Your questions about Unknown will be answered.. so enjoy reading ;) oh and the twitter names in this chapter are made up/random! Please vote and comment as well, I love you all, stay stunning! Mairead xx (twitter - @Shelleys_Girl and kik - mairead.xx) PS. for a dedication in the next chapter, the first one to tell me their favourite chapter in the story so far! This chapter is dedicated to Laura, because shes my biggest fan and has supported my writing since my very first fanfic! Love you Laura! Also, shoutout to my girls Sofia and Erin! ;) love you's!

Chapter 19 - The Mystery is Solved

"Lauren, what are you doing here." I hissed at the girl who had turned her back to me. She turned around, and her blood shot eyes looked right into mine, burning through my skin.

"Im here.. to help you." She said as she looked at George, a look of interest in her eyes.

"With what?" I asked. The girl who had dreaded me and bullied me all these years, had the courage to sneak into the X Factor contestants dressing-rooms and tell me she wanted to help me?

Why would I believe that? The only time she would want help would be to kill me!

"Look. I know who's been texting you. If you give me a chance, I can tell you!" She yelled.

I took a couple of steps back, completely shocked. First of all, how did she know about the texts?

George was looking at me with hurt written all over his sad face. "What texts?" He asked.

"From.. Unknown?" I gulped, directing the question to Lauren.

She nodded, and bit her lip. For once in her life, Lauren Sim, looked guilty and upset.

"Was it you?" I asked calmly. When she didn't answer, I got more furious.

"Was it you?" I repeated, raising my voice. George still hadn't spoken.

"No! It wasn't me!" She yelled, before closing her eyes and taking calm breaths.

"Wh-what?" I stammered. I had expected it to be Lauren. Who else would it be?

"It was..." She frowned, and hesitated a bit, before finishing. "It was Caela."

I gasped. "Caela? As in your bestfriend? Sweet Caela?"

Should I believe Lauren? Why would it have been Caela? She had nothing against me and I had nothing against her! I always thought we where friends... could it all have been a cruel joke?

"Y-yes. Not so sweet Caela." She rolled her eyes, ignoring eye-contact with me.

"Why?" I croaked, trying not to just burst into tears. I was stronger than that.

"Girls.. can we - can we maybe talk about this in the dressing-room?" George spoke up. I looked at him, then around us. We where standing in the middle of the corridor, with people surrounding us.

"Yeah." I sighed, then took George's hand again, and let him lead us to his room.

We walked in with Lauren following us, then she closed the door. The room was messy, with half eaten pizza boxes and old socks thrown about the place. A can of coke lay empty on the couch, so I moved it, twitching my nose, then sat down. George sat beside me, and Lauren sat opposite.

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