Chapter 18 Mine

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Chapter 18 - Mine

"Elena!" I ran at full speed to the girl, and jumped up, giving her the biggest hug, ever. I felt her body vibrate as she laughed and hugged me back. Elena had backstage tickets as well, as being the sweetest boy ever, George had agreed to let her come with me.

She was like a big sister to me, and I hadn't talked to her in weeks now that she was in college, and always busy with her boyfriend Jayden from The Collective (Band).

"How have you been?" She asked, as we linked arms, and joined the long queue for tickets.

"Ive been.. great!" I said truthfully. She smirked, and I immediantly knew what she was going to ask..

"Has a certain someone made your life great?" She asked, wiggling her eyesbrows at me.

I blushed furiously, and tried to hide my red face behind my hands. But it was hopeless. Elena had caught me, and was now laughing like a mad hater.

"Shut up." I mumbled, crosing my hands of my chest, and pouting slightly.

"I-Im sorry Char! Its just - Its just so cute when you blush! Wittle Charley Warley's got an admiwer." She coo'd in a baby voice, while pinching my tommato red cheeks.

"Elena!" I groaned. "People are starting to look!"

It was true. The crowd around us started looking at us weirdly, and even started to back away a bit, meaning we could skip the line.

"What? She's in love! People have some respect!" Elena stuck her tongue out at someone who showed us the finger, and I burst out into fits of giggles. You have got to love her!

"Excuse me? Your tickets please?" We had been so caught up laughing, that we didn't realise we had made it to the front. I recognized the woman. She was the same one from the first auditions.

I put a hand in my handbag, and pulled out the two tickets, then handed them to her.

She raised her eyebrows when she read them. "V.I.P huh?"

"Yep!" I said proudly, popping the "p".

"Enjoy the show." She mumbled, letting us past the gate.

"Oh we will!" Elena shouted back to the lady, before linking our arms again, and making me skip with her to the entrance. I swear this girl never gets old!

We walked, in, and I checked the spare tickets she had given us. Row B.. Seats 16 and 17.. that was just behind the judges panel. We walked down, and went into the seats.

Luckily for us, we where tall enough, so we could hopefully see over the judges heads.

Elena dug into her bag, and pulled out a big bag of sweet popcorn, then started eating it.

"What?" She asked through a mouthfull of popcorn, as I looked at her with my eyebrows raised.

"Nothing" I chuckled, setting my bag on the floor, and making myself comfterable in the seat.

Minutes past, and the place began piling with people. Soon, almost all the seats where taken, and the lights dimmed, telling us the show was about to start.

"And we're on in five, four, three, two..!" The camera-man signaled a "go" sign, and Dermont came running onto the stage.

"Hello and welcome to The X Factor week nine! Im your host Dermont O'Leary. Please welcome, the X Factor judges!"

Me and Elena stood up, and joined the crowd in cheering. While the judges took their places, right infront of us, Dermont did his usual introductions, and reminders of the voting.

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