Chapter 22 : The Summit (Ain't No Mountain High Enough)

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Horseshoe Hike Day 4: Maps, Whistles and Balls

Dan strode confidently leading them up a long, steep incline, calf muscles straining as they moved back deep into the shadows of the forest. The strain of each step transmitted itself through the soles of their boots into their toes and balls of feet before moving into straining ankles and lower leg muscles. The immediate pressure applied through the calf muscles, spread on through their bodies; knees, thighs, hips, back and shoulders all sharing the strain. They trudged on, heads down focused on the next few steps for another twenty minutes before registering the shallow patches of ice and snow were becoming more frequent, not just in the recessed crags, now across larger areas of the mountain side.

They passed a large snow drift at the edge of the path and ten seconds later Alex yelped as a freezing cold lump of snow hit him on the back of his head and ice cold water dribbled down inside the neck of his shirt. As he cried out everyone turned and Alex saw Kenny, who had been bringing up the rear, grinning ready with two more snowballs. He hurled both in quick succession, the first missing G as he ducked the other hitting Will on the chest.

Dan was already forming his first snowball as Kenny completed his last throw and Dan lobbed his at Kenny catching him on the shoulder. Alex had recovered. Cussing he threw a snowball at Kenny but hit G instead. Within seconds everyone was yelping, running for cover in all directions and throwing at anyone still in the open, shouting and laughing as they did. Will found a separate snow drift for use both as supply point and cover. They naturally spread out, tramping across the hillside and behind trees and sparse bushes to find a better vantage spot. Hands quickly became very cold, through soggy woollen gloves. After a couple of minutes, having thrown a dozen or so snowballs each and claimed at least a couple of hits the pace slowed and G called for a truce. One last snowball sailed harmlessly through the air over Kenny's head as they all trudged back towards Will and G who now sat centrally amongst a pile of large rocks.

Kenny was last to join them, cautiously sitting out of everyone's reach. Alex slagged him off, as he simultaneously tried to dry the back of his neck and straggly long hair which was now stuck to the back of his head.

Dropping rucksacks they shook off the remnants of the snow fight from heads, shoulders and trousers, all the while stamping feet on the cold ground to clear the snow and ice built up there. After a short break G looked up and around, scanning the area around them for a long moment, before speaking quietly. His serious tone caught everyone's attention.

"Guys, the mist seems much thicker than before. I can only see about 20 yards in any direction."

Heads swivelled and his assessment was rapidly confirmed.

Kenny was first to speak "Jesus, your right. I can only see about 20 yards back the way we came. It really is thick now."

"What do you mean, 'back the way we came' Kenny? Which way did we come from then?"

Kenny frowned back at G but quickly looked around, his head swivelling to and fro. "Well.... we came......round that......." Kenny stalled and they all felt an extra chill in the air.

G looked Kenny in the eye deliberately for a second or two more before turning. Quietly he addressed Dan. "You were leading before the snowball fight Dan. Where are we? Show me on the map".

It was a sensible question, but Alex looked at Dan and knew immediately he had just been following the path with his head down. Or what he thought was the path. He had seen Dan pack his map away into his rucksack some way back.

Dan's mouth opened slowly, but then closed again as he too looked around in all directions to try and find some bearing or trace of the path. They continued to look to him and he shook his head.

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