Chapter 29 : Roofs, Walls & Ditches (Oh Girl)

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Dan followed, shouting at Alex to slow down as they approached the turn into Anne's Close on the right. Alex stooped to pick up a handful of tiny stones and gravel as he continued to jog along in the shadows before turning into the cul-de-sac. The close had an easy escape route for the boys at the bottom onto a large area of grass and trees between Queens Street and Kings Road leading back towards Duke Street.

Catching up, Dan decided he'd join in and gathered his own ammunition from the gravel at the side of the pavement. Moving stealthily now toward the end of the close, Alex indicated a row of three bungalows at the end of the cul-de-sac where only a few lights could be seen. Dan nodding silently in reply.

Roof rattling was a regular teen prank, particularly in Akrotiri. Being the largest base, it had enough room to run and hide, giving a good chance to avoid getting caught. At the same time knowing if you did, the worst case was probably a stern lecture from the MP's in front of embarrassed parents with anything from a 'good telling off' to a sharp slap on the legs from parents and grounding to follow.

True, if such 'pranks' continued for long or escalated, schools and other MoD agencies got involved. In extreme cases, Dads might be hauled up in front of their boss, be it Squadron Leader, Wing Commander or Head Master come to that. They'd be directed in no uncertain terms to ensure they got their kids back on track or risk early termination of their tour in Cyprus. Indeed the nasty scrap between the BG and Akrotiri boys on the top of Troodos would normally have prompted serious dressing downs, if the sons' of several senior RAF officers had not been directly involved.

None of which was in the minds of Alex and Dan as they drew back their arms in synch and let fly the first barrage of little stones onto the top of the long steeply pitched corrugated roof of the first dwelling. Landing like a storm of hail stones on a greenhouse roof the quiet of the little cul-de-sac was shattered, immediately followed by a quieter but growing and continuous rattle as the stones gathered momentum rolling down the pitched roof before ending their brief and unforeseen journey in the storm guttering or flowing over on to the ground below. As more lights appeared in the windows they rushed on, collecting more ammo before repeating the synchronised throw on the second house. The first shouts from house number one were partially drowned, initially by the landing of the second barrage and subsequently by the second long growing rumble and clatter of stones rolling down the crenelated roof tiles.

Alex and Dan giggled stupidly and kept running, stooped low along the pavement in the shadows of the trees, as more lights came on in their wake and at least one irate and shouting male emerged from house number one.

Alex and Dan whooped as they loped past the last bungalow, throwing all remaining stones before racing towards the low fence separating the close from the waste land at the back. They leapt over without stopping and continued their escape into the dark, pushing through low bushes until they were well away from the angry voices growing in number back on Anne's Close.

They kept moving away, across more waste land before settling down to rest in the cover of a group of battered, sparse, brown bushes. The night was now pitch dark, the half-moon providing limited light, so they settled down in their ideal little hiding spot. Initially they could hear sporadic shouts and voices in the distance, but they soon died away, so they felt safe to move on. Since leaving the stadium they had moved roughly in a large semi-circle now moving back close to the Families Club they had run from over half an hour ago.

"Come on 'X' let's go, I know it's only half eight but we may as well catch an early bus home. There's nothing else to do tonight".

Alex started to protest, but having nothing really to say or any alternative plan, nodded sulkily. They moved off slowly in the general direction of the Pen Club and Families Club once more, both being on the most direct route towards the bus stop and road out of camp.

Below the Radar - Cyprus Summer of '74حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن