Chapter 6 : Banter (Daydream Believer)

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So there they were; Simon, Alex, Ryan, Will, Rick, Nige, Dan and Ned.

As to the rest of Simon and Alex's mates, Ryan was Simon's best mate and loyal shadow, taller and fairly broad with a shock of red hair and freckles. He was never far from Simon come rain or shine.

Will was rugged, sensible, intelligent and good in a crisis, being slightly older and smarter than most, with shoulder length frizzy hair.

Rick had bright blue eyes and blonde hair, was a bit of a comic and totally chilled out. He was reasonably new to the gang and got on with nearly everyone, never swimming against the current.

Dan who had a mop of unruly brown hair, was slightly taller than Alex and the two were best mates. Both were good footballers, though a couple of years younger than the rest.

For the first big night of the year, they were decked out in their favourite gear; Levi or Wrangler jeans, Fred Perry polo shirts or Ben Sherman checked shirts. Alex was wearing his Levi's plus his favourite deep purple Brutus shirt and brown loafers with white socks, others wearing brogues or boots. Simon of course wore his faded and battered Levi's and beloved cherry red Doc Martens, polished to a perfect sheen. Ned seemed immune to any sense of oddness or even awareness of standing out from the crowd in his lack of any attempt at style. His old grey school trousers, trainers and simple blue shirt were fine for him.

Spirits high they took the eight pints of Keo 'tops' George had just poured, found their favourite spot and slid into the low backed sticky black plastic sofas. Nige was a tall lad and had trouble shoving his clunking plastic bag under the low table as he finally settled in.

"Hey Nige, what's that, you pinch some of your Mum's ornaments or what? "

"Piss off Ryan, it's a six-pack of Tennants I nicked from my Dad. He'll never notice. I'm well set-up", Nige was clearly pleased with himself.

"What do you mean 'I'm well set-up...' Nige? When we're out together, we share everything", chipped in Simon.

Nige didn't appear too happy with that, but kept quiet and nobody paid him much notice.

Rick decided to get ahead of the ribbing he knew he was going to take from his mates and dived in.

"Look, I don't care what you lot say, if Tess is there tonight I'm definitely going to try and get off with her. Tonight is the night", but was still met with immediate and clearly anticipated whooping laughter and jeers from everyone.

Dan grabbed Rick round the neck and gave him a tasty knuckle rub on the top of his head.

Will pitched in. "How many times have we heard that eh Rick? It's about bloody time - we've had enough of that 'it wasn't quite the right moment' shite. Get some balls and go for it. You know she fancies you too, well ..... now that it's clear Simon's not interested."

Simon smiled: "Hey leave me out of it. Rick, it's nothing to do with me. But what's holding you back? Use that blue eyed, curly blond charm and get stuck in mate. Anyway, I'm meeting Diane later. She's staying over at her mate's house on base."

In the background Ray Davies and the Kinks were singing about that mixed up muddled up world in which Lola lived, but Ryan changed the focus. "Hey Alex what about you? Are you finally going to hitch up with Kate or let that wanker, Tristan what's his fuckin' double barrelled name, get in your way again?"

Alex puffed out his cheeks "Yep, I'm going for it, if I get the chance. Who knows how that'll work out? All the girls love the boarders and Kate's impressed by his cool clothes and posh accent, but I don't even know if he's out here yet. She just thinks of me as being cute - shit I hate being called that. What can I do to get her attention tonight?"

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