Chapter 30 : The Coup (Ball of Confusion)

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Monday 15th July 1974

The Beresford household rose early. The trip up the mountains to spend at a day out of the blazing July sun by the pool at the Forest Park Hotel in Platres long planned and much anticipated.

Summer school term had now finished, everyone looking forward to the long summer break. Even Alex, after two weeks of moping around the house since the Families Club disco, had brightened up. All he'd been able to think about was the image of Tristan leaning in close - about to kiss to Kate he was sure - as he'd half fallen, half leapt from the wall. He had no doubt Kate was now going out with Tristan again. He still couldn't get that picture out of his head, but eventually had become as fed up with his 'woe is me' attitude as the rest of the family.

Simon was due to leave Cyprus soon to start work back in England. That day was one his mum, Francesca, had been dreading for a long while, but wanted to ensure he spent the last couple of weeks with the family, enjoying his time left on the island with minimal drama and no more conflict.

Bags full of towels, swimming costumes, hats, bats, balls and various snacks and drinks for the journey were transported into the back of their long white Peugeot 404 estate. The three rows of seats provided plenty of room for the whole family, plus friends when required, though, unusually for the Berresford's, this was a family only trip.

"Hurry up, let's get going. We need to stop on the way, so I can get some petrol and have the car washed at the same time. I want to make sure we can get up to Platres and back without stopping and the car is filthy from all that red sand blowing up from the south."

Don's plan for a mini diversion was met with a combination of 'Ooh Daaad's', dramatically slumped shoulders and silent glares, but he ignored them as they all bundled into the car. He turned and smiled at everyone as he pulled away from the kerb. "Don't worry it'll only take five minutes kids. We'll be on our way in no time".

The petrol station and car wash was half a mile south of the by-pass, straight across the Polimedhia traffic lights on the way into the centre of old Limassol. They pulled in and Don got out. He smiled and, as he often enjoyed doing, decided to practice a little Greek, even though he risked more mocking from the kids. They all knew some basics (in Simon and Alex's case mainly swear words) and whilst Don was no linguist, he was always willing to try and knew he was on friendly ground.

"Yiasas Michalis, theka lira parakalo" Don requested, being met with a big smile as he was greeted in return, as Michalis inserted the hose into the car and started refuelling.

"Yiasas Donald, theka lira endaksi. Ti kanis?

"Kala, poli kalla moo filos, es si?

"Kala, my friend, bravo! I am happy we are both very well!" Michalis beamed at Don's attempts, appreciating the effort and clapping him gently on the back.

Don smiled, happy with his simple use of the language, reverting mainly to English for the more complicated bit. "Efharisto ..... umm, could you give the car a quick wash as well?" matching his words with wind screen wiper type motions with his arm.

Michalis smiled and nodded once as he gestured sharply to two of his young lads. The simple glance had them up on their feet immediately and they were quickly all over the car, one washing the sides, bonnet and windows with his bucket of soapy water, whilst the other used a power hose to clean the wheels and mucky underside.

They all instinctively looked up as a loud blast filled the air, the sound somewhere between a small explosion and a large lorry back firing nearby. The first jarring sound was quickly followed by a second similar report.

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